NR 45.11(6)(d)6.6. Frank lake, section 13, T41N, R7E and section 18, T41N, R8E, town of Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)7.7. Hemlock lake, sections 8, 17 and 18, T39N, R7E, town of Woodruff, Oneida county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)8.8. Day lake, sections 1 and 2, T41N, R6E, town of Boulder Junction, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)9.9. Nixon lake, sections 24 and 25, T42N, R7E, sections 19 and 30, T42N, R8E, towns of Boulder Junction and Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)10.10. Dorothy Dunn lake, sections 26 and 27, T42N, R8E, town of Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)11.11. Jean lake, sections 25 and 26, T42N, R8E, town of Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)12.12. Eloise lake, section 25, T42N, R8E, town of Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(d)13.13. Lone Tree lake, section 9, T41N, R8E, town of Plum Lake, Vilas county.
NR 45.11(6)(f)(f) Pigeon Creek flowage, sections 15 and 16, T20N, R2W, town of Millston, Jackson county.
NR 45.11(6)(g)(g) Vern Wolf lake within Richard Bong state recreation area, sections 15, 16, 21 and 22, T2N, R20E, town of Brighton, Kenosha county.
NR 45.11(6)(h)(h) Mauthe lake in Kettle Moraine state forest, sections 11, 12, 13 and 14, T13N, R19E, town of Auburn, Fond du Lac county.
NR 45.11(6)(j)(j) Butler lake in the Kettle Moraine state forest, section 20, T14N, R20E, town of Mitchell, Sheboygan county.
NR 45.11(6)(k)(k) Vernon wildlife area, all waters on department owned lands within T5N, R18E, T5N, R19E and T6N, R19E, Waukesha county except the Fox (Illinois) river channel.
NR 45.11(6)(L)(L) All waters in Big Bay Sand Spit and Bog state natural area, section 13, T5ON, R3W, town of La Pointe, Ashland county.
NR 45.11(6)(m)(m) Ottawa lake in Kettle Moraine state forest, section 34, T6N, R17E, town of Ottawa, Waukesha county.
NR 45.11(6)(n)(n) All waters within Paradise Valley wildlife area, except the Bark River channel and Beaver Dam lake, in Waukesha county.
NR 45.11(6)(o)(o) All the waters of Cruson and Smith lakes in the Lone Rock unit, Lower Wisconsin state riverway, Richland county.
NR 45.11(7)(7)All boats, including every description of watercraft, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water are prohibited from the following specified waters:
NR 45.11(7)(a)(a) On the Pinnacle Rock public fishing pond, section 16, T15N, R3W, town of Jefferson, Monroe county.
NR 45.11(7)(d)(d) Salmo pond, section 5, T7N, R7E, town of Cross Plains, Dane county.
NR 45.11(7)(e)(e) Token Creek Spring pond, section 34, T9N, R10E, town of Windsor, Dane county.
NR 45.11(7)(f)(f) Kickapoo springs, section 14, T16N, R1W, town of Wilton, Monroe county.
NR 45.11(7)(g)(g) Lowe Creek pond, sections 29 and 30, T22N, R5W, town of Hixton, Jackson county.
NR 45.11(7)(h)(h) Oxbow trout pond, section 23, T22N, R3W, town of Komensky, Jackson county.
NR 45.11(7)(k)(k) Quarry lake, section 19, T12N, R23E, town of Belgium, Ozaukee county.
NR 45.11(8)(8)No person may operate a motorboat of any kind in any manner except at a slow-no-wake speed and in no case at a speed to exceed 5 miles per hour on the waters of Blackhawk lake, sections 5 and 6, T6N, R2E, town of Highland and sections 7 and 8, T6N, R2E, town of Eden, Iowa county.
NR 45.11(9)(9)
NR 45.11(9)(a)(a) Within the boundaries of state parks, air boats may not be operated on lands and waters including wetlands under the supervision, management or control of the department unless air boat use is specifically authorized by the property master plan.
NR 45.11 NoteNote: This provision applies to waters located entirely within the exterior boundaries of state parks. On waters of the state outside of but adjoining state park boundaries, air boats may be used up to the point where the water meets dry land. Maps of state park boundaries are available at