AB43,13093319Section 1309. 70.27 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3320332070.27 (4) Amendments. Amendments or corrections to an assessor’s plat may be made at any time by the governing body by recording with the register of deeds a plat of the area affected by such amendment or correction, made and authenticated as provided by this section. It shall not be necessary to refer to any amendment of the plat, but all assessments or instruments wherein any parcel of land is or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land are described as being in an assessor’s plat, shall be construed to mean the assessor’s plat of lands or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land with its amendments or corrections as it stood on the date of making such assessment or instrument, or such plats may be identified by number. This subsection does not prohibit the division of lands or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land that are included in an assessor’s plat by subdivision plat, as provided in s. 236.03, or by certified survey map, as provided in s. 236.34. AB43,13103321Section 1310. 70.27 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3322332270.27 (5) Surveys, reconciliations. The surveyor making the plat shall be a professional land surveyor licensed under ch. 443 and shall survey and lay out the boundaries of each parcel, building, improvement, fixture, street, alley, lane, roadway, or dedication to public or private use, according to the records of the register of deeds, and whatever evidence that may be available to show the intent of the buyer and seller, in the chronological order of their conveyance or dedication, and set temporary monuments to show the results of such survey which shall be made permanent upon recording of the plat as provided for in this section. The map shall be at a scale of not more than 100 feet per inch, unless waived in writing by the department of administration under s. 236.20 (2) (L). The owners of record of lands or the land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land in the plat shall be notified by certified letter mailed to their last-known addresses, in order that they shall have opportunity to examine the map, view the temporary monuments, and make known any disagreement with the boundaries as shown by the temporary monuments. It is the duty of the professional land surveyor making the plat to reconcile any discrepancies that may be revealed so that the plat as certified to the governing body is in conformity with the records of the register of deeds as nearly as is practicable. When boundary lines between adjacent parcels, as evidenced on the ground, are mutually agreed to in writing by the owners of record, those lines shall be the true boundaries for all purposes thereafter, even though they may vary from the metes and bounds descriptions previously of record. Such written agreements shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds. On every assessor’s plat, as certified to the governing body, shall appear the document number of the record and, if given on the record, the volume and page where the record is recorded for the record that contains the metes and bounds description of each parcel, as recorded in the office of the register of deeds, which shall be identified with the number by which such parcel is designated on the plat, except that a lot that has been conveyed or otherwise acquired but upon which no deed is recorded in the office of register of deeds may be shown on an assessor’s plat and when so shown shall contain a full metes and bounds description. AB43,13113323Section 1311. 70.27 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3324332470.27 (7) (b) A clear and concise description of the land or the land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land so surveyed and mapped, by government lot, quarter quarter-section, township, range and county, or if located in a city or village or platted area, then according to the plat; otherwise by metes and bounds beginning with some corner marked and established in the United States land survey. AB43,13123325Section 1312. 70.29 of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3326332670.29 Personalty, how entered. The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, the assessor shall place in one distinct and continuous part of the assessment roll all the names of persons assessed for personal property, with a statement of such property in each village in the assessor’s assessment district, and foot up the valuation thereof separately; otherwise the assessor shall arrange all names of persons assessed for personal property on the roll alphabetically so far as convenient. The assessor shall also place upon the assessment roll, in a separate column and opposite the name of each person assessed for personal property, the number of the school district in which such personal property is subject to taxation. AB43,13133327Section 1313. 70.30 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3328332870.30 Aggregate values. (intro.) Every For assessments made before January 1, 2024, every assessor shall ascertain and set down in separate columns prepared for that purpose on the assessment roll and opposite to the names of all persons assessed for personal property the number and value of the following named items of personal property assessed to such person, which shall constitute the assessed valuation of the several items of property therein described, to wit: AB43,13143329Section 1314. 70.32 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3330333070.32 (1) Real property shall be valued by the assessor in the manner specified in the Wisconsin property assessment manual provided under s. 73.03 (2a) at its highest and best use from actual view or from the best information that the assessor can practicably obtain, at the full value which could ordinarily be obtained therefor at private sale. In determining the value, the assessor shall consider recent arm’s-length sales of the property to be assessed if according to professionally acceptable appraisal practices those sales conform to recent arm’s-length sales of reasonably comparable property; recent arm’s-length sales of reasonably comparable property; and all factors that, according to professionally acceptable appraisal practices, affect the value of the property to be assessed. In this subsection, “arm’s-length sale” means a sale between a willing buyer and willing seller, neither being under compulsion to buy or sell and each being familiar with the attributes of the property sold. In this subsection, “highest and best use” means the specific current use of the property or a higher use for which the property may be used as of the current assessment date, if the property is marketable for that use and the use is legally permissible, physically possible, not highly speculative, and financially feasible and provides the highest net return. When the current use of a property is the highest and best use of that property, value in the current use equals full market value. In this subsection, “legally permissible” does not include a conditional use that has not been granted as of the assessment date. AB43,13153331Section 1315. 70.32 (1b) of the statutes is created to read: AB43,,3332333270.32 (1b) In determining the value of real property under sub. (1), the assessor may consider, as part of the valuation under sub. (1), any lease provisions and actual rent pertaining to a property and affecting its value, including the lease provisions and rent associated with a sale and leaseback of the property, if all such lease provisions and rent are the result of an arm’s-length transaction involving persons who are not related in any of the ways specified under section 267 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code for the year of the transaction. The assessor shall reconcile the results of such consideration with the professionally acceptable appraisal practices regarding reasonably comparable sales, the cost approach, and other methods specified in the Wisconsin property assessment manual provided under s. 73.03 (2a). In this subsection, an “arm’s-length transaction” means an agreement between willing parties, neither being under compulsion to act and each being familiar with the attributes of the property. AB43,13163333Section 1316. 70.32 (1d) of the statutes is created to read: AB43,,3334333470.32 (1d) (a) To determine the value of property using generally accepted appraisal methods, the assessor shall consider all of the following as comparable to the property being assessed: AB43,,333533351. Sales or rentals of properties exhibiting the same or a similar highest and best use with placement in the same real estate market segment. AB43,,333633362. Sales or rentals of properties that are similar to the property being assessed with regard to age, condition, use, type of construction, location, design, physical features, and economic characteristics, including similarities in occupancy and the the potential to generate rental income. For purposes of this subdivision, such properties may be found locally, regionally, or nationally. AB43,,33373337(b) For purposes of par. (a), a property is not comparable if any of the following applies: AB43,,333833381. At or before the time of sale, the seller places any deed restriction on the property that changes the highest and best use of the property, or prohibits competition, so that it no longer qualifies as a comparable property under par. (a) 1. or 2. and the property being assessed lacks such a restriction. AB43,,333933392. The property is dark property and the property being assessed is not dark property. In this subdivision, “dark property” means property that is vacant or unoccupied beyond the normal period for property in the same real estate market segment. For purposes of this subdivision, what is considered vacant or unoccupied beyond the normal period may vary depending on the property location. AB43,,33403340(c) For purposes of par. (a), “highest and best use” has the meaning given in s. 70.32 (1). AB43,,33413341(d) For purposes of par. (a), “real estate market segment” means a pool of potential buyers and sellers that typically buy or sell properties similar to the property being assessed, including potential buyers who are investors or owner-occupants. For purposes of this paragraph, and depending on the type of property being assessed, the pool of potential buyers and sellers may be found locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. AB43,13173342Section 1317. 70.34 of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3343334370.34 Personalty. All For assessments made before January 1, 2024, all articles of personal property shall, as far as practicable, be valued by the assessor upon actual view at their true cash value; and after arriving at the total valuation of all articles of personal property which the assessor shall be able to discover as belonging to any person, if the assessor has reason to believe that such person has other personal property or any other thing of value liable to taxation, the assessor shall add to such aggregate valuation of personal property an amount which, in the assessor’s judgment, will render such aggregate valuation a just and equitable valuation of all the personal property liable to taxation belonging to such person. In carrying out the duties imposed on the assessor by this section, the assessor shall act in the manner specified in the Wisconsin property assessment manual provided under s. 73.03 (2a). AB43,13183344Section 1318. 70.345 of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3345334570.345 Legislative intent; department of revenue to supply information. The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, the assessor shall exercise particular care so that personal property as a class on the assessment rolls bears the same relation to statutory value as real property as a class. To assist the assessor in determining the true relationship between real estate and personal property the department of revenue shall make available to local assessors information including figures indicating the relationship between personal property and real property on the last assessment rolls. AB43,13193346Section 1319. 70.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,3347334770.35 (1) To For assessments made before January 1, 2024, to determine the amount and value of any personal property for which any person, firm, or corporation should be assessed, any assessor may examine such person or the managing agent or officer of any firm or corporation under oath as to all such items of personal property, the taxable value thereof as defined in s. 70.34 if the property is taxable. In the alternative the assessor may require such person, firm, or corporation to submit a return of such personal property and of the taxable value thereof. There shall be annexed to such return the declaration of such person or of the managing agent or officer of such firm or corporation that the statements therein contained are true.