AB1042,,622622(c) Notwithstanding par. (b), if a new private school did not provide an updated surety bond under sub. (1) (a) for the first year it participated in the choice program, the new private school shall provide an updated surety bond for the bond provided under s. 118.77 (2) if all of the following apply:
AB1042,,6236231. The total payment the new private school expects to receive under the choice program on the basis of the September choice pupil count exceeds the total expected payment on the basis of the information provided under s. 118.77 (1) by at least $50,000.
AB1042,,6246242. The amount of the surety bond based on the September choice pupil count is more than $25,000.
AB1042,209625Section 209. 118.76 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,626626118.76 (5) Fiscal management training. By the first weekday in April before the school year in which a private school intends to first participate in the choice program, the administrator of the private school shall participate in a fiscal management training program approved by the department. If the private school hires a new administrator between the first weekday in April and the first weekday in August, the new administrator shall participate in a fiscal management training program approved by the department before assuming the responsibilities of administrator of the private school.
AB1042,210627Section 210. 118.76 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,628628118.76 (7) Student information system vendor. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, by the first weekday in July of the first school year in which the participating private school intends to participate in the choice program, the participating private school shall provide to the department the name of the certified student information system vendor with which the participating private school has contracted for the first school year the participating private school participates in the choice program, as required under s. 115.383 (3) (b).
AB1042,211629Section 211. 118.77 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,630630118.77 (title) New private schools; initial participation requirements.
AB1042,212631Section 212. 118.77 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,632632118.77 (1) (b) The name and location of the nationally or regionally accredited institution of higher education from which the new private school’s administrator received at least a bachelor’s degree and the date the degree was conferred; the number assigned to a teaching license or an administrator license issued to the new private school’s administrator by the department; or notice that the administrator is exempt from this requirement under s. 118.81 (2) (b).
AB1042,213633Section 213. 118.77 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,634634118.77 (1) (d) The number of choice program seats the new private school intends to make available to pupils participating in the choice program in the first school year the new private school intends to participate in the choice program.
AB1042,214635Section 214. 118.77 (2) (b) to (e) of the statutes are created to read:
AB1042,,636636118.77 (2) (b) The information under s. 118.78 (1).
AB1042,,637637(c) A copy of the academic standards adopted by the governing body of the new private school under s. 118.79 (3).
AB1042,,638638(d) A signed statement from each individual who is a member of the governing body of the new private school verifying that the individual is a member of the governing body.
AB1042,,639639(e) Notwithstanding s. 118.74 (1), a letter from a preaccrediting entity that indicates that the new private school is preaccredited.
AB1042,215640Section 215. 118.78 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,641641118.78 (title) Required disclosures.
AB1042,216642Section 216. 118.78 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,643643118.78 (1) Disclosures to applicants. (intro.) Each participating private school and each school that has submitted a notice of intent to participate in the choice program under s. 118.73 shall provide each pupil, or the parent of each minor pupil, who applies to attend the private school all of the following:
AB1042,217644Section 217. 118.79 (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,645645118.79 (title) Instructional requirements and academic standards; participating private schools.
AB1042,218646Section 218. 118.79 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1042,,647647118.79 (5) Virtual instruction. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, if a participating private school offers virtual instruction to pupils, the participating private school shall ensure that a teacher is responsible for all of the following for each pupil receiving the virtual instruction:
AB1042,,648648(a) Improving learning by planned instruction.
AB1042,,649649(b) Diagnosing learning needs.
AB1042,,650650(c) Prescribing content delivery through class activities.