(b) A substitute amendment or amendment adding an appropriation necessary to fulfill the original intent of a proposal.
Senate Rule 51.
Amendment in the 3rd degree prohibited. Amendments beyond the degree of an amendment to an amendment to the main proposition are prohibited. For the purposes of this rule a substitute amendment, and an assembly amendment to a senate proposal or amendment, are considered a main proposition.
Senate Rule 53.
Committee amendments; speaking on amendment. Amendments reported by committees shall be acted upon by the senate in the same manner as though offered from the floor. On an amendment being offered, a member who has spoken on the main question may speak again on the amendment.
Senate Rule 55.
Order of action. If adverse action on a proposal is recommended by a committee, that question is put first. However, the senate may direct the consideration of amendments, but adoption of amendments does not change the question.
Chapter 6:
Senate Rule 56.
Recognition; debate. Members who are about to speak in debate or deliver any matter to the senate shall rise in their places and respectfully address the presiding officer, and, upon being recognized, shall proceed, confining themselves to the question under debate and avoiding personalities. Members may not question the motives of another member. Members may read briefly from printed material unless there is objection.
Senate Rule 56m.
Points of order. sr56m(1)(1) The presiding officer may speak to points of order in preference to others, rising for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal by a member, on which appeal each member may speak once not to exceed 5 minutes.
(2) Whenever a point of order is raised, the presiding officer may rule thereon forthwith, or may defer the decision not later than the 5th order of business on the 2nd legislative day thereafter to provide time for examination of the precedents. Questions not ruled on within the required time shall be decided by a majority of the senate.
(2m) When the point of order concerns a proposal or a question currently pending on the proposal, taking the point of order under advisement removes the proposal or the question currently pending on the proposal from further consideration, including ordering the proposal to a 3rd reading, until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order.
(2r) When the point of order concerns an amendment, taking the point of order under advisement removes the amendment from further consideration until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order. Any proposal to which such an amendment is made may not be ordered to a 3rd reading until the presiding officer announces the ruling on the point of order.
(3) Whenever the presiding officer takes a point of order under advisement in order to consult sources of parliamentary law and procedure, the presiding officer shall submit the decision in writing, stating the source consulted and the reasons for the decision. The text of the presiding officer's decision shall be recorded in the journal.
(4) On appeal being taken, the question is “Shall the decision of the presiding officer stand as the judgment of the senate?", which question, and the action thereon, shall be entered on the journal. The vote is taken by roll call vote. A tie vote sustains the ruling of the presiding officer.
(5) All points of order raised and the decisions thereon shall be entered in the journal.
Senate Rule 57.
Presiding officer to name first speaker. When any 2 or more members rise at the same time, the presiding officer shall name the person who is to speak first.
Senate Rule 58.
Member out of order. A member called to order shall sit down, and may not speak, except in explanation, until it is determined whether or not the member was in order.
Senate Rule 59.
How members may speak. Members may not speak except from their assigned places, and not more than twice on a question, except on leave of the senate. If a question pending is lost by adjournment and revived on the succeeding roll call day, a member who spoke twice on the preceding roll call day may not again speak without leave of the senate.
Senate Rule 60.
Personal privilege. Members may rise to explain matters personal to themselves by leave of the presiding officer, but may not discuss pending questions in the explanations. Questions of personal privilege are limited to questions affecting the rights, reputation, and conduct of the members in their representative capacities. A member's right to speak on a point of personal privilege has precedence over all other questions except a motion to adjourn or a motion to raise a call.
Senate Rule 61.
Special privilege. Any member desiring to make a personal explanation on a matter other than one of personal privilege may rise and, by leave of the presiding officer, and within such limitation of time as the presiding officer or senate may determine, discuss any subject relative to state or local government, public welfare, conduct of public officials in relation to their official duties, and matters pertaining to the rights of the senate collectively, and its safety and dignity, and the integrity of its proceedings. A member may not be granted the right to speak on a point of special privilege while any matter is pending or under discussion before the senate.