ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: An activity or business operation that is an integral part of, or incidental to, an agricultural use under s. 91.01 (1) (b), Stats., could include activities such as: direct sales from farm to customer, “you-pick” operations, crop mazes, and agricultural tourism operations. ATCP 49.01(2)(2) “Agriculture-related use” means any of the following: ATCP 49.01(2)(b)(b) A facility integral to an agricultural use, regardless of whether the facility is located on a farm, that relies on agricultural uses conducted primarily off-site. ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: These “agriculture-related uses” may include facilities to: provide agricultural supplies, equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, or other agricultural inputs or services to farms; store, process, handle, or market raw agricultural commodities; slaughter or process livestock that were primarily kept off-site; or process agricultural by-products or wastes produced primarily off-site. A manure digester, bio-fuel facility, or other facility that produces energy for use primarily off-site may also be considered an agriculture-related use.
ATCP 49.01(2)(c)(c) A facility used for providing veterinary services primarily to livestock, including the sale of supplies and pharmaceuticals related to animal husbandry. ATCP 49.01(3)(b)(b) All land, whether or not the parcels are contiguous, that is in a farmland preservation zoning district under the same zoning ordinance and that is part of a single farm on the date that the owner of the farm first creates a new lot or parcel from that farm, regardless of any subsequent changes in the size of the farm. All land, at the time of the creation of the new lot or parcel by the owner, is considered part of the same base farm tract, including the newly created lot or parcel. ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: Under this provision, the political subdivision may now choose to define “base farm tract” in any of the following ways: 1) all contiguous parcels in single ownership under the same zoning ordinance, on the date the department first certifies the ordinance, 2) all contiguous parcels in single ownership under the same zoning ordinance on a date, specified in the ordinance, which occurred before the department first certifies the ordinance, or 3) all parcels in single ownership under the same zoning ordinance on the date the owner first creates a new lot or parcel, which occurs after the department first certifies the ordinance. The political subdivision must choose one of these ways of defining “base farm tract” in its ordinance, and any further subdividing or ownership transfers does not affect that determination.
ATCP 49.01(4)(4) “Communications use,” as used in s. 91.46 (1) (f), Stats., includes transmission lines, cell towers, antennae, and broadcast towers. ATCP 49.01(5)(5) “Consistent with” means furthers or does not contradict objectives, goals, and policies in a relevant document. ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: This definition is similar to that found in s. 66.1001 (1) (am), Stats., for the comprehensive planning program. Under s. 91.10 (2), Stats., the farmland preservation plan is required to be “consistent with” the county’s comprehensive plan. ATCP 49.01(6)(6) “Contiguous” means adjacent to or sharing a common boundary. ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: A political subdivision may choose to define “contiguous” lands as including lands separated by a road, stream, or section line, or as not including those separate lands. Contiguity is defined under s. 91.84 (1) (e) 3., Stats., specifically for the agricultural enterprise area program. ATCP 49.01(7)(7) “Crop” means a cultivated plant that includes any of the following: ATCP 49.01(7)(a)(a) Field crops, including corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, hay, potatoes, and dry beans. ATCP 49.01(7)(b)(b) Fruits, including apples, grapes, cranberries, cherries, and berries. ATCP 49.01(7)(c)(c) Vegetables, including tomatoes, carrots, sweet corn, and squash. ATCP 49.01(7)(d)(d) Plants raised for culinary, medicinal, or aesthetic purposes, including herbs and spices, ginseng, and ornamental shrubs and trees. ATCP 49.01(7)(e)(e) Plants raised for energy production, including switchgrass, or textile use, including cotton or bamboo. ATCP 49.01(8)(8) “Department” means the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. ATCP 49.01(10)(10) “Electric transmission use,” as used in s. 91.46 (1) (f), Stats., includes high voltage lines and electric substations. ATCP 49.01(11)(11) “Farm family business” means a business operated by the owner or operator, or resident family member of the owner or operator, of a farm, that is not associated with an agricultural use, that requires no buildings, structures, or improvements other than those described in s. 91.01 (1) (a) or (c), Stats., that employs no more than 4 full-time non-family employees annually, and that does not impair or limit the current or future agricultural use of the farm or of other protected farmland. ATCP 49.01(12)(12) “Forest management,” as used in s. 91.01 (2) (a) 7., Stats., means private forest lands and woodlands managed in accordance with any type of written management plan, including a plan prepared under the state’s managed forest law. ATCP 49.01 NoteNote: This includes land that is designated as managed forest land under a forest tax program established in ss. 77.80 to 77.91, Stats. Though active agricultural land may not qualify for the managed forest law program under ss. 77.82 (1) (b) 1. and 77.875, Stats., land covered by the managed forest law program can qualify as an agricultural use for the purposes of the farmland preservation program. A wooded lot that is not actively managed under a written management plan may be included in a farmland preservation zoning district as an open space or natural resource area but may not be included as an agricultural use. Government-owned woodlands may also be included as an open space or natural resource area. ATCP 49.01(13)(13) “Governmental use,” as used in s. 91.46 (1) (g), Stats., includes community centers, police and fire facilities, public parks, and town halls.