SB45,162112Section 1621. 103.035 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,851,1413103.035 Work schedule flexibility and predictability. (1) Definitions.
14In this section:
SB45,851,1715(a) Bona fide business reason means a reason that justifies an employers
16action and that is based on the employers determination that taking a different
17action would have any of the following results:
SB45,851,20181. Additional costs to the employer, including costs of lost employee
19productivity, retaining or hiring employees, or transferring employees between
20work locations.
SB45,851,22212. A significant detrimental effect on the employers ability to meet
22organizational needs or customer demand.
13. A significant inability of the employer, despite the employers best efforts, to
2reorganize work among other employees.
SB45,852,334. A significant detrimental effect on the employers business performance.
SB45,852,445. Insufficient work during the period an employee proposes to work.
SB45,852,756. Unfairness to other employees who request changes to work schedules if
6granting all requests would have a significant detrimental effect on the employers
7ability to meet organizational needs.
SB45,852,88(b) Child means an individual who is all of the following:
SB45,852,1091. A biological, adopted, or foster child; a stepchild; a legal ward; or a child of
10a person standing in the place of a parent with respect to that child.
SB45,852,11112. An individual to whom any of the following applies:
SB45,852,1212a. The individual is less than 18 years of age.
SB45,852,1413b. The individual is 18 years of age or older and is incapable of self-care
14because of a mental or physical disability.
SB45,852,1515(c) Domestic partner has the meaning given in s. 40.02 (21c) or 770.01 (1).
SB45,852,1616(d) Employee means an employee who is employed by an employer.
SB45,852,2117(e) Employer means an employer that employs at least 15 employees.
18Employer includes the state, its political subdivisions, and any office,
19department, independent agency, authority, institution, association, society, or
20other body in state or local government created or authorized to be created by the
21constitution or any law, including the legislature and the courts.
SB45,852,2222(f) Family member means any of the following:
SB45,852,23231. A spouse or domestic partner of an employee.
12. A parent, child, sibling, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, or
2grandchild of an employee or of an employees spouse or domestic partner.
SB45,853,633. Any other individual who is related by blood, marriage, or adoption to an
4employee or to an employees spouse or domestic partner and whose close
5association with the employee, spouse, or domestic partner makes the individual
6the equivalent of an individual listed under subd. 2.
SB45,853,77(g) Grandchild means the child of a child.
SB45,853,88(h) Grandparent means the parent of a parent.
SB45,853,119(i) Nonexempt employee means an employee who is not employed in a bona
10fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, as described in 29 USC 213
11(a) (1).
SB45,853,1412(j) Parent means a biological parent, foster parent, adoptive parent,
13stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or of an employees spouse or domestic
SB45,853,1615(k) Part-time employee means an employee who works on average fewer
16than 30 hours per week for a particular employer.
SB45,853,2017(L) Service employee means a nonexempt employee who is employed in any
18of the occupations classified under the following codes set forth in the Standard
19Occupational Classification System, 2018 edition, published by the bureau of labor
20statistics of the U.S. department of labor:
SB45,853,22211. Major group code 35-0000 — food preparation and serving related
SB45,853,23232. Broad occupation code 37-2010 — building cleaning workers.