SB718,5 13Section 5 . 11.0104 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,4,2414 11.0104 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) (bm), any committee which does
15not anticipate accepting or making contributions, making disbursements, or
16incurring obligations, and any conduit which does not anticipate accepting or
17releasing contributions, in an aggregate amount exceeding $2,000 $2,500 in a
18calendar year may file claim an exemption from filing campaign finance reports by
19filing a registration statement or
an amended registration statement with the
20appropriate filing officer indicating that fact the necessary facts, as described in this
21paragraph, to claim the exemption
. The committee or conduit shall certify the
22registration statement or amended registration statement in the manner required
23under s. 11.0103 (3) (c) and shall include the information required to be reported by
24that committee or conduit on its continuing reports
SB718,6 25Section 6 . 11.0104 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 7. 11.0104 (1) (bm) to (e) of the statutes are created to read:
SB718,5,72 11.0104 (1) (bm) 1. A candidate committee of a candidate for state office may
3not claim the exemption under par. (a) during the calendar year of an election in
4which the candidate is appearing on the ballot or participating as a write-in
5candidate and shall file the continuing report that is due on January 15 of the year
6after he or she appeared on the ballot or participated as a write-in candidate, unless
7the committee has dissolved, as provided in s. 11.0105.
SB718,5,128 2. A candidate committee of a candidate for state office may claim the
9exemption under par. (a) during the calendar year after the year in which the
10candidate appeared on the ballot or participated as a write-in candidate by filing an
11amended registration statement no sooner than the day after the election and no
12later than January 15 of the year after the election.
SB718,5,1613 3. A candidate committee of a candidate for state office may claim the
14exemption under par. (a) during a subsequent year by filing an amended registration
15statement no later than December 31 of the year preceding the year in which the
16exemption will apply.
SB718,5,2017 4. A candidate committee of a candidate for state office that fails to claim the
18exemption under par. (a) before the expiration of the deadline under subd. 2. or 3.,
19as applicable, is ineligible for the exemption and shall file all required campaign
20finance reports for the following calendar year.
SB718,6,221 (c) A candidate committee of a candidate for local office is eligible for an
22exemption under par. (a) at any time and may claim the exemption on its initial
23registration statement or on an amended registration statement. An exemption
24claimed under this paragraph applies until the committee exceeds the threshold

1established under par. (a), amends its registration statement to become a state
2candidate committee, or is dissolved, as provided in s. 11.0105.
SB718,6,83 (d) If a filing officer receives a registration statement or amended registration
4statement seeking to claim the exemption under par. (a) and the filing officer knows
5that the candidate committee is not eligible for the exemption, the filing officer shall
6accept the registration but notify the committee within 10 business days that it is not
7eligible for the exemption for that calendar year. The notice shall also indicate that
8the committee is required to file campaign finance reports.
SB718,6,129 (e) A candidate whose candidate committee files a registration statement or
10amended registration statement incorrectly claiming the exemption may not be
11denied placement on the ballot if the registration statement or amended registration
12statement otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter.
SB718,8 13Section 8 . 11.0104 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,6,2114 11.0104 (2) Upon receipt of a properly executed registration statement or
15amended registration statement by a committee or conduit, the appropriate filing
16officer shall suspend the requirement imposed upon that committee or conduit by
17this chapter to file continuing campaign finance reports. An indication of limited
exemption under this section is effective only for the calendar year in which
19it is granted,
as provided under sub. (1) (bm) unless the committee or conduit alters
20its status by filing an amended registration statement before the end of such year or
21files by filing a termination report under s. 11.0105.
SB718,9 22Section 9 . 11.0104 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,7,323 11.0104 (3) An indication of limited activity exemption made under sub. (1) this
may be revoked. If revoked, the committee or conduit shall comply with the
25reporting requirements applicable to the committee or conduit under this chapter as

1of the date of revocation, or the date that aggregate contributions, disbursements,
2or obligations for the calendar year exceed $2,000 $2,500. If the revocation is not
3timely, the committee or conduit violates s. 11.1201.
SB718,10 4Section 10 . 11.0104 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
SB718,11 5Section 11 . 11.0104 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,7,106 11.0104 (5) If a committee or conduit files an amended registration statement
7under sub. (1) and within 60 days thereafter receives and accepts an unanticipated
8contribution that results in the committee or conduit exceeding the threshold
9established under sub. (1) (a)
, the committee or conduit shall do one of the following
10within 60 days after receipt of the unanticipated contribution:
SB718,7,1911 (a) File Immediately file an amended registration statement revoking the
. An amended registration statement supersedes the previous
13registration statement. The individual who certifies to the accuracy of the
14registration statement shall also certify that the amended registration statement is
15filed on account of the receipt of unanticipated contributions and the failure to file
16a correct registration statement was not intentional. Thereafter, the committee or
17conduit shall file all required campaign finance reports for the remainder of the
18calendar year. Except as provided in sub. (1) (bm) 1., the committee or conduit may
19again claim the exemption for the next calendar year.
SB718,7,2220 (b) Return the contribution to the contributor or donate the contribution to the
21common school fund or to a charitable organization no later than 15 days from the
22date on which the contribution is received
SB718,12 23Section 12 . 11.0105 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,8,824 11.0105 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) and s. 11.0104 (4), whenever any
25committee or conduit dissolves or determines that obligations will no longer be

1incurred, contributions will no longer be received or, in the case of a conduit, accepted
2and released, and disbursements will no longer be made during a calendar year, and
3the committee has no outstanding incurred obligations, the committee or conduit
4shall file with the appropriate filing officer a termination report that indicates a cash
5balance of zero at the end of the reporting period. The committee or conduit shall
6certify the termination report in the manner required under s. 11.0103 (3) (c) and the
7committee shall include the information required to be reported by that committee
8on its continuing reports.
SB718,13 9Section 13 . 11.0201 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,8,1310 11.0201 (4) The treasurer shall maintain the records of the candidate
11committee for the period specified under s. 11.1103 in an organized and legible
12manner for not less than 3 years after the date of the election in which the candidate
13committee participates
last day of the period specified under s. 11.1103.
SB718,14 14Section 14 . 11.0204 (1) (a) 7. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,8,1715 11.0204 (1) (a) 7. (intro.) An itemized statement of each loan of money made
16to the candidate committee in an aggregate amount or value in excess of $20,
17together with all of the following:
SB718,15 18Section 15 . 11.0204 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB718,8,2019 11.0204 (2) (c) Annually in each year of an election cycle, file a report on the
2015th day of the month in the months of
January 15 and July 15.
SB718,16 21Section 16 . 11.0204 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: