DCF 250.07(6)(f)6.6. Medication for a child in care shall be administered by the center as directed on the label and as authorized by the parent.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)(g)
DCF 250.07(6)(g)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a child’s hands shall be washed with soap and warm running water before meals or snacks, after handling pets or other animals, and after toileting or diapering. A child’s hands and face shall be washed when soiled. For children under one year of age, hands may be washed with soap and a wet fabric or a paper washcloth that is used once and discarded.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)2.2. If running water is not immediately available when outdoors or on field trips, soap and water-based wet wipes may be used. When running water becomes available, hands shall be washed immediately with soap and running water.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)3.3. Disinfecting hand sanitizers may not replace the use of soap and water for washing hands.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)4.4. Bodily secretions from a child shall be wiped with a disposable tissue.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)5.5. All providers shall use universal precautions when exposed to blood or bodily fluids or discharges containing blood.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)6.6. All persons working with children in care shall wash their hands with soap and warm running water before handling food, before and after assisting with toileting or diapering, after handling pets or animals, and after being exposed to blood or bodily fluids containing blood or other types of bodily secretions. If gloves are used, hands shall be washed after removal of gloves.
DCF 250.07(6)(g)7.7. Single use disposable gloves shall be worn if there is contact with bodily fluids or tissue discharges that contain blood. Gloves shall be discarded in plastic bags.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)(h) Health precautions.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)1.1. Surfaces exposed to bodily secretions, including toys, equipment, and furnishings, shall be washed with soap and water and disinfected. The disinfectant solution used shall be one that is registered with the U.S. environmental protection agency as a disinfectant and has instructions for use as a disinfectant on the label. The solution shall be prepared and applied as indicated on the label.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)2.2. Soap, towels or an air dryer, toilet paper, and a waste paper container shall be provided in the washroom and accessible to children.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)3.3. Towels and washcloths shall be individual to each person and used only once. Cups, eating utensils, or toothbrushes may not be shared.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)4.4. Wet or soiled clothing shall be changed promptly from an available supply of clean clothing.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)4m.4m. Children shall be clothed in seasonally appropriate clothing when outdoors.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)5.5. Section DCF 250.09 (4) applies when a child 2 years of age or older needs attention for diapering or toileting.
DCF 250.07(6)(h)6.6. As appropriate, children shall be protected from sunburn and insect bites with protective clothing, sunscreen, or insect repellent. Sunscreen and insect repellent may only be applied upon the written authorization of the parent. The authorization shall include the ingredient strength and be reviewed and updated periodically. If sunscreen or insect repellent is provided by the parent, the sunscreen or repellent shall be labeled with the child’s name. Recording the application of sunscreen or insect repellent is not necessary.
DCF 250.07(6)(k)(k) Injuries.
DCF 250.07(6)(k)1.1. Written permission from the parent to call the child’s physician or refer the child for medical care in case of injury shall be on file at the center. A provider shall contact a parent of the injured child as soon as possible after an emergency has occurred or, if the injury is minor, when the child is picked up.
DCF 250.07 NoteNote: See DCF 250.04 (3) (a) regarding reporting injuries that require medical attention to the Department within 24 hours after the occurrence.
DCF 250.07 NoteNote: The department’s form, Child Care Enrollment, includes authorization for the center to obtain emergency medical care for a child. Information on how to obtain forms is available on the department’s website, http://dcf.wisconsin.gov, or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
DCF 250.07(6)(k)2.2. Superficial wounds shall be cleaned with soap and water only and protected with a bandaid or bandage.
DCF 250.07(6)(k)3.3. Suspected poisoning shall be treated only after consultation with a poison control center.
DCF 250.07(6)(k)4.4. The licensee shall designate a planned source of emergency medical care, such as a hospital emergency room, clinic or other constantly staffed facility and shall advise parents about that designation.
DCF 250.07(7)(7)Pets and animals.
DCF 250.07(7)(a)(a) Animals shall be maintained in good health and appropriately immunized against rabies. Rabies vaccinations shall be documented with a current certificate from a veterinarian.
DCF 250.07(7)(b)(b) Animals that pose any risk to the children shall be restricted from the indoor and outdoor areas used by children.
DCF 250.07(7)(c)(c) Licensees shall ensure that parents are aware of the presence of pets and animals in the center. If pets and animals are allowed to roam in areas of the center occupied by children, written acknowledgement from the parents shall be obtained. If pets are added after a child is enrolled, parents shall be notified in writing prior to the pets’ addition to the center.
DCF 250.07(7)(d)(d) Reptiles, amphibians, ferrets, poisonous animals, psittacine birds, exotic and wild animals may not be accessible to children.