SB45,991,1817(f) Other activities that promote preparedness for using cardiac emergency
18response plans in a school or athletic facility.
SB45,991,1919(g) Carbon monoxide detectors.
SB45,991,2020(h) Opioid antagonists.
SB45,189921Section 1899. 115.28 (69) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,992,222115.28 (69) Mentor Greater Milwaukee. From the appropriation under s.

120.255 (3) (fw), award grants to Mentor Greater Milwaukee, Inc., to expand access
2to quality youth mentoring in Milwaukee County.
SB45,19003Section 1900. 115.28 (70) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,992,84115.28 (70) Graduation Alliance. Annually distribute the amounts
5appropriated under s. 20.255 (3) (fv) to Graduation Alliance, Inc., a Utah
6corporation, to support pupils and their families through a coaching program
7designed to improve school engagement and academic performance known as
8Engage Wisconsin.
SB45,19019Section 1901. 115.28 (71) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,992,1310115.28 (71) The Literacy Lab. Annually distribute the amounts
11appropriated under s. 20.255 (3) (fs) to The Literacy Lab, a Virginia nonstock
12corporation, to provide an evidence-based literacy intervention program in public
13schools located in the cities of Milwaukee and Racine.
SB45,190214Section 1902. 115.28 (72) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,992,2015115.28 (72) Financial literacy curriculum grant program. Award
16grants to school boards and charter schools established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x)
17for the purpose of developing, implementing, or improving financial literacy
18curricula. In awarding grants under this subsection, the state superintendent shall
19prioritize grant applications related to innovative financial literacy curricula, as
20determined by the state superintendent.
SB45,190321Section 1903. 115.335 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,993,222115.335 Water bottle filling stations; grants. (1) Beginning in the 2026-
2327 school year, the department shall award grants to school districts and operators

1of charter schools established under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) to modify water fountains
2to include water bottle filling equipment that includes a water filtration component.
SB45,993,43(2) The department may promulgate rules to implement and administer this
SB45,19045Section 1904. 115.341 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,993,146115.341 (1) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm), the state
7superintendent shall reimburse each school board, each operator of a charter school
8under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), each operator of a residential care center for children
9and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the director of the program under s. 115.52,
10and the director of the center under s. 115.525 15 cents for each breakfast served at
11a school, as defined in 7 CFR 220.2, that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 220.8 and
12shall reimburse each governing body of a private school or tribal school 15 cents for
13each breakfast served at the private school or tribal school that meets the
14requirements of 7 CFR 220.8.
SB45,190515Section 1905. 115.341 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,993,2016115.341 (2) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm) in any fiscal year is
17insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under this section, the state
18superintendent shall prorate state aid payments among the school boards,
19operators, directors, and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools
20entitled to the aid under sub. (1).
SB45,190621Section 1906. 115.341 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,994,422115.341 (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the state superintendent may not
23reimburse the operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), the operator
24of a residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the

1director of the program under s. 115.52, the director of the center under s. 115.525,
2or the governing body of a private or tribal school for any breakfast served at a
3school, as defined in 7 CFR 220.2, during the prior school year if the school ceased
4operations during that prior school year.
SB45,19075Section 1907. 115.3415 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,994,66115.3415 Supplemental nutrition aid. (1) Definitions. In this section:
SB45,994,117(a) Educational agency means a school board, an operator of a charter
8school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), a private school, a tribal school, an operator of a
9residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g), the
10director of the program under s. 115.52, and the director of the center under s.
SB45,994,1312(b) Eligible pupil means a pupil who satisfies the income eligibility criteria
13for a reduced-price lunch under 42 USC 1758 (b) (1).
SB45,994,1514(c) Federal school breakfast program means the program under 42 USC
SB45,994,1716(d) Federal school lunch program means the program under 42 USC 1751 to
SB45,994,2018(e) Free-meal reimbursement amount means the reimbursement amount in
19the previous school year for a school meal provided to a pupil who satisfies the
20income eligibility for a free lunch under the federal school lunch program.
SB45,994,2221(f) Ineligible pupil means a pupil who does not satisfy the income eligibility
22criteria for a free or reduced-price lunch under 42 USC 1758 (b) (1).
1(g) Paid-meal reimbursement amount means the reimbursement amount in
2the previous school year for a school meal provided to an ineligible pupil.