DHS 75.24(1)(a)2.2. A determination of the patient’s needs for immediate services related to withdrawal risk, acute intoxication, overdose risk, induction of pharmacotherapy, or emergency medical needs. DHS 75.24(1)(b)(b) A screening is preliminary, and is either confirmed or modified based on completion of the full assessment and ASAM or other department-approved level of care placement criteria. DHS 75.24(1)(c)(c) The screening completed under this subsection may be combined with a more comprehensive assessment. DHS 75.24(2)(2) Emergency services. If a need is identified for immediate services related to withdrawal, acute intoxication, overdose, or other reason, the service may initiate treatment prior to completion of the comprehensive assessment or treatment plan. The patient’s record for emergency services shall include documentation of all of the following: DHS 75.24(2)(b)(b) A consent for services to be received, signed by the patient or the patient’s legal guardian. DHS 75.24(2)(c)(c) A progress note for all services delivered to the patient. DHS 75.24(2)(d)(d) A reason for the initiation of emergency services and a completed initial screening that evaluates biomedical, mental health, and substance use indicators, and guides decision-making regarding the initial level of care placement and referral. DHS 75.24(3)(3) After hours emergency response. A service shall have a written policy and procedure for how the clinic will provide or arrange for, the provision of services to address a patient’s behavioral health emergency or crisis during hours when its offices are closed, or when staff members are not available to provide behavioral health services. DHS 75.24(4)(a)(a) When a patient’s pattern of behavior or acute symptoms of a substance use or mental health disorder indicate the likelihood for significant, imminent harm to the individual or others, including affected family members, the service shall develop a safety plan within 24 hours of the contact. DHS 75.24(4)(b)(b) The service shall have written policies and procedures that outline the requirements and process for safety planning. DHS 75.24(5)(a)(a) A service shall have Naloxone on-site at each facility and branch location, to be administered in the event of an opioid overdose. DHS 75.24(5)(b)(b) Naloxone medication shall be maintained and unexpired, and shall be stored in an accessible location. DHS 75.24(5)(c)(c) The service shall have written policies and procedures for administration of Naloxone by service staff. DHS 75.24(5)(d)(d) The service shall train all staff in recognition of overdose symptoms and administration of Naloxone. DHS 75.24(5)(e)(e) Administration of Naloxone by the service to any individual shall be documented in the clinical record or in a facility incident report. DHS 75.24(6)(6) Service delivery for intoxicated individuals. A service shall have written policies and procedures regarding clinically-appropriate response and services for individuals that present with symptoms of acute intoxication, withdrawal, or at risk of withdrawal. The policies and procedures shall include the following: DHS 75.24(6)(a)(a) The process for obtaining medical consultation, when indicated. DHS 75.24(6)(b)(b) The process for admitting the patient to a higher level of care, withdrawal management service, or direct linkage to medical services, when indicated. DHS 75.24(6)(c)(c) The process for ensuring the safety of an intoxicated individual or persons experiencing withdrawal, including an individual operating while intoxicated. DHS 75.24(6)(d)(d) The process for follow-up and treatment engagement after an intervention for acute intoxication or withdrawal. DHS 75.24(7)(7) Tobacco use disorder treatment and smoke-free facility. A service shall have written policies outlining the service’s approach to assessment and treatment for concurrent tobacco use disorders, and the facility’s policy regarding a smoke-free environment. DHS 75.24(8)(8) Culturally and linguistically appropriate services. A service shall have a written policy and procedure for assessing the cultural and linguistic needs of the population to be served, and to ensure that services are responsive and appropriate to the cultural and linguistic needs of the community to be served. DHS 75.24(9)(a)(a) A service shall have written policies and procedures for intake, including all of the following: DHS 75.24(9)(a)1.1. A written consent for treatment, which shall be signed by the prospective patient before admission is completed.