AB357,4 10Section 4. 601.31 (1) (zc) of the statutes is created to read:
1601.31 (1) (zc) For registering for the public adjuster examination under s.
2629.03 (1), an amount to be set by the commissioner by rule.
AB357,5 3Section 5. 601.43 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB357,3,114 601.43 (1) (a) Insurers, other licensees and other persons subject to regulation.
5Whenever the commissioner deems it necessary in order to inform himself or herself
6about any matter related to the enforcement of chs. 600 to 647, the commissioner may
7examine the affairs and condition of any licensee, registrant, or permittee under chs.
8600 to 647 or applicant for a license, registration, or permit, of any person or
9organization of persons doing or in process of organizing to do an insurance business
10in this state, and of any advisory organization serving any of the foregoing in this
AB357,6 12Section 6 . 601.43 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB357,3,1513 601.43 (1) (d) Delivery of records to the office. On order of the commissioner any
14licensee, registrant, or permittee under chs. 600 to 647 shall bring to the office for
15examination such records as the order reasonably requires.
AB357,7 16Section 7. Chapter 629 of the statutes is created to read:
AB357,3,1717 chapter 629
AB357,3,1818 Public adjusters
AB357,3,19 19629.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB357,3,23 20(1) “Adjusting service” means an act to assist an insured, in exchange for
21compensation, with the preparation, completion, or filing of a first-party claim,
22including by negotiating values, damages, or depreciation or by applying the loss
23circumstances to insurance policy provisions.
AB357,3,25 24(2) “Compensation” means anything of value received directly or indirectly in
25return for the performance of an adjusting service.
1(3) “First-party claim” means a claim for damage or loss to real or personal
2property located in this state that is filed by an insured.
AB357,4,4 3(4) “Insured” means a person whose real or personal property is insured under
4an insurance policy against which a claim is or will be made.
AB357,4,6 5(5) “Public adjuster” means an individual who is registered with the
6commissioner under s. 629.02.
AB357,4,9 7629.02 Registration. (1) Requirement to register. (a) No individual may
8engage in any of the following activities unless the individual is registered as a public
9adjuster under this section:
AB357,4,1110 1. Perform, offer to perform, or publicly represent himself or herself as
11performing an adjusting service with respect to a first-party claim.
AB357,4,1412 2. Directly or indirectly solicit business, investigate or adjust losses, or advise
13an insured about a first-party claim for a person engaged in the business of providing
14an adjusting service.
AB357,4,1615 (b) No person may utilize the adjusting services of an individual if the person
16knows, or should know, that the individual is not registered under this section.
AB357,4,1717 (c) A contract entered into in violation of this subsection is void.
AB357,4,23 18(2) Application. An individual may apply for the registration required under
19sub. (1) by completing a form prescribed by the commissioner. The form shall require
20the individual to provide the individual's social security number and all
21documentation the commissioner determines is necessary and appropriate. The
22commissioner shall approve the individual's registration application if the
23commissioner determines the individual satisfies all the following conditions:
AB357,4,2524 (a) The individual has not committed any act that warrants the denial,
25suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of a registration under s. 629.13.
1(b) The individual provides proof that he or she is trustworthy, reliable,
2financially responsible, and of good reputation.
AB357,5,33 (c) The individual pays the fee under s. 601.31 (1) (z).
AB357,5,64 (d) The individual maintains a home office in the individual's state of residence
5and is available to the public at that office through reasonable appointment hours
6or regular business hours.
AB357,5,77 (e) The individual is at least 18 years of age.
AB357,5,88 (f) The individual meets the requirement of s. 629.03.
AB357,5,119 (g) The individual supplies a bond that meets specifications established by the
10commissioner to guarantee faithful performance of the individual's duties and
11obligations as a public adjuster.
AB357,5,1512 (h) If the individual is not a resident of this state, the individual agrees to be
13subject to the jurisdiction of the commissioner and the courts of this state and to the
14commissioner's rules and orders with service of process as provided under ss. 601.72
15and 601.73.