AB50,995,108(j) School meal means a lunch made available under the federal school
9lunch program, a meal supplement made available under the federal school lunch
10program, or a breakfast made available under the federal school breakfast program.
AB50,995,1411(2) Eligibility. An educational agency is eligible for payments under this
12section if the educational agency does not charge pupils for school meals for which
13the educational agency receives reimbursement under the federal school breakfast
14program or the federal school lunch program.
AB50,995,1715(3) Annual payment. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ck), in the
162026-27 school year and each school year thereafter, the state superintendent shall
17pay to each educational agency the sum of all of the following:
AB50,995,2118(a) The total number of lunches provided by the educational agency to eligible
19pupils under the federal school lunch program in the previous school year
20multiplied by the difference between the reduced-price-meal reimbursement
21amount for a lunch and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a lunch.
AB50,996,222(b) The total number of lunches provided by the educational agency to
23ineligible pupils under the federal school lunch program in the previous school year

1multiplied by the difference between the paid-meal reimbursement amount for a
2lunch and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a lunch.
AB50,996,63(c) The total number of breakfasts provided by the educational agency to
4eligible pupils under the federal school breakfast program in the previous school
5year multiplied by the difference between the reduced-price-meal reimbursement
6amount for a breakfast and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a breakfast.
AB50,996,107(d) The total number of breakfasts provided by the educational agency to
8ineligible pupils under the federal school breakfast program in the previous school
9year multiplied by the difference between the paid-meal reimbursement amount for
10a breakfast and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a breakfast.
AB50,996,1511(e) The total number of meal supplements provided by the educational agency
12to eligible pupils under the federal school lunch program in the previous school year
13multiplied by the difference between the reduced-price-meal reimbursement
14amount for a meal supplement and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a meal
AB50,996,2016(f) The total number of meal supplements provided by the educational agency
17to ineligible pupils under the federal school lunch program in the previous school
18year multiplied by the difference between the paid-meal reimbursement amount for
19a meal supplement and the free-meal reimbursement amount for a meal
AB50,190821Section 1908. 115.35 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 115.35 (1) (a) (intro.)
22and amended to read:
AB50,997,923115.35 (1) (a) (intro.) A critical health problems education program is

1established in the department. The program shall be a systematic and integrated
2program designed to provide appropriate learning experiences based on scientific
3knowledge of the human organism as it functions within its environment and
4designed to favorably influence the health, understanding, attitudes and practices
5of the individual child which will enable him or her to adapt to changing health
6problems of our society. The program shall be designed to educate youth with
7regard to critical health problems and shall include, but not be limited to, the
8following topics as the basis for comprehensive education curricula in all
9elementary and secondary schools: controlled
AB50,997,11101. Controlled substances, as defined in s. 961.01 (4); controlled substance
11analogs, as defined in s. 961.01 (4m); alcohol; and tobacco; mental.
AB50,997,12122. Mental health; sexually.
AB50,997,14133. Sexually transmitted diseases, including acquired immunodeficiency
14syndrome; human.
AB50,997,15154. Human growth and development; and.
AB50,997,16165. Other related health and safety topics as determined by the department.
AB50,997,1917(b) Participation in the human growth and development topic of the curricula
18described in par. (a) shall be entirely voluntary. The department may not require a
19school board to use a specific human growth and development curriculum.
AB50,190920Section 1909. 115.351 of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,997,2121115.351 Aid for period products. (1) In this section:
AB50,997,2322(a) Economically disadvantaged pupil has the meaning given in s. 115.43
1(b) Eligible local educational agency means a school district or charter
2school authorized under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) for which the percentage of
3economically disadvantaged pupils who were enrolled in the school district or
4attended the charter school in the previous school year is greater than the
5percentage of economically disadvantaged pupils who were enrolled in school
6districts and attended charter schools statewide in the previous school year.
AB50,998,107(2) Subject to sub. (3), the department shall distribute aid for the provision of
8period products in accordance with s. 118.40 (2r) (b) 2. m. or (2x) (b) 2. m. or 121.02
9(1) (im) to each eligible local educational agency in an amount equal to the greater
10of the following:
AB50,998,1111(a) One hundred dollars.
AB50,998,1212(b) An amount determined as follows:
AB50,998,16131. Divide the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year under s. 20.255
14(2) (dv) by the total number of economically disadvantaged pupils who were enrolled
15in or attended eligible local educational agencies statewide in the previous school
AB50,998,19172. Multiply the number of economically disadvantaged pupils who were
18enrolled in or attended the eligible local educational agency in the previous school
19year by the quotient determined under subd. 1.
AB50,998,2220(3) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (dv) in the current fiscal year is
21insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under sub. (2), aid payments shall be
22prorated among the eligible local educational agencies.
AB50,191023Section 1910. 115.3615 of the statutes is renumbered 49.39 and amended to
149.39 Head start supplement. From the appropriation under s. 20.255
220.437 (2) (eh), the state superintendent secretary shall distribute funds to
3agencies determined by the state superintendent secretary to be eligible for
4designation as head start agencies under 42 USC 9836 to provide comprehensive
5health, educational, nutritional, social, and other services to economically
6disadvantaged children and their families. The state superintendent secretary
7shall distribute the funds in a manner consistent with 42 USC 9831 to 9852 except
8that there is no matching fund requirement. The state superintendent secretary
9shall give preference in funding under this section to agencies that are receiving
10federal funds under 42 USC 9831 to 9852 and to agencies that operate full-time or
11early head start programs. Funds distributed under this section may be used to
12match available federal funds under 42 USC 9831 to 9852 only if the funds are used
13to secure additional federal funds for the purposes under this section.