SB464,7,52 29.219 (4) Husband and wife Spouses resident licenses. A combined husband
3and wife
spouses resident fishing license shall be issued subject to s. 29.024 by the
4department to residents applying for this license. This license confers upon both
5husband and wife spouses the privileges of resident fishing licenses.
SB464,2 6Section 2 . 29.228 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,107 29.228 (5) Annual family fishing license. The department shall issue a
8nonresident annual family fishing license, subject to s. 29.024, to any nonresident
9who applies for this license. This license entitles the husband, wife spouses and any
10minor children to fish under this license.
SB464,3 11Section 3 . 29.228 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,1512 29.228 (6) Fifteen-day family fishing license. The department shall issue a
13nonresident 15-day family fishing license, subject to s. 29.024, to any nonresident
14who applies for this license. This license entitles the husband, wife spouses and any
15minor children to fish under this license.
SB464,4 16Section 4 . 29.229 (2) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,1717 29.229 (2) (i) Husband and wife Spouses fishing licenses.
SB464,5 18Section 5 . 29.2295 (2) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,1919 29.2295 (2) (i) Husband and wife Spouses fishing licenses.
SB464,6 20Section 6 . 29.563 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,7,2121 29.563 (3) (a) 3. Husband and wife Spouses: $30.25.
1Section 7. 29.607 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,8,112 29.607 (3) License required; exceptions; wild rice identification card. Every
3person over the age of 16 and under the age of 65 shall obtain the appropriate wild
4rice license to harvest or deal in wild rice but no license to harvest is required of the
5members of the immediate family of a licensee or of a recipient of old-age assistance
6or members of their immediate families. The department, subject to s. 29.024 (2g)
7and (2r), shall issue a wild rice identification card to each member of a licensee's
8immediate family, to a recipient of old-age assistance and to each member of the
9recipient's family. The term “immediate family" includes husband and wife spouses
10and minor children having their abode and domicile with the parent or legal
SB464,8 12Section 8 . 45.01 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,8,1513 45.01 (6) (c) The biological natural or adoptive parent or a person who acts in
14the place of a parent and who has so acted for not less than 12 months prior to the
15veteran's entrance into active service.
SB464,9 16Section 9 . 45.51 (3) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,8,1817 45.51 (3) (c) 2. The department may deviate from this sequence upon order of
18the board to prevent the separation of a husband and wife spouses.
SB464,10 19Section 10 . 45.51 (5) (a) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,8,2320 45.51 (5) (a) 1. b. Was married to the person under sub. (2) (a) 1. or 2. at the time
21the person entered the service and who became a widow or widower surviving spouse
22by the death of the person while in the service or as a result of physical disability of
23the person incurred during the service.
SB464,11 24Section 11 . 45.51 (5) (a) 1. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
145.51 (5) (a) 1. c. The period during which the surviving spouse was married
2to and lived with the deceased person under sub. (2) (a) 1. or 2. plus the period of
3widowhood or widowerhood
after the death of the deceased person is 6 months or
SB464,12 5Section 12 . 45.55 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,9,20 645.55 Notes and mortgages of minor veterans. Notwithstanding any
7provision of this chapter or any other law to the contrary, any minor who served in
8the active armed forces of the United States at any time after August 27, 1940, and
9the husband or wife spouse of such a minor may execute, in his or her own right, notes
10or mortgages, as defined in s. 851.15, the payment of which is guaranteed or insured
11by the U.S. department of veterans affairs or the federal housing administrator
12under the servicemen's readjustment act of 1944, the national housing act, or any
13acts supplementing or amending these acts. In connection with these transactions,
14the minors may sell, release, or convey the mortgaged property and litigate or settle
15controversies arising therefrom, including the execution of releases, deeds, and other
16necessary papers or instruments. The notes, mortgages, releases, deeds, and other
17necessary papers or instruments when so executed are not subject to avoidance by
18the minor or the husband or wife spouse of the minor upon either or both of them
19attaining the age of 18 because of the minority of either or both of them at the time
20of the execution thereof.
SB464,13 21Section 13 . 46.03 (34) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,9,2522 46.03 (34) Fetal alcohol syndrome and drug danger information. The
23department shall acquire, without cost if possible, information that describes the
24causes and effects of fetal alcohol syndrome and the dangers to a fetus from the
25mother's use of cocaine or other drugs by the pregnant person during pregnancy and

1shall distribute the information free of charge to each county clerk so that each
2county clerk may provide information to marriage license applicants under s. 765.12
3(1) (a) and domestic partnership applicants under s. 770.07 (2).
SB464,14 4Section 14 . 46.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,11,85 46.10 (2) Except as provided in subs. (2m) and (14) (b) and (c), any person,
6including but not limited to a person admitted, committed, protected, or placed under
7s. 975.01, 1977 stats., s. 975.02, 1977 stats., s. 975.17, 1977 stats., s. 55.05 (5), 2003
8stats., and s. 55.06, 2003 stats., and ss. 51.10, 51.13, 51.15, 51.20, 51.35 (3), 51.37 (5),
951.45 (10), (11), (12) and (13), 55.05, 55.055, 55.12, 55.13, 55.135, 971.14 (2) and (5),
10971.17 (1), 975.06 and 980.06, receiving care, maintenance, services , and supplies
11provided by any institution in this state including University of Wisconsin Hospitals
12and Clinics, in which the state is chargeable with all or part of the person's care,
13maintenance, services, and supplies, any person receiving care and services from a
14county department established under s. 51.42 or 51.437 or from a facility established
15under s. 49.73, and any person receiving treatment and services from a public or
16private agency under s. 980.06 (2) (c), 1997 stats., s. 980.08 (5), 2003 stats., or s.
17971.17 (3) (d) or (4) (e) or 980.08 (4) (g) and the person's property and estate, including
18the homestead, and the spouse of the person, and the spouse's property and estate,
19including the homestead, and, in the case of a minor child, the parents of the person,
20and their property and estates, including their homestead, and, in the case of a
21foreign child described in s. 48.839 (1) who became dependent on public funds for his
22or her primary support before an order granting his or her adoption, the resident of
23this state appointed guardian of the child by a foreign court who brought the child
24into this state for the purpose of adoption, and his or her property and estate,
25including his or her homestead, shall be liable for the cost of the care, maintenance,

1services, and supplies in accordance with the fee schedule established by the
2department under s. 46.03 (18). If a spouse, widow surviving spouse, or minor, or an
3incapacitated person may be lawfully dependent upon the property for their support,
4the court shall release all or such part of the property and estate from the charges
5that may be necessary to provide for those persons. The department shall make
6every reasonable effort to notify the liable persons as soon as possible after the
7beginning of the maintenance, but the notice or the receipt thereof is not a condition
8of liability.
SB464,15 9Section 15 . 46.238 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB464,11,24 1046.238 Infants and Infant or unborn children whose mothers abuse
11child of a person who has abused controlled substances, controlled
12substance analogs, or alcohol
during pregnancy. If an agency, as defined in s.
1348.981 (1) (ag), receives a report under s. 146.0255 (2) or 146.0257 (2) and that agency
14is a county department under s. 46.22 or 46.23 or a licensed child welfare agency
15under contract with that county department, the agency shall offer to provide
16appropriate services and treatment to the infant and the infant's mother person who
17gave birth to the infant
or to the unborn child, as defined in s. 48.02 (19), and the
18expectant mother of person pregnant with the unborn child or the agency shall make
19arrangements for the provision of appropriate services and treatment. If an agency
20receives a report under s. 146.0255 (2) or 146.0257 (2) and that agency is the
21department or a licensed child welfare agency under contract with the department,
22the agency shall refer the report to the county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437
23and that county department shall offer to provide, or make arrangements for the
24provision of, those services and that treatment.