SB907,,630630(If not, .... authorized by s. 706.06, Wis. Stats.) SB907,,631631Acknowledgment SB907,,632632STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SB907,,634634.... County ) SB907,,635635Personally came before me this .... day of ...., .... (year) the above named .... to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. SB907,,637637Notary Public ...., .... County, Wisconsin. SB907,,638638My Commission is permanent. SB907,,639639(If not, state expiration date: ...., .... (year)) SB907,,640640(Signatures may be authenticated or SB907,,641641acknowledged. Both are not necessary.) SB907,,642642*Names of persons signing in any capacity should be SB907,,643643typed or printed below their signatures. SB907,,644644Signature of Other Spouse: .... SB907,,646646Print Name Here: .... SB907,,647647Residence Address: .... SB907,,648648(Make Sure Your Signature is Authenticated or Acknowledged Below.) SB907,,649649Authentication SB907,,650650Signature .... authenticated this .... day of ...., .... (year) SB907,,652652TITLE: MEMBER STATE BAR OF WISCONSIN SB907,,653653(If not, .... authorized by s. 706.06, Wis. Stats.) SB907,,654654Acknowledgment SB907,,655655STATE OF WISCONSIN ) SB907,,657657.... County ) SB907,,658658Personally came before me this .... day of ...., .... (year) the above named .... to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same.