20.115(2)(e)(e) Livestock premises registration. The amounts in the schedule for administration of the livestock premises registration program under s. 95.51.
20.115(2)(g)(g) Related services. All moneys received from fees related to animal health services, including fees under s. 95.60 (8), for the conduct of those services.
20.115(2)(h)(h) Sale of supplies. The amounts in the schedule for the purchase for sale of publications and other informational material, and vaccines, identification tags, seals and tools for livestock and poultry. All moneys received from the sale of those materials and supplies shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.115(2)(ha)(ha) Inspection, testing and enforcement. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1f) and (1g), 95.55, 95.57, 95.60 (5), 95.68, 95.69, 95.71 and 95.715, to be used for animal health inspection and testing and for enforcement of animal health laws.
20.115(2)(j)(j) Dog licenses, rabies control, and related services. All moneys received under ss. 95.21 (9) (c), 173.27, 173.41, and 174.09 (1) and (3) and all moneys transferred under 2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section 9202 (1), to provide dog license tags and forms under s. 174.07 (2), to perform other program responsibilities under ch. 174, to administer the rabies control program under s. 95.21, to help administer the rabies control media campaign, and to carry out activities under s. 93.07 (11) and ch. 173.
20.115(2)(jm)(jm) Veterinary examining board. All moneys received from issuing and renewing credentials under ch. 89 for the licensing, rule-making, and regulatory functions of the veterinary examining board.
20.115(2)(m)(m) Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
20.115(2)(q)(q) Animal health inspection, testing, administration of the livestock premises registration program, and enforcement. From the agrichemical management fund, the amounts in the schedule for animal health inspection and testing, for the administration of the livestock premises registration program under s. 95.51, and for enforcement of animal health laws.
20.115(3)(3)Agricultural development services.
20.115(3)(a)(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
20.115(3)(at)(at) Farm to school program administration. The amounts in the schedule for promotion of farm to school programs under s. 93.49.
20.115(3)(b)(b) Agricultural exports. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to promote the export of this state’s agricultural and agribusiness products.
20.115(3)(c)(c) Farmer mental health assistance. The amounts in the schedule for mental health assistance to farmers and farm families.
20.115(3)(g)(g) Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of authorized agricultural development services. All moneys received from authorized fees related to agricultural development services shall be credited to this appropriation account.
20.115(3)(h)(h) Loans and grants for rural development and dairy exports promotion. All moneys received as origination fees, repayment of principal, and payment of interest on loans under s. 93.06 (1qm), to be used for loans for the development of rural business enterprises or rural economic development and grants for the purpose of promoting dairy exports under s. 93.06 (1qm).
20.115(3)(i)(i) Marketing orders and agreements. All moneys received by the department under ch. 96 for the formulation, issuance, administration and enforcement of marketing orders and agreements.
20.115(3)(j)(j) Stray voltage program. The amounts in the schedule for the administration of s. 93.41. All moneys received under s. 196.857 (1m) (b) and (2g) shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.115(3)(ja)(ja) Agricultural development services and materials. All moneys received from publication sales and service fees authorized by law that are related to agricultural development, for the publication of informational materials and the provision of services related to agricultural development.
20.115(3)(jm)(jm) Stray voltage program; rural electric cooperatives. The amounts in the schedule for the administration of s. 93.41. All moneys received under s. 93.41 (3) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
20.115(3)(L)(L) Something special from Wisconsin promotion. The amounts in the schedule for the advertising and promotion of the something special from Wisconsin slogan, mark and logo under s. 93.44. All moneys received from fees under s. 93.44 (4) shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.115(3)(m)(m) Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
20.115(4)(4)Agricultural assistance.
20.115(4)(a)(a) Aid to Wisconsin livestock breeders association. The amounts in the schedule for the purpose of aid to the Wisconsin livestock breeders association for the conduct of junior livestock shows and other livestock educational programs under s. 93.31.
20.115(4)(am)(am) Buy local grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for buy local grants under s. 93.48.
20.115(4)(as)(as) Farm to school grants. The amounts in the schedule for farm to school grants under s. 93.49 (3).
20.115(4)(b)(b) Aids to county and district fairs. The amounts in the schedule to provide state aids to counties and agricultural societies, associations or boards and to incorporated dairy or livestock associations as provided in s. 93.23.
20.115(4)(c)(c) Agricultural investment aids. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for agricultural research and development grants under s. 93.46 (2).
20.115(4)(d)(d) Dairy industry promotion. The amounts in the schedule for promoting the growth of the dairy industry by providing grants and loans to dairy producers.
20.115(4)(dm)(dm) Dairy processing plant grant program. The amounts in the schedule for promoting the growth of the dairy industry by providing grants to persons operating processing plants, as defined in s. 97.20 (1) (h).