NR 423.02(8c)(8c)“Letterpress printing” means the method in which the image area is raised relative to the non-image area and the ink is transferred directly from the ink roller to the plate cylinder.
NR 423.02(8g)(8g)“Lithographic printing” has the meaning given it in s. NR 422.02 (48).
NR 423.02(8p)(8p)“Medical device” means an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent or other similar article, including any component or accessory that meets any one of the following conditions:
NR 423.02(8p)(a)(a) It is intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease.
NR 423.02(8p)(b)(b) It is intended to affect the structure or function of the body.
NR 423.02(8p)(c)(c) It is defined as a “device” under 21 USC 321.
NR 423.02 NoteNote: Common examples of such medical devices include but are not limited to x-ray machines, medical lasers, diagnostic ultrasound products, thermometers, bedpans, artificial hearts, pacemakers, pregnancy test kits, scalpels, tongue depressors and bandages.
NR 423.02(8x)(8x)“On-press component” means a part, component or accessory of a press that is cleaned while still being physically attached to the press. Rollers, blankets, metering rollers, fountains, impression cylinders and plates are considered on-press components even when detached from the press.
NR 423.02(9)(9)“Refrigerated freeboard chiller” means an emission control device which is mounted above the water jacket or primary condenser coils of a vapor degreaser and which consists of secondary coils carrying a refrigerant to provide a chilled air blanket above the solvent vapor.
NR 423.02(9g)(9g)“Removable press component” means a part, component or accessory of a press, excluding rollers, blankets, metering rollers, fountains, impression cylinders and plates, that is physically attached to the press but is disassembled and removed from the press prior to being cleaned.
NR 423.02(9t)(9t)“Rigid magnetic data storage disc” means a flat, circular, non-flexible plate with a magnetic coating on which digital information can be stored by selective magnetization of portions of the flat surface.
NR 423.02(9w)(9w)“Rotogravure printing” has the meaning given it in s. NR 422.02 (80).
NR 423.02(10)(10)“Solvent metal cleaning” means the process of cleaning soils from metal surfaces by cold cleaning, open top vapor degreasing, conveyorized degreasing or wipe cleaning.
NR 423.02(10g)(10g)“Screen printing” has the meaning given it in s. NR 422.02 (82).
NR 423.02(10r)(10r)“Surface preparation” means the removal of contaminants such as dust, soil, oil, etc., prior to coating, adhesive or ink applications.
NR 423.02(11)(11)“Solvent recovery dryer” means a dry cleaning dryer that employs a condenser to liquefy and recover solvent vapors evaporated in a closed-loop, recirculating stream of heated air.
NR 423.02(11g)(11g)“VOC composite partial vapor pressure” means the sum of the partial pressures of the compounds defined as VOCs and shall be calculated by one of the following equations:
or, if the total vapor pressure of the mixture is unknown
PVOC is the VOC composite partial vapor pressure at 20°C (mm Hg)
Wi is the weight of the i th VOC compound (kilograms)
MWi is the molecular weight of the i th VOC compound (kilograms per kilogram mole)
Ww is the weight of the water (kilograms)
MWw is the molecular weight of the water (kilograms per kilogram mole)
WNVOCj is the weight of the j th organic compound included in the VOC exclusion list in s. NR 400.02 (162) (kilograms)
MWNVOCj is the molecular weight of the j th organic compound included in the VOC exclusion list in s. NR 400.02 (162) (kilograms per kilogram mole)
Ptotal is the total vapor pressure of the mixture at 20°C (mm Hg)