AB617,94549Section 94. 218.04 (2) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read: AB617,,550550218.04 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person may not operate as a collection agency or as a collector or solicitor in this state without first having obtained a license as required by this section. AB617,,551551(b) A nonresident of this state is not required to obtain a collection agency license if that person conducts collection business agency activity with state residents solely by means of interstate telecommunications or interstate mail. AB617,95552Section 95. 218.04 (3) (a) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB617,,553553218.04 (3) (a) 1. (intro.) Application for licenses under the provisions of this section shall be made to the division in writing, under oath, on a form to be prescribed by in a form and manner acceptable to the division. All licenses shall expire on June 30 next following their date of issue. Except as provided in subd. 3., an application for a license under this section shall include the following: AB617,96554Section 96. 218.04 (3) (a) 1g., 1m. and 1r. of the statutes are created to read: AB617,,555555218.04 (3) (a) 1g. The division shall utilize the nationwide multistate licensing system and registry, and the provisions of s. 224.35 shall apply, with respect to applicants and licensees under this section. AB617,,5565561m. An applicant or licensee under this section shall register with, and maintain a valid unique identifier issued by, the nationwide multistate licensing system and registry. AB617,,5575571r. Each licensee shall keep current and accurate all material information on file with the division and the nationwide multistate licensing system and registry as provided in s. 224.35 (6). AB617,97558Section 97. 218.04 (3) (a) 2. c. of the statutes is created to read: AB617,,559559218.04 (3) (a) 2. c. The division may disclose information to the nationwide multistate licensing system and registry as provided in s. 224.35. AB617,98560Section 98. 218.04 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB617,,561561218.04 (3) (b) At the time of making application, every applicant for a collection agency license shall pay a nonrefundable fee of $1,000 to the division for investigating the application, unless the applicant is already licensed under this section, and the sum of $200 as an annual license fee for each place of business that is required to be separately licensed under sub. (4) (a). If the cost of investigation exceeds $1,000, the applicant shall, upon demand of the division, pay the excess cost. No investigation fee is required on the renewal of a license. AB617,99562Section 99. 218.04 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed. AB617,100563Section 100. 218.04 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB617,,564564218.04 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (am), upon the filing of such a license application and the payment of such fee the applicable fees, the division shall make an investigation, and if the division finds that the character and general fitness and the financial responsibility of the applicant, and the members thereof if the applicant is a partnership, limited liability company or association, and the officers and directors thereof if the applicant is a corporation, warrant the belief that the business will be operated in compliance with this section the division shall thereupon issue a license to said the applicant. Such A license is not assignable and, except as provided in par. (ap), shall permit operation under it only at or from the location specified in the license, except that an employee of a licensed collection agency may work from the employee’s home if the employee complies with all of the same requirements under this section and the division’s rules that would apply if the employee were working within the licensed office and except that a licensed collector or solicitor may work outside the licensed office of a collection agency. A nonresident of this state may, upon complying with all other provisions of this section, secure a collection agency license provided the nonresident maintains an active office in this state. Except as provided in par. (ap), a separate license is required for each place of business maintained by the licensee from which the licensee or its collectors or solicitors engage in the business of collecting or receiving payments for others of any account, bill, or other indebtedness of a person located in this state. AB617,101565Section 101. 218.04 (4) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB617,,566566218.04 (4) (am) 1. The applicant fails to provide any application information required under sub. (3) (a) 1. by the division. AB617,102567Section 102. 218.04 (4) (ap) and (c) of the statutes are created to read: AB617,,568568218.04 (4) (ap) An employee of a licensed collection agency may work from the employee’s residence. An employee’s resident address may not be presented to the public as a location or office of the collection agency, through advertising or other means of communication. No physical records of the collection agency may be maintained at an employee’s residence. A separate license under par. (4) (a) is not required for a residence that meets the requirements of this paragraph. AB617,,569569(c) If an applicant fails to complete the application for an initial license within 60 days after the division provides written notice of the incomplete application, the application is considered abandoned and the investigation fee shall not be refunded. An applicant whose application is abandoned under this paragraph may reapply to obtain a new license. AB617,103570Section 103. 218.04 (5) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., 3. and 4. of the statutes are amended to read: AB617,,571571218.04 (5) (a) (intro.) The division may suspend or revoke any license issued under this section if the division finds that any of the following applies: AB617,,5725721. The licensee has violated any of the provisions of this section, rules promulgated under this section, or any lawful order of the division made thereunder; under this section. AB617,,5735732. Any fact or condition exists which, if it had existed at the time of the original application for such the license, would have warranted the division in refusing to issue such the license;. AB617,,5745743. The licensee has failed to pay the annual license fee or to maintain in effect the bond required under sub. (3) (d);. AB617,,5755754. The licensee has failed to remit money due to any and all claimants or forwarders within 30 days from on or before the last day of the month following the close of the month during which the collection was effected; or. AB617,104576Section 104. 218.04 (5) (a) 6. of the statutes is created to read: AB617,,577577218.04 (5) (a) 6. The licensee has made a material misstatement, or knowingly omitted a material fact, in an application for a license or in information furnished to the division or the nationwide multistate licensing system and registry.