Trans 400.04(1)(1)“Access roads” means the various, incidental, public roads that provide service and access to state parks, national and state forests, and state institutions.
Trans 400.04(2)(2)“Alternatives” means other reasonable actions or activities which may achieve the same or altered purpose of the proposed action including the alternative of taking no action.
Trans 400.04(3)(3)“Categorical exclusion” means an action which meets the definition of the term in 40 CFR 1508.4, and in 23 CFR 771.116, 23 CFR 771.117, 23 CFR 771.118, or chapter 6 of order 5050.4B of the federal aviation administration of the United States department of transportation, or other actions of the department for which neither an EA, EIS nor other environmental documentation is required by this rule.
Trans 400.04 NoteNote: The specific versions of federal regulations and federal agency orders as referenced throughout this chapter are adopted in s. Trans 400.05 and are reproduced at appendix 1 to this chapter.
Trans 400.04(4)(4)“Cooperating agency” means any Native American tribe, or any local, state, or federal agency, other than the lead or transportation agency, which has jurisdiction by law over the proposed action or which has special expertise with respect to any relevant environmental effect generated by the proposed action or alternative.
Trans 400.04(5)(5)“Department” means the Wisconsin department of transportation or a local agency when acting under the direction of the department.
Trans 400.04(6)(6)“DEIS” or “draft environmental impact statement” means the preliminary version of an EIS.
Trans 400.04(7)(7)“EA” or ‘‘environmental assessment” means a concise, comprehensive document containing an analysis of a proposed action to determine the significance of the action’s environmental effects and whether or not the action constitutes a major action.
Trans 400.04(8)(8)“Environmental effect” or “environmental impact” means a beneficial or adverse influence resulting from an action of the department. The term includes ecological, aesthetic, historic, cultural, economic, social or health effects.
Trans 400.04(9)(9)“EIS” or “environmental impact statement” means a written report containing an analysis of a proposed major action and its alternatives to identify and address their effects on the quality of the human environment.
Trans 400.04(10)(10)“ER” or “environmental report” means a brief document used internally by the department to demonstrate a proposed action fits the criteria or conditions for approval as a categorical exclusion under s. Trans 400.08 (1) (d) or has been properly coordinated with other agencies having jurisdiction by law over specific activities.
Trans 400.04(11)(11)“FEIS” or “final environmental impact statement” means the final version of an EIS.
Trans 400.04(12)(12)“FONSI” or ”finding of no significant impact” means an approved, completed EA containing a finding that the proposed action is not a major action.
Trans 400.04(13)(13)“Human environment” means the natural or physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment.
Trans 400.04(14)(14)“Joint lead agency” means the department together with any local, state or federal agency having equal responsibility for the preparation, content and processing of an environmental document for a proposed action.
Trans 400.04(16)(16)“Lead agency” means the local, state or federal agency preparing or having taken primary responsibility for preparing the environmental document for a proposed action.
Trans 400.04(17)(17)“LEIS” or “legislative environmental impact statement” means a written report containing an analysis to identify and address the effects on the quality of the human environment of a department-initiated report or recommendation on a proposal for legislation.
Trans 400.04(18)(18)“Major action” means an action that will have significant effects on the quality of the human environment. It does not include actions whose significance is based only on economic or social effects.
Trans 400.04(19)(19)“Major and significant new proposal” means a new proposal developed by the department which, if legislatively authorized and funded, may significantly affect the quality of the human environment and represents a significant departure from, or expansion of, the department’s existing responsibilities by substantially expanding or substantially reducing total resources allocated to any existing programs.
Trans 400.04(20)(20)“Mitigation” means avoiding, minimizing, rectifying, reducing, eliminating or compensating for adverse environmental effects of a proposed action.
Trans 400.04(21)(21)“NEPA” means the national environmental policy act, 42 USC 4321, et seq.
Trans 400.04(22)(22)“Notice of availability,” “notice of intent,” “notice of opportunity for public hearing” or “notice of public hearing” means a class 1 notice as defined in ch. 985, Stats.
Trans 400.04(22m)(22m)“Participating agency” means any Native American tribe or any local, state, or federal agency, other than the lead agency, with an interest in the project. “Participating agency” includes cooperating agencies but does not include nongovernmental organizations or other private entities.
Trans 400.04(23)(23)“ROD” or “record of decision” means a public record which identifies:
Trans 400.04(23)(a)(a) The department’s selected course of action.
Trans 400.04(23)(b)(b) The selected action’s environmental effects.
Trans 400.04(23)(c)(c) Alternatives to the action that were considered.
Trans 400.04(23)(d)(d) Mitigation measures selected.
Trans 400.04(23)(e)(e) Reason for rejection of suggested reasonable mitigation measures.