SPS 192.33 HistoryHistory: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.34SPS 192.34Mouthpiece and headgear.
SPS 192.34(1)(1)All boxers shall wear a mouthpiece during competition. The round may not begin without the mouthpiece. If the mouthpiece is dislodged during competition, the referee shall call time and have the mouthpiece replaced at the first opportune moment, without interfering with the immediate action. The referee may deduct points or disqualify a contestant if the mouthpiece is repeatedly dislodged or it is judged the mouthpiece is being purposely spit out.
SPS 192.34(2)(2)Professional boxers, other than those participating in an exhibition bout, may not wear head gear. Boxers participating in an exhibition bout shall wear competition headgear weighing between 10 and 12 ounces that has been approved by USA Boxing, Incorporated or the commissioner or department representative. Headgear may include cheek protectors. Karate foam dipped style headgear, headgear with a jaw bar or face guard, and heavily padded training or sparring headgear are prohibited.
SPS 192.34 HistoryHistory: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.35SPS 192.35Attire and appearance.
SPS 192.35(1)(1)Boxers shall box in proper dress including an approved foul-proof protection cup for a male boxer, trunks with a belt line below or at the waistline, shoes of soft material, without spikes, cleats or heels, and socks which may extend to within one inch below the knee. Trunks may not have metal of any kind.
SPS 192.35(2)(2)Male boxers may not wear a shirt or top.
SPS 192.35(3)(3)Female boxers may wear breast protectors and shall wear a short-sleeved or sleeveless form-fitting rash guard, a sports bra, or both. Padding for a sports bra shall be secured to the fabric of the bra. Loose fitting tops are prohibited.
SPS 192.35(4)(4)Boxers may not wear metal straps, buckles, necklaces, jewelry, or other objects.
SPS 192.35(5)(5)No piercing accessories are permitted.
SPS 192.35(6)(6)Boxers may use a small amount of VaselineÒ jelly or other petroleum jelly on the facial area. No other substances may be used on the head or any other part of the body.
SPS 192.35(7)(7)VaselineÒ jelly or other petroleum jelly may be applied in between rounds to address a cut, but may not be reapplied to the entire facial area.
SPS 192.35(8)(8)Boxers shall secure their hair with soft, non-abrasive material if the referee informs them that their hair interferes with their vision.
SPS 192.35(9)(9)Boxers may not wear any equipment that fails to receive approval from the inspector or department representative.
SPS 192.35 HistoryHistory: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.36SPS 192.36Gloves.
SPS 192.36(1)(1)Gloves approved by the inspector prior to the contestants’ pre-bout rule meeting shall be worn by boxers in all bouts. Only thumbless or thumb-attached gloves shall be approved.
SPS 192.36(2)(2)Gloves shall weigh no less than 8 ounces each when worn by a boxer weighing under 140 pounds and not less than 10 ounces each when worn by a boxer weighing 140 pounds or more.
SPS 192.36(3)(3)Gloves shall be whole, clean and in sanitary condition. Breaking, roughing or twisting of gloves is prohibited. No foreign substances may be applied to gloves except for wrapping around the wrist area to safely secure the laces.
SPS 192.36(4)(4)The inspector shall be responsible for rejecting gloves that may pose a safety or health problem to the professional boxer.
SPS 192.36 HistoryHistory: CR 17-016: cr. Register November 2017 No. 743, eff. 12-1-17.
SPS 192.37SPS 192.37Preparation of hands.
SPS 192.37(1)(1)Boxers may wrap their hands with gauze and tape prior to a bout. Boxers choosing to not wrap hands prior to a bout shall notify the inspector or department representative.
SPS 192.37(2)(2)Boxers shall use soft gauze cloth not more than 15 yards in length and 2 inches in width for each hand, held in place by not more than 10 feet of surgeon’s tape one inch in width for each hand.
SPS 192.37(3)(3)No substances, liquid or material other than approved surgeon’s tape and gauze are allowed.
SPS 192.37(4)(4)The manager or chief second of the opponent may elect to be present when hands are being wrapped and gloves placed on a boxer.
SPS 192.37(5)(5)Gauze and surgeon’s tape shall be placed on the boxer’s hands in the dressing room in the presence of the inspector or department representative, who shall inspect and initial each legally wrapped hand.
SPS 192.37(6)(6)Surgeon’s tape shall be placed directly on each hand for protection near the wrist. The tape may not extend within an inch of the knuckles when the hand is clenched to make a fist.