AB68-ASA2-AA6,104,522 111.91 (1w) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), with regard to a collective
23bargaining unit that contains at least one frontline worker, matters subject to
24collective bargaining to the point of impasse are wage rates, consistent with sub. (2),
25the assignment and reassignment of classifications to pay ranges, determination of

1an incumbent's pay status resulting from position reallocation or reclassification,
2and pay adjustments upon temporary assignment of classified employees to duties
3of a higher classification or downward reallocations of a classified employee's
4position; fringe benefits consistent with sub. (2); hours and conditions of
AB68-ASA2-AA6,104,106 (b) With regard to a collective bargaining unit that contains at least one
7frontline worker, the employer is not required to bargain on management rights
8under s. 111.90, except that procedures for the adjustment or settlement of
9grievances or disputes arising out of any type of disciplinary action referred to in s.
10111.90 (3) shall be a subject of bargaining.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,104,1211 (c) The employer is prohibited from bargaining on matters contained in sub. (2)
12with a collective bargaining unit that contains at least one frontline worker.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341cw 13Section 341cw. 111.91 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,104,1614 111.91 (2) (intro.) The employer is prohibited from bargaining with a collective
15bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1) (g) or with a collective bargaining unit that
16contains a frontline worker
with respect to all of the following:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341cx 17Section 341cx. 111.91 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,104,2018 111.91 (3) (intro.) The employer is prohibited from bargaining with a collective
19bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees with respect to any
20of the following:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341cy 21Section 341cy. 111.91 (3q) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,105,222 111.91 (3q) For purposes of determining compliance with sub. (3), the
23commission shall provide, upon request, to the employer or to any representative of
24a collective bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees, the

1consumer price index change during any 12-month period. The commission may get
2the information from the department of revenue.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341cz 3Section 341cz. 111.91 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,105,124 111.91 (4) The administrator of the division, in connection with the
5development of tentative collective bargaining agreements to be submitted under s.
6111.92 (1) (a) 1., shall endeavor to obtain tentative agreements with each recognized
7or certified labor organization representing employees or supervisors of employees
8specified in s. 111.81 (7) (a) or (ag) and with each certified labor organization
9representing employees specified in s. 111.81 (7) (b) to (e) which do not contain any
10provision for the payment to any employee of a cumulative or noncumulative amount
11of compensation in recognition of or based on the period of time an employee has been
12employed by the state.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341db 13Section 341db. 111.92 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,105,1614 111.92 (3) (a) Agreements covering a collective bargaining unit specified under
15s. 111.825 (1) (g) or a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker shall
16coincide with the fiscal year or biennium.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341dc 17Section 341dc. 111.92 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,105,2118 111.92 (3) (b) No agreements covering a collective bargaining unit containing
19 a only general employee employees may be for a period that exceeds one year, and
20each agreement must coincide with the fiscal year. Agreements covering a collective
21bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees may not be extended.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341dd 22Section 341dd. 111.93 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,106,723 111.93 (3) (a) If a collective bargaining agreement exists between the employer
24and a labor organization representing employees in a collective bargaining unit
25under s. 111.825 (1) (g) or in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline

, the provisions of that agreement shall supersede the provisions of civil
2service and other applicable statutes, as well as rules and policies of the University
3of Wisconsin-Madison and the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin
4System, and policies or determinations of an authority, that are related to wages,
5fringe benefits, hours, and conditions of employment, whether or not the matters
6contained in those statutes, rules, and policies , and determinations are set forth in
7the collective bargaining agreement.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,341de 8Section 341de. 111.93 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,106,159 111.93 (3) (b) If a collective bargaining agreement exists between the employer
10and a labor organization representing only general employees in a collective
11bargaining unit, the provisions of that agreement shall supersede the provisions of
12civil service and other applicable statutes, as well as rules and policies of the board
13of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, related to wages, whether or not
14the matters contained in those statutes, rules, and policies are set forth in the
15collective bargaining agreement.”.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,106,16 1673. Page 337, line 10: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,106,17 17 Section 351b. 118.22 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,106,2118 118.22 (4) A collective bargaining agreement under subch. IV of ch. 111 may
19modify, waive, or replace any of the provisions of this section as they apply to teachers
20in the collective bargaining unit, but neither the employer nor the bargaining agent
21for the employees is required to bargain such modification, waiver, or replacement.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,351d 22Section 351d. 118.245 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,107,723 118.245 (1) If a school board wishes to increase the total base wages of its
24general municipal employees, as defined in s. 111.70 (1) (fm), in an amount that

1exceeds the limit under s. 111.70 (4) (mb) 2., the school board shall adopt a resolution
2to that effect. The resolution shall specify the amount by which the proposed total
3base wages increase will exceed the limit under s. 111.70 (4) (mb) 2. The resolution
4may not take effect unless it is approved in a referendum called for that purpose. The
5referendum shall occur in April for collective bargaining agreements that begin in
6July of that year. The results of a referendum apply to the total base wages only in
7the next collective bargaining agreement.
AB68-ASA2-AA6,351f 8Section 351f. 118.42 (3) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,107,119 118.42 (3) (a) 4. Implement changes in administrative and personnel
10structures that are consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreements
11under subch. IV of ch. 111
AB68-ASA2-AA6,351h 12Section 351h. 118.42 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA6,107,1613 118.42 (5) Nothing in this section alters or otherwise affects the rights or
14remedies afforded school districts and school district employees under federal or
15state law or under the terms of any applicable collective bargaining agreement under
16subch. IV of ch. 111
AB68-ASA2-AA6,351L 17Section 351L. 120.12 (15) of the statutes is amended to read: