Employment grants to municipalities for connecting homeless with permanent employment repealed [Sec. 57, 277; original bill only] - AB56
Employment grants to municipalities for connecting homeless with permanent employment repealed [Sec. 57, 277] - SB59
Flood mitigation program created in DOT re grants to political subdivisions for specified road repairs - SB900
Flood mitigation program created in DOT re grants to political subdivisions for specified road repairs - AB1019
Highway, not in the STH system, damaged by disaster: DOT aid to counties and municipalities for constructing improved facilities increased - AB1025
Highway, not in the STH system, damaged by disaster: DOT aid to counties and municipalities for constructing improved facilities increased - SB899
Mental health crisis intervention teams: funding for DHS grants to local governmental units - SB863
Mental health crisis intervention teams: funding for DHS grants to local governmental units - AB978
Motor vehicle theft policing and strategic planning to combat crime: DOA grant programs to assist local governments created; JCF and report provisions - SB771
Motor vehicle theft policing and strategic planning to combat crime: DOA grant programs to assist local governments created; JCF and report provisions - AB951
Municipal flood control grants from DNR: clarification on priority and eligibility criteria [Admin.Code NR 199.05, 199.07] - SB711
Municipal flood control grants from DNR: clarification on priority and eligibility criteria [Admin.Code NR 199.05, 199.07] - AB793
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - SB896
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - AB1026
PFAS management zone: DNR grants to municipalities for testing and funding for sampling, testing, and studying; positions in DNR authorized, JCF provision; agricultural chemical cleanup fund and well compensation program provisions - AB921
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 AB843: providing funding for - AB842
PFAS programs and positions in 2019 SB772: providing funding for - SB773
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - AB843
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - SB772
PFAS testing grants to municipalities; funding to DNR for provisions in SB774 - SB775
Presidential or vice-presidential campaigns: local governments may require payment in advance for certain costs of a campaign event; permit for event prohibited if the campaign owes money to another Wisconsin political subdivision - SB780
Presidential or vice-presidential campaigns: local governments may require payment in advance for certain costs of a campaign event; permit for event prohibited if the campaign owes money to another Wisconsin political subdivision - AB911
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed - AB791
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed - SB710
Private on-site wastewater treatment systems: grant program restored and modified [Sec. 1762, 2266; original bill only] - AB56
Private on-site wastewater treatment systems: grant program restored and modified [Sec. 1762, 2266] - SB59
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: political subdivision loan repayment agreement limited to commercial property or residential property with at least five dwelling units - AB498
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: political subdivision loan repayment agreement limited to commercial property or residential property with at least five dwelling units - SB452
State Mandates, Joint Committee on, created; legislature may not enact bills with state-imposed mandates unless they either receive a hearing or are funded; state agency rules provision; LFB report requirement - SB216