NR 182.1095(2)(bh)(bh) A description of any contractor-specific storage and material handling procedures, deployment methods, attachment methods, panel overlaps, patching, procedures for minimizing bentonite loss in the GCL, and acceptable limits on sub-grade for geomembrane or GCL, including maximum rut depth, maximum stone size, removal of gravel cobbles and other debris, and limits imposed by weather conditions. NR 182.1095(2)(bm)(bm) A description of methods to be used to assure the GCL does not become saturated prior to covering with soil and the procedure that will be followed if the GCL does become saturated, methods and equipment to be used to place the geomembrane over the GCL, and the maximum time between deployment of the GCL and placement of soil cover layers. NR 182.1095(2)(br)(br) A description of the selected materials and source of the sideslope riser pipe, methods proposed to assemble and place the sideslope riser pipe, and measures to be taken to prevent puncture of the geomembrane below the sideslope riser pipe and protective drainage material. NR 182.1095(2)(c)(c) The results of a shear test conducted, in accordance with ASTM method D5321, which is incorporated by reference, on the soils and geosynthetic materials selected for use in construction of the liner system and the final cover system. The test shall be conducted using wetted soil and geomembrane interfaces. The shear test results shall be used to evaluate the stability of the geomembrane component over the clay component and the drainage layers and overburden placed on the geomembrane component. For designs which utilize a GCL, the shear test results shall be used to evaluate the stability of the geomembrane component over the GCL component and the soil barrier layer and the drainage layers and overburden placed on the geomembrane component. Wet unit weights of soils shall be used in analyses. If all soil and geosynthetic materials to be used are identical to those that were tested for a previous construction phase, then the test need not be conducted again. The department may waive testing of materials which are proposed exclusively for use on liners or final cover systems with slopes of less than 10 percent. NR 182.1095 NoteNote: Copies of the ASTM D5321/D5231M-20, “Standard Test Method for Determining the Shear Strength of Soil-Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic-Geosynthetic Interfaces by Direct Shear,” revised 2020, are available for inspection at the Department of Natural Resources, 101 South Webster St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703; and the Legislative Reference Bureau, 1 E. Main St., Ste. 200; Madison, Wisconsin 53703; and for purchase at NR 182.1095(2)(d)(d) A quality control plan which provides all information specified in s. NR 182.109 (2) (c) 9., as well as identification of the installation contractor, contractor qualifications, and on-site supervisory staff. Any proposed changes to the quality control plan contained in a mining waste facility’s approved plan of operation shall be highlighted and explained. NR 182.1095(2)(e)(e) A quality assurance plan that provides all information specified in s. NR 182.109 (2) (c) 10. and 11. and that identifies the registered professional engineer and qualified technician who will be providing quality assurance and that summarizes of their qualifications and related work experience. NR 182.1095 HistoryHistory: CR 20-043: cr. Register December 2021 No. 792, eff. 1-1-22. NR 182.110NR 182.110 Construction documentation and completion reports. NR 182.110(1)(1) Report preparation. The owner shall construct a waste site in accordance with the approved plan of operation. The owner shall prepare a report documenting all aspects of construction for the initial construction of the mining waste facility; the construction of all subsequent phases or portions thereof; the construction of any storm water, groundwater, or leachate control structures; the implementation of remedial actions; and the closure of each major disposal area. Approval of a report that documents the construction of any portion of the base of a mining waste facility shall be obtained from the department prior to initiating disposal operations in the newly established area and subsequent phases. NR 182.110(2)(a)1.1. The owner shall employ a registered professional engineer or a qualified technician who is directly supervised by a professional engineer who shall be continuously on-site and performing assigned quality assurance duties throughout all of the following: NR 182.110(2)(a)1.b.b. Installation and testing of the geosynthetic components of liner and cover systems. NR 182.110(2)(a)1.c.c. All aspects of sump and sideslope riser construction or penetrations of sidewall liners. NR 182.110(2)(a)2.2. The registered professional engineer or qualified technician described in subd. 1. shall also be on-site to inspect the following activities after their completion: NR 182.110(2)(a)2.a.a. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures such as ditches, fencing, and sedimentation basins. NR 182.110(2)(a)2.c.c. Clay liner surface preparation and grading, leachate, lysimeter, and gas piping prior to being covered with soil. NR 182.110(2)(a)2.d.d. Piping with tanks, manholes, or vaults and installation of instrumentation and controls. NR 182.110(2)(a)3.3. The department may require by written approval that a registered professional engineer be present during other critical construction activities. NR 182.110(2)(b)(b) With respect to registered professional engineers or qualified technicians employed to meet the requirements of par. (a), substitution of personnel may only occur due to substandard performance, vacations, or uncontrollable circumstances such as injury, illness, employee termination, or resignation. However, if necessary in order to provide experienced personnel, geomembrane installation quality assurance may be performed by a different registered professional engineer or qualified technician directly supervised by the registered professional engineer described in par. (a). In no case, however, may the personnel performing quality assurance for geomembrane installation be an employee of the geomembrane manufacturer, fabricator, or installer. Also, when justified by the size of the construction project, multiple registered professional engineers or qualified technicians may perform quality assurance work concurrently. NR 182.110(3)(3) Certification. The first section of any construction documentation report prepared for the construction or closure of a portion of a mining waste facility shall be a certification section that includes all of the following: NR 182.110(3)(a)(a) A statement signed and sealed by each licensed professional engineer who either performed quality assurance work on the project or supervised qualified technicians who performed quality assurance work. NR 182.110(3)(b)1.1. Each licensed professional engineer and qualified technician who performed quality assurance during the construction.