The resolution amends the assembly rules to provide that for purposes of
determining “the second legislative day thereafter,” the Monday before a scheduled
floorperiod shall be counted as the first legislative day.
Reconsideration of assembly decisions on vetoes
Currently, assembly decisions on vetoes are not subject to reconsideration. The
resolution amends the assembly rules to provide that assembly decisions on vetoes
of proposals that failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the governor are
subject to reconsideration at any time and any number of times during the legislative
Definition of assembly chamber
The resolution amends the assembly rules to exclude the offices of the majority
leader from the definition of assembly chamber.
1Resolved by the
assembly, That:
2Section 1
. Assembly rule 11 (4) is amended to read:
3Assembly Rule 11 (4) Except as provided in
sub. subs. (5) (a)
and (12), all
4committee votes shall be taken in the presence of the committee. A member may not
5be recorded as voting unless the member is present at the committee session when
1the vote is taken. This subsection shall not apply to the committee on assembly
2organization when the committee is voting by ballot.
3Section 2
. Assembly rule 11 (12) is created to read:
4Assembly Rule 11 (12) During a biennial session, the chairperson of a standing
5committee may allow a member of the committee to participate in a committee
6meeting by telephone or by other means of telecommunication or electronic
7communication, and be considered present for all purposes, including voting, if all
8of the following have occurred:
(a) The member has contacted the legislature's human resources office in that
10biennial session and presented to the office written documentation that the member
11has a permanent disability and is unable to attend committee meetings on a regular
(b) The human resources office certifies in writing that the member has a
14permanent disability and is unable to attend committee meetings on a regular basis
15and provides a copy of the certification to the speaker and minority leader.
(c) The speaker and minority leader authorize the member to participate in
17committee meetings during the biennial session by telephone or by other means of
18telecommunication or electronic communication, and be considered present for all
19purposes, including voting.
(d) The member has made a request to the chairperson at least 2 hours before
21the meeting to participate in the meeting by telephone or by other means of
22telecommunication or electronic communication.
23Section 3
. Assembly rule 13 (1) (c) is amended to read:
24Assembly Rule 13 (1) (c) By a motion, offered under the
13th 12th order of
25business, while the business is pending on any reproduced calendar awaiting
1assembly action. The motion requires a vote of a majority of the members present
2and voting for adoption.
3Section 4
. Assembly rule 15 (2) is amended to read:
4Assembly Rule 15 (2) The motion to withdraw a proposal from committee
5including a unanimous consent request or motion to suspend the rules to withdraw
6a proposal from committee, is in order only
on the first day in any week on which the
7call of the roll is taken under the first during the 12th order of business.
The motions
8shall be decided by vote of a majority of the members present and voting.
5. Assembly rule 31 (8) is renumbered assembly rule 31 (13), and
10assembly rule 31 (13) (title), as renumbered, is amended to read:
11Assembly Rule 31 (13) (title)
Eighth Thirteenth order.
6. Assembly rule 31 (9) is renumbered assembly rule 31 (8), and
13assembly rule 31 (8) (title), as renumbered, is amended to read:
14Assembly Rule 31 (8) (title)
Ninth Eighth order.
7. Assembly rule 31 (10) is renumbered assembly rule 31 (9), and
16assembly rule 31 (9) (title), as renumbered, is amended to read:
17Assembly Rule 31 (9) (title)
Tenth Ninth order.
8. Assembly rule 31 (11) is renumbered assembly rule 31 (10), and
19assembly rule 31 (10) (title), as renumbered, is amended to read:
20Assembly Rule 31 (10) (title)
Eleventh Tenth order.
9. Assembly rule 31 (12) is renumbered assembly rule 31 (11), and
22assembly rule 31 (11) (title), as renumbered, is amended to read:
23Assembly Rule 31 (11) (title)
Twelfth Eleventh order.