NR 747.53 Appeals and hearings. Subchapter VI — Competitive Public Bidding
NR 747.60 Selection of an investigation consulting firm and notification to the department. NR 747.61 Management during a site investigation. NR 747.62 Periodic progress reporting during a site investigation. NR 747.623 Assignment to public bidding. NR 747.625 Claim submittal required. NR 747.63 Exemptions from competitive public bidding. NR 747.64 Bidding completion of an investigation. NR 747.65 Department to determine scope of work to be bid. NR 747.66 Bidder qualifications. NR 747.67 Disqualification from bidding. NR 747.68 Competitive public bidding process. NR 747.69 Responsible party’s contract with a bidder. NR 747.70 Monitoring the progress of the scope of work in the bid. NR 747.71 Special requirements for existing sites. Ch. NR 747 NoteNote: Chapter ILHR 47 was created as an emergency rule effective January 1, 1993. Chapter ILHR 47 was renumbered Chapter Comm 47 under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 1., Stats., and corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, December, 1998, No. 516. Chapter Comm 47 was renumbered chapter SPS 347 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672. Chapter SPS 347 was renumbered Chapter NR 747 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., Register October 2013 No. 694. NR 747.01(1)(1) PECFA Fund. The purpose of this chapter is to provide information on the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund program, also referred to as the Petroleum Storage Environmental Remedial Action Fund and the Petroleum Storage Remediation Fund; outline the processes and procedures for filing a claim for an eligible remediation and specify the process of determining award amounts. NR 747.01(2)(2) Statutory authority. This chapter is adopted pursuant to s. 292.63, Stats. NR 747.01(3)(a)(a) The PECFA fund does not relieve a responsible party from liability. The individual or organization responsible for a contaminated property shall carry out the remediation of that property. PECFA’s role is to provide monetary awards to responsible parties who have completed and paid for PECFA-approved remediation activities and services. The availability or unavailability of PECFA funding shall not be the determining factor as to whether a remediation shall be completed. NR 747.01(3)(b)(b) The responsible party shall be the primary point for the control of costs within the PECFA program. The focus of the program will be to maintain the responsible party as the central control point throughout the claim process. NR 747.01(4)(4) Control of costs. The framework for the control of costs within the PECFA program shall be based upon the responsible party minimizing costs in all phases of the remediation. The primary structural factors for the control of costs include the following: NR 747.01(4)(a)(a) The selection of a consulting firm through a comparison of at least 3 proposals. Once selected, the firm may only provide professional consulting services on the remediation; NR 747.01(4)(b)(b) The requirement to purchase or contract for commodity services through the use of competitive bids;