AB338,,16163. Use of the hospital and other areas. AB338,,17174. Services of physicians and nonphysician practitioners employed by the hospital. AB338,,18185. Any other item or service for which a hospital has established a standard charge. AB338,,1919(h) “Machine-readable format” means a digital representation of information in a file that can be imported or read into a computer system for further processing. “Machine-readable format” includes .XML, .JSON, and .CSV formats. AB338,,2020(i) “Payor-specific negotiated charge” means the charge that a hospital has negotiated with a 3rd-party payor for a hospital item or service. AB338,,2121(j) “Service package” means an aggregation of individual hospital items or services into a single service with a single charge. AB338,,2222(k) “Shoppable service” means a service that may be scheduled by a health care consumer in advance. AB338,,2323(L) “Standard charge” means the regular rate established by the hospital for a hospital item or service provided to a specific group of paying patients and includes all of the following: AB338,,24241. The gross charge. AB338,,25252. The payor-specific negotiated charge. AB338,,26263. The de-identified minimum negotiated charge. AB338,,27274. The de-identified maximum negotiated charge. AB338,,28285. The discounted cash price. AB338,,2929(m) “Third-party payor” means an entity that is, by statute, contract, or agreement, legally responsible for payment of a claim for a hospital item or service. AB338,,3030(2) Public availability of price information required. A hospital shall make publicly available all of the following: AB338,,3131(a) A digital file in a machine-readable format that contains a list of all standard charges for all hospital items or services described under sub. (3). AB338,,3232(b) A consumer-friendly list of standard charges for a limited set of shoppable services as provided in sub. (4). AB338,,3333(3) List of standard charges required. (a) A hospital shall do all of the following: AB338,,34341. Maintain a list of all standard charges for all hospital items or services in accordance with this section. AB338,,35352. Ensure the list required under subd. 1. is available at all times to the public, including by posting the list electronically in the manner provided in this section. AB338,,3636(b) The standard charges contained in the list required to be maintained by a hospital under par. (a) 1. shall reflect the standard charges applicable to that location of the hospital, regardless of whether the hospital operates in more than one location or operates under the same license as another hospital. AB338,,3737(c) The list required under par. (a) 1. shall include all of the following information: AB338,,38381. A description of each hospital item or service provided by the hospital. AB338,,39392. The following charges for each individual hospital item or service when provided in either an inpatient setting or an outpatient department setting: AB338,,4040a. The gross charge. AB338,,4141b. The de-identified minimum negotiated charge. AB338,,4242c. The de-identified maximum negotiated charge. AB338,,4343d. The discounted cash price. AB338,,4444e. The payor-specific negotiated charge, listed by the name of the 3rd-party payor and plan associated with the charge and displayed in a manner that clearly associates the charge with each 3rd-party payor and plan.