DWD enforces the fair employment law and may receive and investigate
complaints charging discrimination or discriminatory practices and may, if an
employer is found to have engaged in discrimination, order such action by the
respondent as will effectuate the purpose of the fair employment law, including
awarding back pay. Decisions of DWD hearing examiners made under the fair
employment law are subject to further review by the Labor and Industry Review
Commission and a court.
The bill provides that the fair employment law does not apply to any act of an
employer based on an individual's use of medical marijuana.
Unemployment insurance; worker's compensation
Currently, an individual whose work is terminated by an employer for
misconduct by the employee connected with the employee's work is ineligible to
receive unemployment insurance benefits until the individual satisfies certain
conditions. In addition, the wages paid to the individual by that employer are
excluded from the employee's base period wages for purposes of calculating the
individual's entitlement to UI benefits. “Misconduct,” for purposes of these
provisions, is defined specifically as including a violation by an employee of an
employer's reasonable written policy concerning the use of a controlled substance if
the employee 1) had knowledge of the policy; and 2) admitted to the use of a controlled
substance or refused to take a test or tested positive for the use of a controlled
substance in a test used by the employer in accordance with a testing methodology
approved by DWD.
Also under current law, an employer is not liable for temporary disability
benefits under the worker's compensation law during an employee's healing period
if the employee is suspended or terminated for misconduct as defined above.
The bill retains these provisions regarding misconduct and further provides
that such a reasonable written policy may include a drug-free workplace policy.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1. 15.435 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
215.435 (title)
Same; attached boards
and commissions.
2. 15.435 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) Medical marijuana regulatory commission. (a)
5membership. No later than 30 days after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB
6inserts date], there is created a medical marijuana regulatory commission attached
7to the department of revenue under s. 15.03, consisting of the following members:
1. One member appointed by the governor.
2. One member appointed by the senate majority leader.
3. One member appointed by the speaker of the assembly.
4. One member appointed by the senate minority leader.
5. One member appointed by the assembly minority leader.
Chairperson. The governor shall designate one of the appointees under par.
14(a) to serve as chairperson for a 2-year term. The chairperson is responsible for the
15commission's daily operations and administrative oversight.
Assistance. The commission may request of any state agency such
17assistance as may be necessary for the commission to fulfill its duties.
Licenses. The commission shall begin issuing licenses under s. 73.17 no
19sooner than 180 days after the creation of the commission.
Report. 1. Annually, the commission shall submit a report to the legislature
21under s. 13.172 (2) that provides an overview of the medical marijuana industry in
1this state, specifies the administrative and enforcement actions undertaken by the
2commission, and makes recommendations regarding the operation of the
3commission and the administration of ss. 73.17 and 73.18 and subch. IV of ch. 139.
2. No later than January 15, 2021, and no later than each January 15
5thereafter, the commission shall submit to the legislature, as provided under s.
613.172 (2), its recommendation for using moneys from the medical marijuana fund
7for law enforcement drug prevention programs, treatment alternative and diversion
8programs, and alcohol and other drug abuse treatment programs.
3. 15.437 of the statutes is created to read:
1015.437 Same; councils. (1) Council on medical marijuana. (a) There is
11created in the department of revenue a council on medical marijuana to provide
12advice to the medical marijuana regulatory commission. The council consists of the
13following members:
1. One individual who represents the interests of licensees under s. 78.17.
2. One individual who represents local government.