DHS 157.03(245)(245)“Panoramic wet-source-storage irradiator” means a device in which the irradiations occur in air in areas potentially accessible to personnel and in which the sources are stored under water in a storage pool.
DHS 157.03(246)(246)“Pass box” means a box with openings on each side that is placed in a wall between an x-ray room and a darkroom allowing transfer of film holders between the 2 rooms.
DHS 157.03(247)(247)“Patient” means an individual or animal subjected to healing arts examination, diagnosis or treatment.
DHS 157.03(247m)(247m)“PACS” means picture archiving and communication system.
DHS 157.03(248)(248)“Periodic quality control check” means a procedure that is performed to ensure that a previous calibration continues to be valid.
DHS 157.03(249)(249)“Permanent radiographic installation” means an enclosed shielded room, cell or vault, not located at a temporary jobsite, in which radiography is performed.
DHS 157.03(250)(250)“Person” means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group, agency, political subdivision of this state, any other state or political subdivision or agency thereof and any legal successor, representative, agent or agency of the foregoing, but does not include federal government agencies or Indian tribes or bands.
DHS 157.03(251)(251)“Person in control” means the individual directly responsible for safe operation of the radiation installation.
DHS 157.03(252)(252)“Personal supervision” means guidance and instruction by the supervisor who is physically present at the jobsite and watching the performance of the operation in such proximity that contact may be maintained and immediate assistance given as required.
DHS 157.03(252g)(252g)“Personnel dosimeter”means a dosimeter assigned to an individual.
DHS 157.03(252r)(252r)“Personnel security screening system” means any x-ray equipment used on humans for security evaluation.
DHS 157.03(253)(253)“Phantom” means a volume of material behaving in a manner similar to tissue with respect to the attenuation and scattering of radiation.
DHS 157.03 NoteNote: This requires that both the atomic number (Z) and the density of the material be similar to that of tissue.
DHS 157.03(254)(254)“Pharmacist” means an individual licensed under ch. 450, Stats., to practice pharmacy.
DHS 157.03(255)(255)“Physician” means a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy licensed under ch. 448, Stats., to prescribe drugs in the practice of medicine.
DHS 157.03(256)(256)“Picture element” means an elemental area of a tomogram.
DHS 157.03(257)(257)“Planned special exposure” means an infrequent exposure to radiation, separate from and in addition to the annual occupational dose limits, that requires a licensee or registrant to calculate the dose to be received by individuals prior to initiation of the planned task, as required under s. DHS 157.22 (6).
DHS 157.03(258)(258)“Pocket dosimeter” means a type of individual monitoring device that allows the user to view the accumulated radiation exposure received as recorded by the device.
DHS 157.03(259)(259)“Podiatrist” means an individual licensed under ch. 448, Stats., to practice podiatry.
DHS 157.03(260)(260)“Pool irradiator” means any irradiator where the sources are stored or used in a pool of water including panoramic wet-source-storage irradiators and underwater irradiators.
DHS 157.03(261)(261)“Portable x-ray equipment” means x-ray equipment designed to be hand-carried.
DHS 157.03(262)(262)“Position indicating device” or “PID” means a device on dental x-ray equipment used to indicate the beam position and to establish a definite source-surface distance from the skin.
DHS 157.03 NoteNote: A position indicating device may or may not incorporate or serve as a beam-limiting device.
DHS 157.03(263)(263)“Positive beam limitation” or “PBL” means the automatic or semi-automatic adjustment of an x-ray beam to the size of the selected image receptor, whereby exposures cannot be made without such adjustment.
DHS 157.03(264)(264)“Positive pressure respirator” means a respirator in which the pressure inside the respiratory inlet covering exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator.
DHS 157.03(264m)(264m)“Positron emission tomography/computed tomography” or “PET/CT” means a dual modality imaging assembly comprised of two distinct components, one using radioactive material for imaging and the other using an x-ray source.
DHS 157.03(264r)(264r)“Positron emission tomography radionuclide production facility” or “PET facility” means a facility operating a cyclotron or accelerator for the purpose of producing PET radionuclides within a consortium for noncommercial distribution among its associated members for medical use.
DHS 157.03(265)(265)“Powered air-purifying respirator” or “PAPR” means an air-purifying respirator that uses a blower to force the ambient air through air-purifying elements to the inlet covering.
DHS 157.03(266)(266)“Practical examination” means a demonstration through application of the safety rules and principles in industrial radiography including use of all procedures and equipment to be used by radiographic personnel.