NR 463.13(11)(d)(d) The owner or operator of a SAPU at a secondary aluminum production facility that is a major source may demonstrate compliance with the emission limits of pars. (a) to (c) by demonstrating that each emission unit within the SAPU is in compliance with the applicable emission limits of subs. (9) and (10). NR 463.13(11)(e)(e) The owner or operator of a SAPU at a secondary aluminum production facility that is an area source may demonstrate compliance with the emission limits of par. (c) by demonstrating that each emission unit within the SAPU is in compliance with the emission limit of sub. (9) (c). NR 463.13(11)(f)(f) With the prior approval of the department, an owner or operator may redesignate any existing group 1 furnace or in-line fluxer at a secondary aluminum production facility as a new emission unit. Any emission unit so redesignated may thereafter be included in a new SAPU at that facility. Any redesignation shall be solely for the purpose of this MACT standard and shall be irreversible. NR 463.13 HistoryHistory: CR 04-023: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09. NR 463.14(1)(a)(a) On and after the compliance date established by s. NR 463.115, the owner or operator shall operate all new and existing affected sources and control equipment according to the requirements in this section. NR 463.14(1)(b)(b) The owner or operator of an existing sweat furnace that meets the specifications of s. NR 463.13 (6) shall operate the sweat furnace and control equipment according to the requirements of this section on and after the compliance date established by s. NR 463.115. NR 463.14(1)(c)(c) The owner or operator of a new sweat furnace that meets the specifications of s. NR 463.13 (6) shall operate the sweat furnace and control equipment according to the requirements of this section by March 23, 2000 or upon startup, whichever is later. NR 463.14(1)(d)(d) Operating requirements are summarized in the following table. Table 2
Summary of Operating Requirements for New and Existing Affected Sources and Emission Units
a Thermal chip dryers, scrap dryers, delacquering kilns, dross-only furnaces, in-line fluxers and group 1 furnaces including melting and holding furnaces.
b OM&M plan- Operation, maintenance, and monitoring plan.
c Site-specific monitoring plan. Owners and operators of group 1 furnaces without control devices shall include a section in their OM&M plan that documents work practices and pollution prevention measures, including procedures for scrap inspection, by which compliance is achieved with emission limits and process or feed parameter-based operating requirements. This plan and the testing to demonstrate adequacy of the monitoring plan shall be developed in coordination with and approved by the department.
NR 463.14(2)(2) Labeling. The owner or operator shall provide and maintain easily visible labels posted at each group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace, in-line fluxer, scrap dryer, delacquering kiln and decoating kiln that identify the applicable emission limits and means of compliance, including all of the following: NR 463.14(2)(a)(a) The type of affected source or emission unit, such as a scrap dryer, delacquering kiln or decoating kiln, group 1 furnace, group 2 furnace or in-line fluxer. NR 463.14(2)(b)(b) The applicable operational standards and control methods, including work practice or control device. This includes the type of charge to be used for a furnace, including clean scrap only, all scrap, or other, flux materials and addition practices, and the applicable operating parameter ranges and requirements as incorporated in the operations maintenance and monitoring plan required by s. NR 463.15 (2). NR 463.14(2)(c)(c) The afterburner operating temperature and design residence time for a scrap dryer, delacquering kiln or decoating kiln. NR 463.14(3)(3) Capture and collection systems. For each affected source or emission unit equipped with an add-on air pollution control device, the owner or operator shall do all of the following: NR 463.14(3)(a)(a) Design and install a system for the capture and collection of emissions to meet the engineering standards for minimum exhaust rates as published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists in chapters 3 and 5 of Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.11 (2) (d). NR 463.14(3)(b)(b) Vent captured emissions through a closed system, except that dilution air may be added to emission streams for the purpose of controlling temperature at the inlet to a fabric filter. NR 463.14(3)(c)(c) Operate each capture and collection system according to the procedures and requirements in the operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) plan. NR 463.14(4)(4) Feed or charge weight. The owner or operator of each affected source or emission unit subject to an emission limit in kg/Mg (lb/ton) or mg/Mg (gr/ton) of feed or charge shall comply with both pars. (a) and (b). NR 463.14(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c), install and operate a device that measures and records or otherwise determine the weight of feed or charge (or throughput) for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test. NR 463.14(4)(b)(b) Operate each weight measurement system or other weight determination procedure in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(4)(c)(c) The owner or operator may chose to measure and record aluminum production weight from an affected source or emission unit rather than feed or charge weight to an affected source or emission unit, provided that both of the following conditions are met: