NR 815.02NR 815.02Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to new and existing injection wells as follows:
NR 815.02(1)(1)Specific inclusions. Injection wells that are governed by this chapter include, but are not limited to:
NR 815.02(1)(a)(a) Any injection well on a drilling platform that is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the state.
NR 815.02(1)(b)(b) Except as provided in sub. (2), any well that is constructed or used to place a fluid underground.
NR 815.02(1)(c)(c) Any well used by a generator of hazardous waste, or by the owner or operator of a hazardous waste management facility, to dispose of a fluid containing hazardous waste. This includes the disposal of hazardous waste into a waste disposal system that would otherwise be a septic system or cesspool regardless of the capacity of the waste disposal system.
NR 815.02(1)(d)(d) Any septic system, cesspool or other well that is used by a multiple-family dwelling, multiple dwellings, community system or regional system to place a fluid underground.
NR 815.02(2)(2)Specific exclusions. The following are not governed by this chapter:
NR 815.02(2)(a)(a) Any injection well on a drilling platform or other site that is located in its entirety beyond the jurisdictional boundaries of the state.
NR 815.02(2)(b)(b) Any private onsite wastewater treatment system approved according to the provisions of ch. SPS 383 that is used to dispose of sanitary waste from an individual single-family dwelling.
NR 815.02(2)(c)(c) Any well that is not used to place a fluid underground.
NR 815.02 HistoryHistory: CR 01-104: cr. Register October 2004 No. 586, eff. 11-1-04; correction in (2) (b) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2012 No. 673.
NR 815.03NR 815.03Definitions. In this chapter:
NR 815.03(1)(1)“Approval” means any of the following: authorization by administrative rule, written letter of authorization or issuance of a permit.
NR 815.03(2)(2)“Aquifer” means a geological layer consisting of unconsolidated material, usually sand or gravel or both, or bedrock lying below the ground surface that is entirely or partially saturated with water and permeable enough to allow water to be extracted, as from a well.
NR 815.03(3)(3)“Backfill” means a substance containing, but not limited to, any of the following: sand, gravel, cement, mill tailings, mill refuse, fly ash or other solids used as part of the mining process or for the purpose of closing a mine shaft or reclaiming an area subjected to mining activities.
NR 815.03(4)(4)“Bedrock” means any naturally formed consolidated or coherent material of the earth’s crust, composed of one or more minerals, rock fragments or organic material that underlies any soil or other unconsolidated surficial material or is exposed at the surface. Bedrock includes, but is not limited to limestone, dolomite, sandstone, shale and igneous and metamorphic crystalline rock, including granite, rhyolite, quartzite, gabbro, basalt, gneiss, schist, diorite and greenstone.
NR 815.03(5)(5)“Borehole” means a circular hole that is deeper than it is wide, constructed in earth material for the purpose of either installing a well or obtaining geologic or groundwater related data.
NR 815.03 NoteNote: The department recognizes a borehole to be a type of a drillhole.
NR 815.03(6)(6)“By-product solids” means waste materials from the animal product or food processing industry including, but not limited to remains of butchered animals, paunch manure and vegetable waste materials such as leaves, cuttings, peelings and actively fermenting sweet corn silage.
NR 815.03(7)(7)“Cesspool” means a drywell that solely receives untreated sanitary waste and which sometimes has an open bottom or perforated sides or both.
NR 815.03 NoteNote: As used in this chapter, the term includes those excavations that are defined as cesspools in s. SPS 381.01 (53).
NR 815.03(8)(8)“Closure” means ceasing the discharge of a fluid to a well.
NR 815.03(9)(9)“Conversion” means a change in the operation of an injection well that results in a change in the existing classification of the injection well or results in a change in the injection well’s type designation within a specific class of injection wells.
NR 815.03(10)(10)“Department” means the department of natural resources.
NR 815.03(11)(11)“Discharge” has the meaning given in s. 292.01 (3), Stats.
NR 815.03 NoteNote: “Discharge” in s. 292.01 (3), Stats., means, but is not limited to, any of the following: spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, placing, emitting, emptying or dumping.
NR 815.03(12)(12)“Domestic wastewater” means the wastewater normally discharged from plumbing facilities in private dwellings or commercial domestic establishments and includes, but is not limited to sanitary, bath, laundry, dishwashing, garbage disposal and cleaning wastes.
NR 815.03 NoteNote: A commercial domestic establishment is a business providing lodging facilities such as, but not limited to, a motel, hotel, boarding house or assisted-living center.
NR 815.03(13)(13)“Drillhole” means an excavation, opening or driven point well deeper than it is wide that extends more than 10 feet below the ground surface.