SB866,4,86 (b) One physician licensed under ch. 448 who works as a primary care physician
7and who has experience in naturopathic medicine or working with naturopathic
SB866,4,99 (c) Two public members.
SB866,4 10Section 4 . 36.25 (11) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,4,1711 36.25 (11) (b) The laboratory shall provide complete laboratory services in the
12areas of water quality, air quality, public health and contagious diseases for
13appropriate state agencies, and may perform examinations for licensed physicians,
14naturopathic doctors, veterinarians, local health officers, as defined in s. 250.01 (5),
15and resource management officials as may be necessary for the prevention and
16control of those diseases and environmental hazards which cause concern for public
17health and environmental quality.
SB866,5 18Section 5 . 46.03 (44) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,5,219 46.03 (44) Sexually transmitted disease treatment information. Prepare and
20keep current an information sheet to be distributed to a patient by a physician,
21naturopathic doctor, physician assistant, or certified advanced practice nurse
22prescriber providing expedited partner therapy to that patient under s. 448.035. The
23information sheet shall include information about sexually transmitted diseases and
24their treatment and about the risk of drug allergies. The information sheet shall also
25include a statement advising a person with questions about the information to

1contact his or her physician, pharmacist, or local health department, as defined in
2s. 250.01 (4).
SB866,6 3Section 6. 48.981 (2) (a) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB866,5,44 48.981 (2) (a) 1m. A naturopathic doctor.
SB866,7 5Section 7 . 48.981 (2m) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,5,96 48.981 (2m) (b) 1. “Health care provider" means a physician, as defined under
7s. 448.01 (5), a naturopathic doctor, as defined under s. 466.01 (4), a physician
8assistant, as defined under s. 448.01 (6), or a nurse holding a license under s. 441.06
9(1) or a license under s. 441.10.
SB866,8 10Section 8 . 60.23 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,5,1511 60.23 (9) Resident physicians, physician assistants and nurses health care
in certain towns. In a town comprised entirely of one or more islands,
13annually appropriate money to retain a physician or, if no physician is available, a
14physician assistant, naturopathic doctor, or nurse practitioner, as a resident within
15the town.
SB866,9 16Section 9 . 69.01 (6g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,5,1917 69.01 (6g) “Date of death" means the date that a person is pronounced dead by
18a physician, naturopathic doctor, coroner, deputy coroner, medical examiner, deputy
19medical examiner, or hospice nurse.
SB866,10 20Section 10 . 69.18 (1) (cj) of the statutes is created to read:
SB866,5,2521 69.18 (1) (cj) 1. For purposes of preparation of the certificate of death and in
22accordance with accepted medical standards, a naturopathic doctor who is directly
23involved with the care of a patient who dies may pronounce the date, time, and place
24of the patient's death if the patient was generally under the care of a naturopathic
25doctor at the time of death.
12. Subdivision 1. may not be construed to authorize a naturopathic doctor to
2certify under sub. (2) (b) the cause of the patient's death.
SB866,11 3Section 11 . 77.54 (14) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,6,54 77.54 (14) (b) Furnished by a licensed physician, naturopathic doctor, surgeon,
5podiatrist, or dentist to a patient who is a human being for treatment of the patient.
SB866,12 6Section 12 . 77.54 (14) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,6,87 77.54 (14) (d) Sold to a licensed physician, naturopathic doctor, surgeon,
8podiatrist, dentist, or hospital for the treatment of a human being.
SB866,13 9Section 13 . 77.54 (14) (f) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB866,6,1010 77.54 (14) (f) 1m. A naturopathic doctor.
SB866,14 11Section 14 . 118.15 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,6,2312 118.15 (3) (a) Any child who is excused by the school board because the child
13is temporarily not in proper physical or mental condition to attend a school program
14but who can be expected to return to a school program upon termination or
15abatement of the illness or condition. The school attendance officer may request the
16parent or guardian of the child to obtain a written statement from a licensed
17physician, naturopathic doctor, dentist, chiropractor, optometrist, psychologist,
18physician assistant, or nurse practitioner, as defined in s. 255.06 (1) (d), or certified
19advanced practice nurse prescriber or Christian Science practitioner living and
20residing in this state, who is listed in the Christian Science Journal, as sufficient
21proof of the physical or mental condition of the child. An excuse under this paragraph
22shall be in writing and shall state the time period for which it is valid, not to exceed
2330 days.
SB866,15 24Section 15 . 118.25 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1118.25 (1) (a) “Practitioner" means a person licensed as a physician,
2naturopathic doctor, naturopathic medical doctor, naturopathic physician,
or as a
3physician assistant in any state or licensed or certified as an advanced practice nurse
4prescriber in any state. In this paragraph, “physician” has the meaning given in s.
5448.01 (5).
SB866,16 6Section 16 . 118.29 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB866,7,97 118.29 (1) (e) “Practitioner" means any physician, naturopathic doctor,
8naturopathic medical doctor, naturopathic physician,
dentist, optometrist, physician
9assistant, advanced practice nurse prescriber, or podiatrist licensed in any state.