1. If the easement is recorded, recording information for the easement.
2. If the easement is unrecorded or a prescriptive easement under s. 893.28 (2),
22the legal description of the parcel subject to the easement.
(b) A reference to this section.
(c) A statement that the electric provider may use the easement for a purpose
25under sub. (2) (a).
1(d) A statement that terms or conditions of the easement that inhibit the
2electric provider from using the easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) do not
4(5) (a) In this subsection, “owner” means an owner of or other person holding
5an interest in real property subject to an easement used for a purpose under sub. (2)
(b) 1. If an owner provides an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric
8provider, or a supplier of broadband services with an appraisal performed by an
9appraiser licensed under ch. 458 comparing the fair market value of the owner's real
10property interest immediately before and after an easement on the property is used
11for a purpose under sub. (2) (a), the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of
12broadband services shall do one of the following within 30 days:
a. Pay the owner the amount of damages identified in the appraisal provided
14by the owner.
b. Notify the owner that it disputes the appraisal. If an electric provider,
16subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services disputes the appraisal provided by the
17owner under this subd. 1. b., the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of
18broadband services shall within 90 days provide the owner with an appraisal
19performed by an appraiser licensed under ch. 458 comparing the fair market value
20of the owner's real property interest immediately before and after an easement on
21the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). The owner shall make
22reasonable accommodations for performance of the appraisal under this subd. 1. b.
2. If an owner who receives an appraisal under subd. 1. b. from an electric
24provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services provides to the electric
25provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services written notice accepting the
1appraisal or does not bring an action under par. (d) within 30 days of receiving the
2appraisal, the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services shall
3promptly remit payment to the owner for the difference in the fair market value of
4the owner's real property interest identified in the appraisal.
(c) An owner may not bring an action against an electric provider, a subsidiary
6of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for damages from a
7decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to the use of an
8easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) except as provided under this subsection.
(d) An owner may bring an action under this subsection against an electric
10provider, a subsidiary of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for
11damages from a decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to
12the use of an easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) only if all of the following
1. The owner provides an appraisal under par. (b) 1. to the electric provider,
15subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services within one year after the date that the
16owner receives notice under sub. (3) or, if the owner receives no notice under sub. (3),
17within one year after the date that a memorandum referring to an easement that
18applies to the property is recorded under sub. (4).
2. The owner brings the action within 30 days after receiving an appraisal from
20the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services under par. (b) 1.
(e) The maximum recovery under this subsection may not exceed the difference
23between the fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately
24before an easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) and the
25fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately after an
1easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). Evidence of
2revenues, profits, or fees received by an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric
3provider, or a supplier of broadband services shall not be admissible as evidence in
4any proceeding or action under this subsection.
. 185.983 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) Every voluntary nonprofit health care plan operated by a
7cooperative association organized under s. 185.981 shall be exempt from chs. 600 to
8646, with the exception of ss. 601.04, 601.13, 601.31, 601.41, 601.42, 601.43, 601.44,
9601.45, 611.26, 611.67, 619.04, 623.11, 623.12, 628.34 (10), 631.17, 631.89, 631.93,
10631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.729, 632.745 to 632.749, 632.775, 632.79, 632.795, 632.798,
11632.85, 632.853, 632.855,
632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (2) to (6),
632.871, 632.885,
12632.89, 632.895 (5) and (8) to (17), 632.896, and 632.897 (10) and chs. 609, 620, 630,
13635, 645, and 646, but the sponsoring association shall:
. 185.983 (1) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin
15Act .... (this act), section 2441
, is amended to read:
(1) (intro.) Every voluntary nonprofit health care plan operated by a
17cooperative association organized under s. 185.981 shall be exempt from chs. 600 to
18646, with the exception of ss. 601.04, 601.13, 601.31, 601.41, 601.42, 601.43, 601.44,
19601.45, 611.26, 611.67, 619.04, 623.11, 623.12, 628.34 (10), 631.17, 631.89, 631.93,
20631.95, 632.72 (2),
632.728, 632.729, 632.745 to 632.749, 632.775, 632.79, 632.795,
21632.798, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (2) to (6), 632.871,
22632.885, 632.89, 632.895 (5) and (8) to (17), 632.896, and 632.897 (10) and chs. 609,
23620, 630, 635, 645, and 646, but the sponsoring association shall:
24Section 2443
. 194.025 of the statutes is amended to read:
1194.025 Discrimination prohibited. No motor carrier may engage in any
2practice, act or omission which results in discrimination on the basis of race, creed,
or, national origin
, or status as a holder or nonholder of a license under s. 343.03
2444. 196.01 (5) (b) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
(5) (b) 8. A person who supplies electricity through the person's electric
7vehicle charging station to users' electric vehicles, if the person does not otherwise
8directly or indirectly provide electricity to the public.
2445. 196.025 (1h) of the statutes is created to read:
(1h) Social cost of carbon emissions. (a) In this subsection, “social
11cost of carbon” means a measure of the economic harms and other impacts expressed
12in dollars that result from emitting one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
(b) In consultation with the department of natural resources, the commission
14shall evaluate and set the social cost of carbon and shall evaluate and adjust as
15necessary that dollar amount every 2 years. The evaluations shall use integrated
16assessment models and consider appropriate discount rates. Any adjustment shall
17be consistent with the international consensus on the social cost of carbon. No later
18than December 31, 2021, and no later than December 31 every odd-numbered year
19thereafter, the commission shall submit to the appropriate standing committees of
20the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) a report that describes the commission's
21evaluation and, if the commission adjusts the previously set dollar amount, specifies
22the social cost of carbon as adjusted by the commission.
(d) The commission shall consider the social cost of carbon in determining
24whether to issue certificates under ss. 196.49 and 196.491 (3).
2446. 196.025 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
(8) Model ordinance for repaying local governments for certain
2improvements. The commission shall develop and make available a model ordinance
3that addresses political subdivisions, as defined in s. 66.0627 (1) (b), making loans
4or entering into agreements for making or installing energy efficiency
5improvements, as defined in s. 66.0627 (1) (am), water efficiency improvements, as
6defined in s. 66.0627 (1) (d), or renewable resource applications to premises under
7s. 66.0627 (8).