NR 110.15(3)(d)1.b.b. 150 meters (500 feet) for seepage cells, ridge and furrow systems, and overland flow systems; NR 110.15(3)(d)1.d.d. 305 meters (1,000 feet) for off site sludge holding facilities and spray irrigation systems; and NR 110.15(3)(d)2.2. The department may waive the requirements of subd. 1. if the requirements prevent implementation of the cost-effective treatment alternative at an existing sewage treatment facility site. When a waiver is requested, the owner shall demonstrate to the department that: NR 110.15(3)(d)2.a.a. The owner has made reasonable attempts to obtain an agreement from any affected property owner which states that the property owner has been informed of the potential nuisances which may result from the operation of the sewage treatment facilities and that the property owner does not object to the construction and operation of the sewage treatment facilities; and NR 110.15(3)(d)2.b.b. The treatment facility owner has enacted a zoning ordinance which prohibits future construction within the applicable separation distances, or has purchased sufficient land surrounding the sewage treatment facility to prevent future encroachment. NR 110.15(3)(d)3.3. The department may waive the requirements of subd. 1. if the requirements prevent construction of the cost-effective treatment alternative at a new site. When a waiver is requested the owner shall demonstrate that: NR 110.15(3)(d)3.a.a. The treatment facility has obtained from the affected property owners the agreements described in subd. 2. a. or that the proposed sewage treatment facility site is the only reasonably available site or, the costs associated with using another site would place an unreasonable or excessive financial burden on the community; and NR 110.15(3)(d)3.b.b. The treatment facility owner has enacted a zoning ordinance which prohibits future construction within the applicable separation distances, or has purchased sufficient land surrounding the proposed treatment facility site to prevent future encroachment. NR 110.15(3)(e)(e) Protection of water supply wells. Wastewater lagoons or storage structures shall be located with a minimum separation distance of 1,000 feet from a community water system well, and 100 feet from a private water system well or any other well subject to ch. NR 812. Wastewater treatment plant effluent pipes shall be located with a minimum separation distance of 50 feet from a private water system well or any other well subject to ch. NR 812. NR 110.15(4)(a)(a) Conformance with facilities plan. The design capacity for municipally owned sewage treatment facilities shall be in accordance with s. NR 110.09 (2) (j). Privately owned domestic sewage treatment facilities shall provide design capacity for the estimated population 20 years from the time of start-up of the facility unless the cost-effective staging analysis in s. NR 110.09 (2) (j) 4. justifies a lesser design staging period. NR 110.15(4)(b)1.1. The domestic design biochemical oxygen demand and suspended solids loading for upgrading or expanding existing sewage treatment facilities, or for the construction of new sewage treatment facilities to replace an existing facility shall be based on actual sewage and operating records from the existing facilities. The design shall include an appropriate growth increment. NR 110.15(4)(b)2.2. When actual operating data is not available, the design loading shall be based on a contribution of 0.08 kilograms (0.17 pounds) of biochemical oxygen demand per capita per day and 0.09 kilograms (0.20 pounds) of suspended solids per capita per day. When garbage grinders are used in areas tributary to a sewage treatment facility, the design basis shall be increased to 0.10 kilograms (0.22 pounds) of biochemical oxygen demand per capita per day, and 0.22 kilograms (0.25 pounds) of suspended solids per capita per day. NR 110.15(4)(b)3.3. Sewage treatment facilities which will receive industrial or commercial wastewater shall be designed to include these waste flows. NR 110.15(4)(c)(c) Hydraulic loading. The design wastewater flow shall be estimated in accordance with s. NR 110.09 (2) (j). When flow or water use records do not exist, the maximum hour design flow shall be estimated by multiplying the average design flow by the appropriate peaking factor shown in Table 2. Table 2
NR 110.15(5)(a)(a) Design of conduits. All piping and channels shall be designed to carry the peak design flow rate. The incoming sewer should be designed for unrestricted flow. Bottom corners of the channels must be filleted. Conduits shall be designed to avoid creation of pockets and corners where solids can accumulate. Suitable gates shall be placed in channels to seal off unused sections in which solids might accumulate. The use of shear gates or stop planks may be used in place of gate valves or sluice gates. NR 110.15(5)(b)(b) Arrangement of units. Component parts of the facility shall be arranged for greatest operating and maintenance convenience, flexibility, economy, continuity of effluent quality, and ease of installation of future units. NR 110.15(5)(c)(c) Flow measurement. Equipment for flow measurement and recording shall be provided for the total waste flow. Equipment for measuring flow streams within the treatment facility should be provided to aid facility operation. NR 110.15(5)(d)(d) Emergency operation. At least one of the following shall be provided to ensure continued operation of the sewage treatment facility in accordance with s. NR 210.08: NR 110.15(5)(d)1.1. ‘Emergency power generator.’ An emergency power generator with sufficient generating capacity to meet the sewage treatment facility power demands to comply with s. NR 210.08. NR 110.15(5)(d)2.2. ‘Two independent electrical transmission sources.’ An electrical system connected to two independent transmission routes that receive power from the same electrical grid network which supplies power to the sewage treatment facility service area. NR 110.15(5)(d)3.3. ‘Holding facilities.’ Holding facilities that have a capacity to detain the maximum day design flow for a maximum period of 24 hours.