AB446-AA1,2,5 58. Page 7, line 5: delete “any" and substitute “all".
AB446-AA1,2,7 69. Page 7, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
7page 8, line 5.
AB446-AA1,2,8 810. Page 8, line 7: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,2,10 911. Page 8, line 8: delete the material beginning with “level 1" and ending with
10“level 2 screening" on line 9 and substitute “or diagnostic”.
AB446-AA1,2,11 1112. Page 8, line 14: delete that line.
AB446-AA1,2,12 1213. Page 8, line 16: after that line insert:
AB446-AA1,2,13 13“6. Oral vocabulary.”.
AB446-AA1,2,14 1414. Page 9, line 3: delete “screenings" and substitute “ assessments".
AB446-AA1,2,16 1515. Page 9, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
16with page 10, line 5, and substitute:
AB446-AA1,2,18 17“(bm) Diagnostic assessment. Assess a pupil using a diagnostic assessment as
AB446-AA1,2,2019 1. No later than the 2nd Friday of November if a universal screening
20assessment administered under par. (a) 1. indicates that the pupil is at-risk.
AB446-AA1,2,2321 2. Within 10 days after a universal screening assessment is administered
22under par. (a) 2. if the universal screening assessment indicates that the pupil is
13. Within 20 days after a teacher or parent who suspects that the pupil has
2characteristics of dyslexia submits a request for a diagnostic assessment.” .
AB446-AA1,3,3 316. Page 10, line 6: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,4 417. Page 10, line 7: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,5 518. Page 10, line 8: delete “Screening" and substitute “ Assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,6 619. Page 10, line 10: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,7 720. Page 10, line 11: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,8 821. Page 10, line 12: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,10 922. Page 10, line 14: after “parent" insert “in the native language of the pupil's
AB446-AA1,3,11 1123. Page 10, line 15: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,12 1224. Page 10, line 17: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,13 1325. Page 10, line 18: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,14 1426. Page 10, line 20: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,15 1527. Page 10, line 23: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,3,17 1628. Page 10, line 24: delete “level 2 screening assessment" and substitute
17“diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,19 1829. Page 11, line 2: delete “level 2 screening assessment" and substitute
19“diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,21 2030. Page 11, line 6: delete “level 1 or level 2 screening assessment" and
21substitute “diagnostic assessment".
AB446-AA1,3,22 2231. Page 11, line 9: delete “, intensive interventions,".