14(2) “Consumer” means an individual who is a resident of this state and whose
15nonpublic information is in the possession, custody, or control of a licensee.
16(3) “Cybersecurity event” means an event resulting in the unauthorized access
17to, or disruption or misuse of, an information system or the nonpublic information
1stored on an information system, except that a “cybersecurity event” does not include
2any of the following:
(a) The unauthorized acquisition of encrypted nonpublic information if the
4encryption process or key is not also acquired, released, or used without
(b) The unauthorized acquisition of nonpublic information if the licensee
7determines that the nonpublic information has not been used or released and has
8been returned to the licensee or destroyed.
9(4) “Encrypted” means the transformation of data into a form that results in
10a low probability of assigning meaning without the use of a protective process or key.
11(5) “Information security program” means the administrative, technical, and
12physical safeguards that a licensee uses to access, collect, distribute, process, protect,
13store, use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise handle nonpublic information.
14(6) “Information system” means a discrete set of electronic information
15resources organized for the collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing,
16dissemination, or disposition of nonpublic information, as well as any specialized
17system, including an industrial or process controls system, telephone switching and
18private branch exchange system, and environmental control system.
19(7) “Licensee” means a person licensed, authorized, or registered, or a person
20required to be licensed, authorized, or registered, under chs. 600 to 655, other than
21a purchasing or risk retention group that is chartered and licensed in another state
22or a person acting as an assuming insurer that is domiciled in another state or
24(8) “Multifactor authentication” means authentication through verification of
25at least 2 of the following types of authentication factors:
1(a) Knowledge factor, including a password.
(b) Possession factor, including a token or text message on a mobile phone.
(c) Inherence factor, including a biometric characteristic.
4(9) “Nonpublic information” means electronic information in the possession,
5custody, or control of a licensee that is not publicly available information and is any
6of the following:
(a) Information concerning a consumer that can be used to identify the
8consumer, in combination with at least one of the following data elements:
1. Social security number.
2. Driver's license number or nondriver identification card number.
3. Financial account number or credit or debit card number.
4. Security code, access code, or password that permits access to a financial
5. Biometric records.
(b) Information or data, other than information or data regarding age or
16gender, in any form or medium created by or derived from a health care provider or
17a consumer that can be used to identify the consumer and that relates to any of the
1. The physical, mental, or behavioral health or condition of the consumer or
20a member of the consumer's family.
2. The provision of health care to the consumer.
3. Payment for the provision of health care to the consumer.
23(10) “Publicly available information” means information that a licensee has a
24reasonable basis to believe is lawfully made available to the general public from
1federal, state, or local government records, widely distributed media, or disclosures
2required by federal, state, or local law.
3(11) “Third-party service provider” means a person other than a licensee who
4contracts with a licensee to maintain, process, or store nonpublic information or is
5otherwise permitted access to nonpublic information through its provision of
6services to the licensee.
4. 601.951 of the statutes is created to read:
8601.951 General provisions.
(1) Exclusive state standards. This
9subchapter establishes the exclusive state standards applicable to licensees for data
10security, the investigation of a cybersecurity event, and notification of a
11cybersecurity event to the commissioner.
12(2) Exceptions to applicability. (a) This subchapter does not apply to a person
13who is an employee, agent, representative, or designee of a licensee and who is also
14a licensee to the extent that the person is covered by the information security
15program of the other licensee and the other licensee has complied with this
16subchapter on behalf of the person.
(b) A licensee affiliated with a depository institution that maintains an
18information security program in compliance with the interagency guidelines
19establishing information security standards as set forth pursuant to
15 USC 6801 20and
6805 shall be considered to meet the requirements of this subchapter, provided
21that the licensee produces, upon request of the commissioner, documentation
22satisfactory to the commissioner that independently validates the adoption by the
23affiliated depository institution of an information security program that satisfies the
24interagency guidelines.