SB45,929,166108.205 (2) Each employer of 25 or more employees, as determined under s. 7108.22 (1) (ae), that does not use an employer agent to file its reports under this 8section and employer agent shall file the quarterly report under sub. (1) 9electronically in the manner and form prescribed by the department. An employer 10that becomes subject to an electronic reporting requirement under this subsection 11shall file its initial report under this subsection for the quarter during which the 12employer becomes subject to the reporting requirement. Once an employer becomes 13subject to the reporting requirement under this subsection, the employer shall 14continue to file its quarterly reports under this subsection unless that requirement 15is waived by the department unless the employer demonstrates good cause, as 16specified in s. 108.022, for being unable to file reports electronically. SB45,175517Section 1755. 108.22 (1) (ac) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,929,2318108.22 (1) (ac) In addition to any fee assessed under par. (a), the department 19may assess an employer or employer agent that is subject to the reporting 20requirement under s. 108.205 (2) and that fails to file its report in the manner and 21form prescribed under that subsection a penalty of $20 for each employee whose 22information is not reported in the that manner and form prescribed under s. 23108.205 (1m) (b) or (2). SB45,1756
1Section 1756. 108.22 (1) (ad) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,930,62108.22 (1) (ad) 1. An employer agent that is subject to the reporting 3requirements under s. 108.17 (2g) (2b) and that fails to file a contribution report in 4accordance with s. 108.17 (2g) (2b) may be assessed a penalty by the department in 5the amount of $25 for each employer whose report is not filed electronically in the 6manner and form prescribed by the department. SB45,17577Section 1757. 108.22 (1) (af) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,930,158108.22 (1) (af) In addition to the fee assessed under par. (a), the department 9may assess an employer or employer agent a person that is subject to a requirement 10required to make contributions a payment to the department by means of an 11electronic funds transfer method under s. 108.17 (7) 108.185 and that pays 12contributions makes the payment by any method inconsistent with s. 108.17 (7) 13108.185 a penalty of the greater of $50 or an amount equal to one-half of one 1 14percent of the total contributions amount paid by the employer or employer agent 15person for the quarter in which the violation occurs. SB45,175816Section 1758. 108.221 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 108.221 (1) (a) 17(intro.) and amended to read: SB45,930,2318108.221 (1) (a) (intro.) Any employer described in s. 108.18 (2) (c) or engaged 19in the painting or drywall finishing of buildings or other structures who knowingly 20and intentionally provides false information to the department for the purpose of 21misclassifying or attempting to misclassify an individual who is an employee of the 22employer as a nonemployee shall, for each incident, be assessed a penalty by the 23department as follows: SB45,931,4
11. For each act occurring before the date of the first determination of a 2violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the amount 3of $500 for each employee who is misclassified, but not to exceed $7,500 per 4incident. SB45,17595Section 1759. 108.221 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,931,86108.221 (1) (a) 2. For each act occurring after the date of the first 7determination of a violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a 8penalty in the amount of $1,000 for each employee who is misclassified. SB45,17609Section 1760. 108.221 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 108.221 (2) (intro.) 10and amended to read: SB45,931,1411108.221 (2) (intro.) Any employer described in s. 108.18 (2) (c) or engaged in 12the painting or drywall finishing of buildings or other structures who, through 13coercion, requires an individual to adopt the status of a nonemployee shall be 14assessed a penalty by the department as follows: SB45,931,1715(a) For each act occurring before the date of the first determination of a 16violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the amount 17of $1,000 for each individual so coerced, but not to exceed $10,000 per calendar year. SB45,176118Section 1761. 108.221 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,931,2119108.221 (2) (b) For each act occurring after the date of the first determination 20of a violation of this subsection, the employer shall be assessed a penalty in the 21amount of $2,000 for each individual so coerced. SB45,176222Section 1762. 108.24 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,932,1123108.24 (2m) Any employer described in s. 108.18 (2) (c) or engaged in the
1painting or drywall finishing of buildings or other structures who, after having 2previously been assessed an administrative penalty by the department under s. 3108.221 (1), knowingly and intentionally provides false information to the 4department for the purpose of misclassifying or attempting to misclassify an 5individual who is an employee of the employer as a nonemployee shall be fined 6$1,000 for each employee who is misclassified, subject to a maximum fine of $25,000 7for each violation. The department may, regardless of whether an employer has 8been subject to any administrative assessment under s. 108.221 or any other 9penalty or assessment under this chapter, refer violations of this subsection for 10prosecution by the department of justice or the district attorney for the county in 11which the violation occurred. SB45,176312Section 1763. 109.03 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,932,1713109.03 (1) (b) School district employees, cooperative educational service 14agency employees, and private school employees who voluntarily request payment 15over a 12-month period for personal services performed during the school year, 16unless, with respect to private school employees, the employees are covered under a 17valid collective bargaining agreement which precludes this method of payment. SB45,176418Section 1764. 109.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,933,1719109.09 (1) The department shall investigate and attempt equitably to adjust 20controversies between employers and employees as to regarding alleged wage 21claims. The department may receive and investigate any wage claim that is filed 22with the department, or received by the department under s. 109.10 (4), no later 23than 2 years after the date the wages are due. The department may, after receiving
1a wage claim, investigate any wages due from the employer against whom the claim 2is filed to any employee during the period commencing 2 years before the date the 3claim is filed. The department shall enforce this chapter and s. ss. 66.0903, 2013 4stats., s. 103.49, 2013 stats., s. 229.8275, 2013 stats., and s. 16.856, 2015 stats., and 5ss. 103.02, 103.49, 103.82, and 104.12, and 229.8275. In pursuance of this duty, the 6department may sue the employer on behalf of the employee to collect any wage 7claim or wage deficiency and ss. 109.03 (6) and 109.11 (2) and (3) shall apply to such 8actions. Except for actions under s. 109.10, the department may refer such an 9action to the district attorney of the county in which the violation occurs for 10prosecution and collection and the district attorney shall commence an action in the 11circuit court having appropriate jurisdiction. Any number of wage claims or wage 12deficiencies against the same employer may be joined in a single proceeding, but the 13court may order separate trials or hearings. In actions that are referred to a district 14attorney under this subsection, any taxable costs recovered by the district attorney 15shall be paid into the general fund of the county in which the violation occurs and 16used by that county to meet its financial responsibility under s. 978.13 (2) (b) for the 17operation of the office of the district attorney who prosecuted the action. SB45,176518Section 1765. 109.09 (3) of the statutes is repealed. SB45,176619Section 1766. 109.11 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,933,2420109.11 (1) (c) If an employer does not agree to compromise and settle a wage 21claim under this subsection, the department may refer the wage claim to a district 22attorney under s. 109.09 (1) or to the department of justice under s. 109.10 (3) for 23commencement of an action in circuit court to collect the amount of wages due and 24unpaid plus increased wages as specified in sub. (2) (b) (a). SB45,1767
1Section 1767. 109.11 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,934,82109.11 (2) (a) In Except as provided in par. (c), in a wage claim action that is 3commenced by an employee before the department has completed its investigation 4under s. 109.09 (1) and its attempts to compromise and settle the wage claim under 5sub. (1), a circuit court may shall order the employer to pay to the employee, in 6addition to the amount of wages due and unpaid and in addition to or in lieu of the 7criminal penalties specified in sub. (3), increased wages of not more than 50 100 8percent of the amount of wages due and unpaid. SB45,17689Section 1768. 109.11 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.