SB45,757,88(d) Other information the department may require by rule.
SB45,757,139(5) Additional information to be provided by registrant. (a) A
10registrant shall notify the department of any change in the registrants name and
11address. Each registrant shall notify the department of any change in their
12physician or of any significant improvement in their health as it relates to their
13debilitating medical condition or treatment.
SB45,757,1614(b) If a registrant fails to notify the department within 10 days after any
15change for which notification is required under par. (a), their registry identification
16card and tax exemption certificate is void.
SB45,757,1717(6) Records. (a) The department shall maintain a list of all registrants.
SB45,757,2018(b) Notwithstanding s. 19.35 and except as provided in par. (c), the
19department may not disclose information from an application submitted or a
20registry identification card issued under this section.
SB45,758,221(c) The department may disclose to state or local law enforcement agencies
22information from an application submitted by, or from a registry identification card

1issued to, a specific person under this section for the purpose of verifying that the
2person possesses a valid registry identification card.
SB45,758,33(7) Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
SB45,14404Section 1440. 74.09 (3) (gb) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,758,9574.09 (3) (gb) 1. Include information from the school district where the
6property is located regarding the amount of any gross reduction in state aid to the
7district under ss. 115.7915 (4m) and 118.60 (4d) in the previous year and the
8current year and the percentage change between those years, except that this
9paragraph does not apply in any year in which such a reduction does not occur.
SB45,758,11102. In addition to the information provided under subd. 1., include the
11following insert in substantially similar form:
SB45,758,1612The gross reduction in state aid to your school district in the .... (current year)
13is $ .... as a result of pupils enrolled in the .... (statewide choice program) (Racine
14choice program) or as a result of payments to .... (a private school) under the special
15needs scholarship program. Your school district had the option to increase property
16taxes to replace this aid reduction.
SB45,144117Section 1441. 76.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,759,91876.07 (3) Assessment. For the purpose of determining the full market value
19of the property of each company appearing on the assessment roll, the department
20may view and inspect the property of such the company and shall consider the
21reports filed in compliance with s. 76.04 and the reports and returns of the company
22filed in the office of any officer of this state, and other evidence or information
23bearing upon the full market value of the property of the company assessed. In case

1of For companies which that own or use property lying partly within and partly
2without the state, the department shall value and assess only the property within
3this state, using the methods under subs. (4g) and (4r). When the full market value
4of the property of a company within this state has been determined, the amount
5shall be entered upon the assessment roll opposite the name of the company and
6shall be the assessment of the entire property of such the company within this state
7for the levy of taxes thereon, subject to review and correction. The department
8shall thereupon give notice by certified mail to each company assessed of the
9amount of its assessment as entered upon such the roll.
SB45,144210Section 1442. 76.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,760,81176.08 (1) Notice of the assessments determined under s. 76.07 and of
12adjustments under s. 76.075 shall be given by certified mail to each company the
13property of which has been assessed, and the notice of assessment shall be mailed
14provided on or before the assessment date specified in s. 76.07 (1). Any company
15aggrieved by the assessment or adjustment of its property thus made may have its
16assessment or adjustment redetermined by the Dane County circuit court if, within
1730 days after notice of assessment or adjustment is mailed provided to the company
18under s. 76.07 (3), an action for the redetermination is commenced by filing a
19summons and complaint with that court, and service of authenticated copies of the
20summons and complaint is made upon the department of revenue. No answer need
21be filed by the department and the allegations of the complaint in opposition to the
22assessment or adjustment shall be deemed denied. Upon the filing of the summons
23and complaint, the court shall set the matter for hearing without a jury. If the

1plaintiff fails to file the summons and complaint within 5 days of service upon the
2department, the department may file a copy thereof with the court in lieu of the
3original. The department may be named as the defendant in any such action and
4shall appear and be represented by its counsel in all proceedings connected with the
5action but, on the request of the secretary of revenue, the attorney general may
6participate with or serve in lieu of departmental counsel. In an action for
7redetermination of an adjustment, only the issues raised in the departments
8adjustment under s. 76.075 may be raised.
SB45,14439Section 1443. 76.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,761,81076.10 (1) Every company defined in s. 76.02 shall, on or before October 1 in
11each year, be entitled, on its own motion, to present evidence before the department
12relating to the state assessment made in the preceding year pursuant to s. 70.575.
13On written request, in writing, for such the hearing or presentation, the
14department shall fix a time therefor within 60 days after such the application is
15filed, the same to be conducted in such manner as the department directs. Notice of
16such the hearing shall be mailed provided to any company requesting a hearing and
17shall be published in the official state paper. Within 30 days after the conclusion of
18such the hearing, the department shall enter an order either affirming the state
19assessment or ordering correction thereof as provided in sub. (2). A copy of such the
20order shall be sent by certified mail provided to the company or companies
21requesting such the hearing and to any interested party who has made an
22appearance in such the proceeding. The department may, on its own motion,
23correct such the state assessment. Any company having filed application for review

1of the state assessment pursuant to this section, or any other interested party
2participating in such the hearing, if aggrieved by the order entered by the
3department, may bring an action in the circuit court for Dane County within 30
4days after the entry of such the order to have said order set aside and a
5redetermination made of the state assessment. In any such action or in any hearing
6before the department pursuant to this section, any interested party may appear
7and be heard. An interested party includes any division of government whose
8revenues would be affected by any adjustment of the state assessment.
SB45,14449Section 1444. 76.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,762,21076.13 (2) Every tax roll upon completion shall be delivered to the secretary of
11administration. The department shall notify, by certified mail, all companies listed
12on the tax roll of the amount of tax due, which shall be paid to the department. The
13payment dates provided for in sub. (2a) shall apply. The payment of one-fourth of
14the tax of any company may, if the company has brought an action in the Dane
15County circuit court under s. 76.08, be made without delinquent interest as
16provided in s. 76.14 any time prior to the date upon which the appeal becomes final,
17but any part of the tax ultimately required to be paid shall bear interest from the
18original due date to the date the appeal became final at the rate of 12 percent per
19year and at 1.5 percent per month thereafter until paid. The taxes extended
20against any company after the same become due, with interest, shall be a lien upon
21all the property of the company prior to all other liens, claims, and demands
22whatsoever, except as provided in ss. 292.31 (8) (i) and 292.81, which and the lien

1may be enforced in an action in the name of the state in any court of competent
2jurisdiction against the property of the company within the state as an entirety.
SB45,14453Section 1445. 76.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,762,15476.15 (2) The power to reassess the property of any company defined in s.
576.02 and the general property of the state, and to redetermine the average rate of
6taxation, may be exercised under sub. (1) as often as may be necessary until the
7amount of taxes legally due from any such company for any year under ss. 76.01 to
876.26 has been finally and definitely determined. Whenever any sum or part
9thereof, levied upon any property subject to taxation under ss. 76.01 to 76.26 so set
10aside has been paid and not refunded, the payment so made shall be applied upon
11the reassessment upon the property, and the reassessment of taxes to that extent
12shall be deemed to be satisfied. When the tax roll on the reassessment is completed
13and delivered to the secretary of administration, the department shall immediately
14notify by certified mail each of the several companies taxed to pay the amount of the
15taxes extended on the tax roll within 30 days.
SB45,144616Section 1446. 76.639 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,763,31776.639 (1) (g) Qualified development means a qualified low-income housing
18project under section 42 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code that is financed with tax-
19exempt bonds, pursuant to section 42 (i) (2) described in section 42 (h) (4) (A) of the
20Internal Revenue Code, allocated the credit under section 42 of the Internal
21Revenue Code, and located in this state; except that the authority may waive, in the
22qualified allocation plan under section 42 (m) (1) (B) of the Internal Revenue Code,
23the requirements of tax-exempt bond financing and federal credit allocation to the

1extent the authority anticipates that sufficient volume cap under section 146 of the
2Internal Revenue Code will not be available to finance low-income housing projects
3in any year.
SB45,14474Section 1447. 76.81 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,763,16576.81 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), there is imposed a tax on the real
6property of, and the tangible personal property of, every telephone company,
7excluding property that is exempt from the property tax under s. 70.11 (39) and
8(39m), and (48), motor vehicles that are exempt under s. 70.112 (5), property that is
9used less than 50 percent in the operation of a telephone company, as provided
10under s. 70.112 (4) (b), treatment plant and pollution abatement equipment that is
11exempt under s. 70.11 (21), and qualified broadband service property. Except as
12provided in s. 76.815, the rate for the tax imposed on each description of real
13property and on each item of tangible personal property is the net rate for the prior
14year for the tax under ch. 70 in the taxing jurisdictions where the description or
15item is located. The real and tangible personal property of a telephone company
16shall be assessed as provided under s. 70.112 (4) (b).
SB45,144817Section 1448. Chapter 77 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,764,718CHAPTER 77













SB45,14498Section 1449. 77.25 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,764,9977.25 (8m) Between husband and wife spouses.