AB56-SA3,68,77 1. The child is enrolled in a grade from kindergarten to 8.
AB56-SA3,68,118 2. The child is enrolled in a grade from 9 to 12 and the child is a member of a
9family that has total family income that does not exceed an amount equal to 2.2 times
10the poverty line, as defined in 42 USC 9902 (2). The child's family income shall be
11determined as provided in par. (b).
AB56-SA3,68,1612 (b) 1. A private school participating in the program under this section shall
13determine whether the private school is prohibited from charging or receiving
14additional tuition for a child under par. (a) 2. The private school shall establish a
15process for accepting an appeal to the governing body of the private school of the
16determination made under this paragraph.
AB56-SA3,68,2117 2. A private school participating in the program under this section shall obtain
18the names of the child's parents that reside in the same household as the child;
19whether and to whom the parents are married; the names of all of the other members
20of the child's family residing in the same household as the child; and the school year
21for which family income is being determined under this paragraph.
AB56-SA3,68,2422 3. The department shall establish a process for a private school participating
23in the program under this section to use to determine whether the private school is
24prohibited from charging or receiving additional tuition for a child under par. (a) 2.
AB56-SA3,68,2525 4. For purposes of this paragraph and par. (a) 2., all of the following apply:
1a. “Family income" means federal adjusted gross income of the parents residing
2in the same household as the child for the tax year preceding the school year for which
3family income is being determined under this paragraph.
AB56-SA3,69,44 b. Family income includes income of the child's parents.
AB56-SA3,69,65 c. Family income for a family in which the child's parents are married shall be
6reduced by $7,000 before the determination is made under this paragraph.
AB56-SA3,69,107 d. A child placed with a kinship care relative under s. 48.57 (3m), with a
8long-term kinship care relative under s. 48.57 (3n), in a foster home licensed under
9s. 48.62, or in a subsidized guardianship home under s. 48.623 is considered to have
10no family income.
AB56-SA3,69,1511 (c) 1. Subject to subd. 2., beginning in the 2020-21 school year, a private school
12participating in the program under this section may recover the cost of providing any
13of the following items or services to a child participating in the program under this
14section through reasonable fees in an amount determined by the private school and
15charged to the child:
AB56-SA3,69,1616 a. Personal use items, such as uniforms, gym clothes, and towels.
AB56-SA3,69,1817 b. Social and extracurricular activities if not necessary to the private school's
AB56-SA3,69,1919 c. Musical instruments.
AB56-SA3,69,2020 d. Meals consumed by children of the private school.
AB56-SA3,69,2221 e. High school classes that are not required for graduation and for which no
22credits toward graduation are given.
AB56-SA3,69,2323 f. Transportation.
AB56-SA3,69,2424 g. Before-school and after-school child care.
AB56-SA3,69,2525 h. Room and board at the private school.
12. A private school participating in the program under this section may not
2prohibit an eligible child from attending the private school, expel or otherwise
3discipline the child, or withhold or reduce the child's grades because the child or the
4child's parent cannot pay or has not paid fees charged under subd. 1.
AB56-SA3,1505 5Section 1505. 115.7915 (6) (L) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-SA3,70,96 115.7915 (6) (L) Allow a child attending the private school under this section
7to refrain from participating in any religious activity if the child's parent submits to
8the child's teacher or the private school's principal a written request that the child
9be exempt from such activities.
AB56-SA3,1506 10Section 1506. 115.7915 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-SA3,70,1311 115.7915 (6m) Private school accreditation requirements. If a private school
12does not participate in a parental choice program under s. 118.60 or 119.23 as
13provided under sub. (2) (c) 1. or 2. c., all of the following apply to the private school:
AB56-SA3,70,1514 (a) If the private school is not accredited by an accrediting entity on August 1,
152019, the private school shall do all of the following:
AB56-SA3,70,1816 1. Obtain preaccreditation by a preaccrediting entity by August 1, 2020. The
17eligible school may apply for and seek to obtain preaccreditation from only one
18preaccrediting entity.
AB56-SA3,70,2019 2. Apply for accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31, 2020, and
20obtain accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31, 2023.
AB56-SA3,71,321 (b) If the private school is accredited by an accrediting entity to offer instruction
22in any elementary grade, but not any high school grade, and the private school seeks
23to offer instruction in any high school grade, the private school shall apply for
24accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31 of the first school year in which
25the private school begins offering instruction in the additional grades and shall

1obtain accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31 of the 3rd school year
2following the first school year in which the private school begins offering instruction
3in the additional grades.
AB56-SA3,71,114 (c) If the private school is accredited by an accrediting entity to offer instruction
5in any high school grade, but not any elementary grade, and the private school seeks
6to offer instruction in any elementary grade, the private school shall apply for
7accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31 of the first school year in which
8the private school begins offering instruction in the additional grades and shall
9obtain accreditation by an accrediting entity by December 31 of the 3rd school year
10following the first school year in which the private school begins offering instruction
11in the additional grades.