SB86,3,1814 340.01 (3m) “Autocycle" means a motor vehicle, excluding a tractor, an
15all-terrain vehicle, or a utility terrain vehicle, that is capable of speeds in excess of
1630 miles per hour with a 150-pound rider on a dry, level, hard surface with no wind,
17with a power source as an integral part of the vehicle, and that meets either of the
18following conditions:
SB86,3,2119 (a) Type 1 is a motor vehicle designed and built to have at least 3 wheels in
20contact with the ground, seating for the operator and one passenger, a steering
21wheel, and foot-operated pedals for controlling acceleration and braking.
SB86,5 22Section 5. 340.01 (29m) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,3,2523 340.01 (29m) (am) 2. A Type 1 motorcycle with an automatic transmission and
24an engine certified by the manufacturer at not more than 50 cubic centimeters or an
25equivalent power unit.
1Section 6. 340.01 (32) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,4,62 340.01 (32) (intro.) “Motorcycle" means a motor vehicle, excluding a tractor, an
3all-terrain vehicle, or a utility terrain vehicle, which that is capable of speeds in
4excess of 30 miles per hour with a 150-pound rider on a dry, level, hard surface with
5no wind, with a power source as an integral part of the vehicle, and which that meets
6either of the following conditions under par. (a) or (b):
SB86,7 7Section 7. 340.01 (32) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is repealed.
SB86,8 8Section 8. 340.01 (32) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 340.01 (32) (c).
SB86,9 9Section 9. 340.01 (32) (a) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 340.01 (32) (d).
SB86,10 10Section 10. 340.01 (32) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 340.01 (3m) (b).
SB86,11 11Section 11. 340.01 (38m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,4,2012 340.01 (38m) (a) 1. A motor vehicle that is designed and constructed to carry
13no more than 2 persons and to be used for collecting residential and commercial solid
14waste, such as yard waste, recyclable materials, and household garbage, refuse, and
15rubbish, landscaping, or incidental street maintenances; that is not certified by the
16manufacturer for on-road use or that is certified by the manufacturer as meeting the
17equipment standards for a low-speed vehicle under 49 CFR 571.500; and that
18satisfies the equipment standards for a Type 2 automobile or Type 2 motorcycle
19autocycle under ch. 347 or the equipment standards for a low-speed vehicle under
2049 CFR 571.500.
SB86,12 21Section 12. 341.10 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,5,422 341.10 (6) The vehicle was manufactured after 1969 and does not meet
23manufacturer or importer certification label requirements as specified in 49 CFR 567
24or the vehicle is a Kei class vehicle. This subsection does not apply to autocycles,
25former military vehicles, historic military vehicles, as defined in s. 341.269 (1) (a),

1for which the department receives an application, and which are eligible, for
2registration under s. 341.269, or special interest vehicles, as defined in s. 341.266 (1)
3(c), for which the department receives an application, and which are eligible, for
4registration under s. 341.266.
SB86,13 5Section 13. 341.25 (1) (bg) of the statutes is created to read:
SB86,5,66 341.25 (1) (bg) For each autocycle, a fee of $45.
SB86,14 7Section 14. 343.03 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,5,148 343.03 (3) (a) Regular license. The standard license legend is “regular" or a
9readily recognizable abbreviation thereof. The regular license, without any express
10endorsements or restrictions as provided in this chapter, authorizes the licensee to
11operate only “class D" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (d), except as otherwise
12provided in this subsection. The license may be endorsed to permit operation of Type
motorcycles or school buses that are not commercial motor vehicles. A regular
14license may be subject to restrictions.
SB86,15 15Section 15. 343.04 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,5,1616 343.04 (1) (e) Class M. A “Class M" vehicle is any Type 1 motorcycle.
SB86,16 17Section 16. 343.05 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,5,2018 343.05 (3) (b) No person may operate a Type 1 motorcycle unless the person
19possesses a valid operator's license specifically authorizing the operation of Type 1
SB86,17 21Section 17. 343.07 (1g) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,6,622 343.07 (1g) Regular permit; issuance, restrictions. (intro.) Upon application
23therefor by a person at least 15 years and 6 months of age who, except for age or lack
24of training in the operation of a motor vehicle, is qualified to obtain an operator's
25license and has passed such knowledge test as the department may require, the

1department may issue a regular instruction permit. If the application is made by a
2male who is at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age, the application shall
3include the information required under s. 343.14 (2) (em). The permit entitles the
4permittee to operate a motor vehicle, except a commercial motor vehicle, school bus,
5or Type 1 motorcycle, a motor bicycle, or a moped, upon the highways, subject to the
6following restrictions:
SB86,18 7Section 18. 343.07 (4) (title) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB86,6,128 343.07 (4) (title) Instruction permits; Type 1 motorcycle, motor bicycle , and
(a) Subject to s. 343.16 (1) (a), upon application by a person who qualifies for
10issuance of a license under s. 343.06 (1) (c) and who wishes to qualify for the operation
11of a Type 1 motorcycle, the department may issue an instruction permit for the
12operation of “Class M" vehicles.
SB86,19 13Section 19. 343.07 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB86,6,2014 343.07 (4) (b) The permit for Type 1 motorcycle operation shall be valid for 6
15months. The department shall issue no more than 3 permits for Type 1 motorcycle
16operation to a person unless the person has successfully completed a rider course
17approved by the department. The department may, by rule, exempt certain persons
18from the rider course requirement of this paragraph. The permit for Type 1
19motorcycle operation entitles the permittee to operate a Type 1 motorcycle subject
20to the following restrictions:
SB86,6,2321 1. No passenger may accompany the permittee except that a person with at
22least 2 years of licensed driving experience and whose license is endorsed for Type
motorcycle operation may ride as a passenger-instructor.