AB50,864,2019(i) Medical leave means leave from employment taken for any of the reasons
20under s. 103.10 (4).
AB50,865,221(2) Paid benefit requirement. Each employer shall provide paid leave
22benefits to their employees for up to 8 weeks of family and medical leave in the
23amount specified in sub. (3). Employees shall be paid leave benefits for consecutive

1family and medical leave or intermittent family leave and medical leave at the
2employees sole discretion.
AB50,865,43(3) Benefit amount. The amount of leave benefits for a week for which those
4benefits are payable is as follows:
AB50,865,85(a) For the amount of the employee's average weekly earnings that are not
6more than 50 percent of the state annual median wage in the calendar year before
7the employees application year, 90 percent of that individual's average weekly
AB50,865,119(b) For the amount of the employees average weekly earnings that are more
10than 50 percent of the state annual median wage in the calendar year before the
11employees application year, 50 percent of that employees average weekly earnings.
AB50,865,1312(4) Insurance. (a) An employer may contract with an insurance company to
13provide coverage for the leave benefits required under sub. (2).
AB50,865,1614(b) Employers may not deduct any fees from employee compensation for the
15cost of insurance coverage or otherwise charge employees for the cost of insurance
16coverage under this subsection.
AB50,865,1817(c) Insurance policies for leave benefits shall allow for employees to seek
18arbitration following a denial of leave benefits by the insurer.
AB50,865,2119(5) Federal tax treatment of benefits. With respect to the federal income
20taxation of family or medical leave insurance benefits, an employer shall do all of
21the following:
AB50,866,322(a) At the time an individual files a claim for leave benefits, advise the
23individual that those benefits may be subject to federal income taxation, that
24requirements exist under federal law pertaining to estimated tax payments, and

1that the individual may elect to have federal income taxes withheld from the
2individuals benefit payments and may change that election not more than one time
3in an application year.
AB50,866,94(b) Allow the individual to elect to have federal income tax deducted and
5withheld from the individuals benefit payments, allow the individual to change
6that election not more than one time in an application year, and deduct and
7withhold that tax in accordance with the individuals election as provided under 26
8USC 3402. If the employer has contracted with an insurer, the employer shall
9direct the insurer to follow the provisions of this paragraph.
AB50,866,2110(6) Denial of benefits; appeals. An employer or an insurer that provides
11benefits under a policy under sub. (4) shall provide an employee with the reason for
12a denial for a claim for leave benefits whether in whole or in part, with information
13for the employee to file an appeal with the department. An employee whose claim
14for leave benefits under this section has been denied in whole or in part by their
15employer or their employers insurer may file a complaint with the department
16after receiving a final denial from their employer or their employers insurer. The
17department shall process the complaint in the same manner as complaints filed
18under s. 103.10 (12) (b) are processed. If the department finds that the employer or
19insurer should have paid leave benefits, the department may order the employer or
20insurer to provide the benefits owed and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), pay
21reasonable actual attorney fees to the employee.
AB50,866,2322(7) Prohibited acts. (a) No person may interfere with, restrain, or deny the
23exercise of any right provided under this section.
AB50,867,424(b) No person may discharge or otherwise discriminate against any person for

1exercising any right provided under this section, opposing a practice prohibited
2under this section, filing a complaint or attempting to enforce any right provided
3under this section, or testifying or assisting in any action or proceeding to enforce
4any right provided under this section.
AB50,867,85(c) No collective bargaining agreement or employer policy may diminish or
6abridge an employees rights under this section. Any agreement purporting to
7waive or modify an employees rights under this section is void as against public
8policy and unenforceable.
AB50,867,139(8) Notice posted. Each employer shall post, on its website and in one or
10more conspicuous places where notices to employees are customarily posted, a
11notice in a form approved by the department setting forth employees rights under
12this section. Any employer that violates this subsection shall forfeit not more than
13$100 for each violation.
AB50,867,1414(9) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
AB50,162815Section 1628. 103.10 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 103.10 (1)
16(a) and amended to read:
AB50,867,1817103.10 (1) (a) Child means a natural, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, or
18a legal ward to whom any of the following applies:.
AB50,162919Section 1629. 103.10 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,163020Section 1630. 103.10 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is repealed.
AB50,163121Section 1631. 103.10 (1) (ap) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,867,2222103.10 (1) (ap) Covered active duty means any of the following:
11. For a member of a regular component of the U.S. armed forces, duty during
2the deployment of the member with the U.S. armed forces to a foreign country.
AB50,868,632. For a member of a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces, duty during
4the deployment of the member with the U.S. armed forces to a foreign country
5under a call or order to active duty under a provision of law specified in 10 USC 101
6(a) (13) (B).
AB50,16327Section 1632. 103.10 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB50,868,118103.10 (1) (b) Except as provided in sub. (1m) (b) 2. and s. 452.38, employee
9means an individual employed in this state by an employer, except the employers
10parent, child, spouse, domestic partner, or child parent, grandparent, grandchild,
11or sibling.
AB50,163312Section 1633. 103.10 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB50,868,1313103.10 (1) (dm) Grandchild means the child of a child.