(7m) (c) 1. a. Any labor organization that represents public safety
or, transit employees
, or a frontline worker which violates sub. (4) (L) may
15not collect any dues under a collective bargaining agreement or under a fair-share
16agreement from any employee covered by either agreement for a period of one year.
17At the end of the period of suspension, any such agreement shall be reinstated unless
18the labor organization is no longer authorized to represent the
public safety
19employees or transit municipal employees covered by the collective bargaining
20agreement or fair-share agreement or the agreement is no longer in effect.
21Section 341bp. 111.81 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 111.81 (1s) and
22amended to read:
(1s) “Collective bargaining" means the performance of the mutual
24obligation of the state as an employer, by its officers and agents, and the
25representatives of its employees, to meet and confer at reasonable times, in good
1faith, with respect to the subjects of bargaining provided in s. 111.91 (1)
, with respect
2to for public safety employees,
with respect to the subjects of bargaining provided in
3s. 111.91 (1w) for employees in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline
4worker, and
with respect to the subjects of bargaining provided in s. 111.91 (3)
, with
5respect to for general employees
who are in a collective bargaining unit that does not
6contain a frontline worker, with the intention of reaching an agreement, or to resolve
7questions arising under such an agreement. The duty to bargain, however, does not
8compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a concession.
9Collective bargaining includes the reduction of any agreement reached to a written
10and signed document.
(1d) “Authority” means a body created under subch. II of ch. 114 or ch.
13231, 232, 233, 234, 237, 238, or 279.
(7) (ag) An employee of an authority.
(8) “Employer" means the state of Wisconsin
and includes an authority.
(9) “Fair-share agreement" means an agreement between the employer
20and a labor organization representing public safety employees
or a frontline worker 21under which all of the public safety employees
in the collective bargaining unit or all
22of the employees in a collective bargaining unit
containing a frontline worker are
23required to pay their proportionate share of the cost of the collective bargaining
24process and contract administration measured by the amount of dues uniformly
25required of all members.
(9b) “Frontline worker” means an employee who is determined to be a
3frontline worker under s. 111.817.
(9g) “General employee" means an employee who is not a public safety
or a frontline worker.
(12) (intro.) “Labor organization" means any employee organization
9whose purpose is to represent employees in collective bargaining with the employer,
10or its agents, on matters that are subject to collective bargaining under s. 111.91 (1)
11(1w), or (3), whichever is applicable; but the term shall not include any organization:
(12m) “Maintenance of membership agreement" means an agreement
14between the employer and a labor organization representing public safety employees
15or a frontline worker which requires that all of the public safety employees
16employees who are in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker 17whose dues are being deducted from earnings under s. 20.921 (1) or 111.84 (1) (f) at
18the time the agreement takes effect shall continue to have dues deducted for the
19duration of the agreement, and that dues shall be deducted from the earnings of all
20public safety such employees who are hired on or after the effective date of the
(16) “Referendum" means a proceeding conducted by the commission in
24which public safety employees in a collective bargaining unit
or all employees in a
25collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker may cast a secret ballot on
1the question of directing the labor organization and the employer to enter into a
2fair-share or maintenance of membership agreement or to terminate such an
(1) In the furtherance of this subchapter, the state shall be considered
6as a single employer and employment relations policies and practices throughout the
7state service shall be as consistent as practicable. The division shall negotiate and
8administer collective bargaining agreements. To coordinate the employer position
9in the negotiation of agreements, the division shall maintain close liaison with the
10legislature relative to the negotiation of agreements and the fiscal ramifications of
11those agreements. Except with respect to the collective bargaining units specified
12in s. 111.825 (1r) and (1t), the division is responsible for the employer functions of the
13executive branch under this subchapter, and shall coordinate its collective
14bargaining activities with operating state agencies on matters of agency concern
15with operating authorities on matters of authority concern. The legislative branch
16shall act upon those portions of tentative agreements negotiated by the division that
17require legislative action. With respect to the collective bargaining units specified
18in s. 111.825 (1r), the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System is
19responsible for the employer functions under this subchapter. With respect to the
20collective bargaining units specified in s. 111.825 (1t), the chancellor of the
21University of Wisconsin-Madison is responsible for the employer functions under
22this subchapter. With respect to the collective bargaining unit specified in s. 111.825
23(1r) (ef), the governing board of the charter school established by contract under s.
24118.40 (2r) (cm), 2013 stats., is responsible for the employer functions under this
2111.817 Duty of commission; determination of frontline workers. The
3commission shall determine that an employee is a frontline worker if the commission
4finds that the employee has regular job duties that include interacting with members
5of the public or with large populations of people or that directly involve the
6maintenance of public works. The commission may not determine that a public
7safety employee is a frontline worker.
8Section 341cc. 111.82 of the statutes is renumbered 111.82 (1) and amended
9to read:
(1) Employees have the right of self-organization and the right to form,
11join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of
12their own choosing under this subchapter, and to engage in lawful, concerted
13activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.
14Employees also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities. A general
may not be covered by a fair-share agreement unless the general employee
16is in a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker. Unless the general
17employee is covered by a fair-share agreement, a general employee has the right to
18refrain from paying dues while remaining a member of a collective bargaining unit.
(2) General employees who are not in a collective bargaining unit
21containing a frontline worker have the right to have their employer consult with
22them, through a representative of their own choosing, with no intention of reaching
23an agreement, with respect to wages, hours, and conditions of employment. The
24right may be exercised when the employer proposes or implements policy changes
1affecting wages, hours, or conditions of employment or, if no policy changes are
2proposed or implemented, at least quarterly.