NR 466.24(3)(b)(b) Exceptions. If you are using a control device to comply with the emission standards in s. NR 466.23 (1), you are not required to conduct a performance test to demonstrate compliance if one or more of the criteria in subds. 1. to 3. are met.
NR 466.24(3)(b)1.1. The control device is equipped with continuous emission monitors for determining inlet and outlet total organic volatile matter concentration and capture efficiency has been determined in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter such that an overall organic HAP control efficiency can be calculated, and the continuous emission monitors are used to demonstrate continuous compliance in accordance with sub. (2).
NR 466.24(3)(b)2.2. You have met the requirements of s. NR 460.06 (7) for waiver of performance testing.
NR 466.24(3)(b)3.3. The control device is a solvent recovery system and you comply by means of a monthly liquid-liquid material balance.
NR 466.24(3)(c)(c) Organic HAP content. If you determine compliance with the emission standards in s. NR 466.23 (1) by means other than determining the overall organic HAP control efficiency of a control device, you shall determine the organic HAP mass fraction of each coating material as-purchased by following one of the procedures in subds. 1. to 3., and determine the organic HAP mass fraction of each coating material as-applied by following the procedures in subd. 4. If the organic HAP content values are not determined using the procedures in subds. 1. to 3., you shall submit an alternative test method for determining their values for approval by the administrator in accordance with 40 CFR 63.7 (f). The recovery efficiency of the test method shall be determined for all of the target organic HAP and a correction factor, if necessary, shall be determined and applied.
NR 466.24(3)(c)1.1. ‘Method 311.’ You may test the coating material in accordance with Method 311 of 40 CFR part 63, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (25). The Method 311 determination may be performed by the manufacturer of the coating material and the results provided to the owner or operator. The organic HAP content shall be calculated according to the criteria and procedures in subd. 1. a. to c.
NR 466.24(3)(c)1.a.a. Include each organic HAP determined to be present at greater than or equal to 0.1% by mass for the United States occupational safety and health administration-defined (OSHA-defined) carcinogens as specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200 (d) (4) and greater than or equal to 1.0% by mass for other organic HAP compounds.
NR 466.24(3)(c)1.b.b. Express the mass fraction of each organic HAP you include according to subd. 1. a. as a value truncated to 4 places after the decimal point, e.g., 0.3791.
NR 466.24(3)(c)1.c.c. Calculate the total mass fraction of organic HAP in the tested material by summing the counted individual organic HAP mass fractions and truncating the result to 3 places after the decimal point, e.g., 0.763.
NR 466.24(3)(c)2.2. ‘Method 24.’ For coatings, determine the volatile organic content as mass fraction of non-aqueous volatile matter and use it as a substitute for organic HAP using Method 24 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13). The Method 24 determination may be performed by the manufacturer of the coating and the results provided to you.
NR 466.24(3)(c)3.3. ‘Formulation data.’ You may use formulation data to determine the organic HAP mass fraction of a coating material. Formulation data may be provided to you by the manufacturer of the material. In the event of an inconsistency between Method 311 of 40 CFR part 63, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (25), test data and a facility’s formulation data, and the Method 311 test value is higher, the Method 311 data will govern. Formulation data may be used provided that the information represents all organic HAP present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% for OSHA-defined carcinogens as specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200 (d) (4) and equal to or greater than 1.0% for other organic HAP compounds in any raw material used.
NR 466.24(3)(c)4.4. ‘As-applied organic HAP mass fraction.’ If the as-purchased coating material is applied to the web without any solvent or other material added, the as-applied organic HAP mass fraction is equal to the as-purchased organic HAP mass fraction. Otherwise, the as-applied organic HAP mass fraction shall be calculated using Equation 1a of s. NR 466.25.
NR 466.24(3)(d)(d) Volatile organic and coating solids content. If you determine compliance with the emission standards in s. NR 466.23 (1) by means other than determining the overall organic HAP control efficiency of a control device and you choose to use the volatile organic content as a surrogate for the organic HAP content of coatings, you shall determine the as-purchased volatile organic content and coating solids content of each coating material applied by following the procedures in subd. 1. or 2. and the as-applied volatile organic content and coating solids content of each coating material by following the procedures in subd. 3.
NR 466.24(3)(d)1.1. ‘Method 24.’ You may determine the volatile organic and coating solids mass fraction of each coating applied using Method 24 in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13). The Method 24 determination may be performed by the manufacturer of the material and the results provided to you. If these values cannot be determined using Method 24, you shall submit an alternative technique for determining their values for approval by the administrator.
NR 466.24(3)(d)2.2. ‘Formulation data.’ You may determine the volatile organic content and coating solids content of a coating material based on formulation data and may rely on volatile organic content data provided by the manufacturer of the material. In the event of any inconsistency between the formulation data and the results of Method 24 in 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), and the Method 24 results are higher, the results of Method 24 will govern.
NR 466.24(3)(d)3.3. ‘As-applied volatile organic content and coating solids content.’ If the as-purchased coating material is applied to the web without any solvent or other material added, the as-applied volatile organic content is equal to the as-purchased volatile content and the as-applied coating solids content is equal to the as-purchased coating solids content. Otherwise, the as-applied volatile organic content shall be calculated using Equation 1b of s. NR 466.25 and the as-applied coating solids content shall be calculated using Equation 2 of s. NR 466.25.
NR 466.24(3)(e)(e) Control device efficiency. If you are using an add-on control device other than solvent recovery, such as an oxidizer, to comply with the emission standards in s. NR 466.23 (1), you shall conduct a performance test to establish the destruction or removal efficiency of the control device according to the methods and procedures in subds. 1. and 2. During the performance test, you shall establish the operating limits required by s. NR 466.23 (2) according to subd. 3.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.1. An initial performance test to establish the destruction or removal efficiency of the control device shall be conducted such that control device inlet and outlet testing is conducted simultaneously and the data are reduced in accordance with the test methods and procedures in subd. 1. a. to i. You shall conduct 3 test runs as specified in s. NR 460.06 (4) (c), and each test run shall last at least one hour.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.a.a. Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), shall be used for sample and velocity traverses to determine sampling locations.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.b.b. Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), shall be used to determine gas volumetric flow rate.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.c.c. Method 3, 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), shall be used for gas analysis to determine dry molecular weight. You may also use as an alternative to Method 3B the manual method for measuring the oxygen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide content of exhaust gas in ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, “Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses, Part 10, Instruments and Apparatus”, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.11 (6) (b).
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.d.d. Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), shall be used to determine stack gas moisture.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.e.e. The gas volumetric flow rate, dry molecular weight and stack gas moisture shall be determined during each test run specified in subd. 1. g.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.f.f. Method 25 or 25A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13), shall be used to determine total gaseous non-methane organic matter concentration. Use the same test method for both the inlet and outlet measurements which shall be conducted simultaneously. You shall submit notice of the intended test method to the department for approval along with notification of the performance test required under s. NR 460.06 (2). You shall use Method 25A if any of the following 4 conditions apply to the control device:
1) The control device is not an oxidizer.
2) The control device is an oxidizer but an exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentration of 50 ppmv or less is required to comply with the emission standards in s. NR 466.23 (1).
3) The control device is an oxidizer but the volatile organic matter concentration at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control are such that they result in exhaust gas volatile organic matter concentrations of 50 ppmv or less.
4) The control device is an oxidizer but, because of the high efficiency of the control device, the anticipated volatile organic matter concentration at the control device exhaust is 50 ppmv or less, regardless of inlet concentration.
NR 466.24(3)(e)1.g.g. Except as provided in s. NR 460.06 (4) (c), each performance test shall consist of 3 separate runs with each run conducted for at least one hour under the conditions that exist when the affected source is operating under normal operating conditions. For the purpose of determining volatile organic compound concentrations and mass flow rates, the average of the results of all the runs shall apply.