AB579-ASA1,2,88 (d) Kewaunee River.
AB579-ASA1,2,99 (e) Kinnickinnic River.
1(f) Manitowoc River.
AB579-ASA1,3,22 (g) Menominee River.
AB579-ASA1,3,33 (h) Menomonee River.
AB579-ASA1,3,44 (i) Milwaukee River.
AB579-ASA1,3,55 (j) Root River.
AB579-ASA1,3,66 (k) Sheboygan River.
AB579-ASA1,3,77 (L) St. Louis River.
AB579-ASA1,3,88 (m) West Twin River.
AB579-ASA1,2 9Section 2 . 30.122 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB579-ASA1,3,10 1030.122 (title) Unauthorized structures and fill.
AB579-ASA1,3 11Section 3 . 30.122 of the statutes is renumbered 30.122 (1).
AB579-ASA1,4 12Section 4 . 30.122 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB579-ASA1,3,1713 30.122 (2) A fill or deposit placed in a commercial waterway before December
149, 1977, that created land at an elevation above the current ordinary high water
15mark and that has remained above the current ordinary high water mark since
16December 9, 1977, is considered land held in private fee title ownership and is not
17subject to a navigational servitude if any of the following apply:
AB579-ASA1,3,2018 (a) The fill or deposit is unauthorized and the department has not initiated an
19enforcement action relating to the fill or deposit prior to the effective date of this
20paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
AB579-ASA1,3,2321 (b) The fill or deposit is within an authorized bulkhead line established as
22provided under s. 30.11 and use of the filled area is not specifically restricted by the
23terms included in a submerged land lease under s. 24.39 (4).
AB579-ASA1,5 24Section 5 . 30.122 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
130.122 (3) Nothing in this section abridges the riparian rights of riparian
AB579-ASA1,6 3Section 6. 30.2034 of the statutes is created to read:
AB579-ASA1,4,5 430.2034 Amendments to existing approvals. (1) Definitions. In this
AB579-ASA1,4,86 (a) “Fill authorization” means the authorization of fill in an area of a Great
7Lakes water by the legislature in specific legislation or a lake bed grant or by a
8submerged land lease under s. 24.39.
AB579-ASA1,4,109 (b) “Filled area” means an area in a Great Lakes water filled before August 8,
101989, pursuant to a fill authorization.
AB579-ASA1,4,1111 (c) “Grantee” means a municipality that has been granted a fill authorization.
AB579-ASA1,4,1312 (d) “Great Lakes water” means Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Green Bay, or
13Sturgeon Bay.
AB579-ASA1,4,1414 (e) Notwithstanding s. 30.01 (4), “municipality” means a city or village.
AB579-ASA1,4,16 15(2) Applications by grantees. (a) A grantee may apply to the department to
16amend the uses allowed within filled areas of a fill authorization.
AB579-ASA1,4,1717 (b) An application under par. (a) shall include all of the following information:
AB579-ASA1,4,1918 1. A legal description of the fill authorization and the filled area proposed to
19be used.