NR 19.73(2)(a)1.1. Possess a signed sponsorship agreement stating an advanced licensee is willing to mentor the applicant’s wildlife rehabilitation activities.
NR 19.73(2)(a)1m.1m. Submit a completed license application that describes prior wildlife rehabilitation and animal care experience to the department.
NR 19.73(2)(a)2.2. Possess a signed consulting veterinarian agreement stating a veterinarian, licensed to practice in Wisconsin or state of residence, is willing to consult and assist with care and treatment of wildlife being rehabilitated.
NR 19.73(2)(a)3.3. Pass an examination meeting the requirements of s. NR 19.75.
NR 19.73(2)(a)4.4. Allow an inspection of facilities to assure that the applicant’s facilities meet the requirements of s. NR 19.77.
NR 19.73(2)(b)(b) Restrictions. Basic licensees may not possess any of the following:
NR 19.73(2)(b)1.1. Federal migratory birds or federal or state endangered or threatened species unless authorized by appropriate federal permit and state approval added to the licensee’s rehabilitation license.
NR 19.73(2)(b)2.2. Mammals belonging to the family cervidae (deer, elk, and moose) or other harmful wild animals designated under s. 169.11, Stats.
NR 19.73(2)(b)3.3. Species of bird belonging to the order ciconiformes (vultures, bitterns and herons), falconiformes (hawks, eagles, harriers, osprey, kites and falcons) with the exception of American kestrel, the order Strigiformes (all owls), with the exception of saw-whet and screech owls or the families gruidae (cranes) or gavidae (loons).
NR 19.73(2)(c)(c) Euthanasia. Euthanasia may only be performed under direct supervision of the sponsoring advanced licensee or consulting veterinarian.
NR 19.73(2)(d)(d) Volunteers. Volunteers may assist basic licensees with the rehabilitation of wildlife if all of the following requirements are met:
NR 19.73(2)(d)1.1. Basic licensees have completed one full year of licensed wildlife rehabilitation before volunteers may be authorized to assist with wildlife rehabilitation activities.
NR 19.73(2)(d)2.2. All volunteer information including name, address, and telephone number has been provided to the department by the licensee.
NR 19.73(2)(d)3.3. The department is notified quarterly, by the licensee, of any changes to their list of volunteers and any changes in contact information of the licensee’s volunteers.
NR 19.73(2)(d)4.4. Volunteers only provide basic care to species identified on the basic license.
NR 19.73(2)(d)5.5. Volunteers only operate at the facility of the licensee and under the direct supervision of the basic licensee.
NR 19.73(2)(d)6.6. Licensees accept responsibility for the actions and activities of volunteers and shall be responsible for any violations by volunteers in violation of this chapter or ch. 169, Stats.
NR 19.73(2)(e)(e) Subpermittees. A basic license holder shall not list subpermittees on the license holder’s license.
NR 19.73(3)(3)Advanced license.
NR 19.73(3)(a)(a) Requirements. Applicants shall meet all of the following requirements:
NR 19.73(3)(a)1.1. Possess a basic evaluation form signed by the applicant’s advanced licensee sponsor stating that the applicant has been a licensed basic rehabilitator for a minimum of 2 years and has satisfactorily engaged in the practice of wildlife rehabilitation.
NR 19.73(3)(a)1m.1m. Submit a completed license application form that describes prior wildlife rehabilitation experience to the department.
NR 19.73(3)(a)2.2. Possess a signed consulting veterinarian form stating a veterinarian, licensed to practice in Wisconsin or licensee’s state of residence, is willing to consult and assist with care and treatment of wildlife being rehabilitated.
NR 19.73(3)(a)2m.2m. Pass an examination meeting the requirements of s. NR 19.75.
NR 19.73(3)(a)3.3. Allow an inspection of facilities to assure that the applicant’s facilities meet the requirements of s. NR 19.77.
NR 19.73(3)(b)(b) Restrictions. Advanced licensees may not possess any of the following:
NR 19.73(3)(b)1.1. Species of wildlife not authorized by their license.
NR 19.73(3)(b)2.2. Federal migratory birds or federal or state endangered or threatened species unless authorized by the appropriate federal permit and state approval added to the licensee’s rehabilitation license.
NR 19.73(3)(c)(c) Euthanasia. Euthanasia may be performed by the advanced licensee or consulting veterinarian.