170.995 (14) (b) If the department of revenue does not receive the fee imposed 2on a municipality imposes a fee under par. (a) by March 31 of each year on a 3municipality, the department shall reduce the a distribution made to the 4municipality under s. 79.02 (1) in the following year by the amount of the fee. Any 5amount that is not able to be deducted from a distribution under s. 79.02 (1) shall be 6directly imposed upon the municipality. SB45,12137Section 1213. 71.03 (2) (d) (title) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,647,8871.03 (2) (d) (title) Husband and wife Spouses joint filing. SB45,12149Section 1214. 71.03 (2) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,647,121071.03 (2) (d) 1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3. and par. (e), a husband 11and a wife spouses may file a joint return for income tax purposes even though one 12of the spouses has no gross income or no deductions. SB45,121513Section 1215. 71.03 (2) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,647,171471.03 (2) (d) 2. No joint return may be filed if either the husband or wife 15spouse at any time during the taxable year is a nonresident alien, unless an election 16is in effect for the taxable year under section 6013 (g) or (h) of the internal revenue 17code Internal Revenue Code. SB45,121618Section 1216. 71.03 (2) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,648,21971.03 (2) (d) 3. No joint return may be filed if the husband and wife spouses 20have different taxable years, except that if their taxable years begin on the same 21day and end on different days because of the death of either or both the joint return 22may be filed with respect to the taxable year of each unless the surviving spouse 23remarries before the close of his or her taxable year or unless the taxable year of
1either spouse is a fractional part of a year under section 443 (a) (1) of the internal 2revenue code Internal Revenue Code. SB45,12173Section 1217. 71.03 (2) (g) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,648,18471.03 (2) (g) Joint return following separate return. Except as provided in par. 5(i), if an individual has filed a separate return for a taxable year for which a joint 6return could have been filed by the individual and the individual’s spouse under 7par. (d) or (e) and the time prescribed by law for timely filing the return for that 8taxable year has expired, the individual and the individual’s spouse may file a joint 9return for that taxable year. A joint return filed by the husband and wife spouses 10under this paragraph is their return for that taxable year, and all payments, 11credits, refunds or other repayments made or allowed with respect to the separate 12return of each spouse for that taxable year shall be taken into account in 13determining the extent to which the tax based upon the joint return has been paid. 14If a joint return is filed under this paragraph, any election, other than the election 15to file a separate return, made by either spouse in that spouse’s separate return for 16that taxable year with respect to the treatment of any income, deduction or credit of 17that spouse may not be changed in the filing of the joint return if that election would 18have been irrevocable if the joint return had not been filed. SB45,121819Section 1218. 71.03 (2) (m) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,648,232071.03 (2) (m) 2. If a husband and wife spouses change from a joint return to 21separate returns within the time prescribed in subd. 1., the tax paid on the joint 22return shall be allocated between them in proportion to the tax liability shown on 23each separate return. SB45,1219
1Section 1219. 71.03 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,649,12271.03 (4) (a) Natural persons whose total income is not in excess of $10,000 3and consists entirely of wages subject to withholding for Wisconsin tax purposes 4and not more than $200 total of dividends, interest and other wages not subject to 5Wisconsin withholding, and who have elected the Wisconsin standard deduction 6and have not claimed either the credit for homestead property tax relief property 7tax and rent rebate under subch. VIII or deductions for expenses incurred in 8earning such income, shall, at their election, not be required to record on their 9income tax returns the amount of the tax imposed on their Wisconsin taxable 10income. Married persons shall be permitted this election only if the joint income of 11the husband and wife spouses does not exceed $10,000, if both report their incomes 12on the same joint income tax return form, and if both make this election. SB45,122013Section 1220. 71.03 (9) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,649,161471.03 (9) Medical Assistance coverage. (a) The department shall include 15the following questions and explanatory information on each individual income tax 16return under this section and a method for the taxpayer to respond to each question: SB45,649,22171. “Are you, your spouse, your dependent children, or any eligible adult child 18dependent not covered under a health insurance policy, health plan, or other health 19care coverage? ‘Eligible adult child dependent’ means a child who is under the age 20of 26 who is a full-time student or a child who is under the age of 27 who is called to 21active duty in the national guard or armed forces reserve while enrolled as a full-22time student.” SB45,650,2232. “If you responded ‘yes’ to question 1, do you want to have evaluated your
1eligibility for Medical Assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49 of the Wisconsin 2Statutes or your eligibility for subsidized health insurance coverage?” SB45,650,113(b) For each person who responded “yes” to the question under par. (a) 2., the 4department shall provide that person’s contact information and other relevant 5information from that person’s individual income tax return to the department of 6health services to perform an evaluation of that person’s eligibility under the 7Medical Assistance program under subch. IV of ch. 49 or an evaluation of that 8person’s eligibility for subsidized health insurance coverage through an exchange, 9as defined under 45 CFR 155.20. The information provided to the department of 10health services may not be used to determine that the individual is ineligible to 11enroll in the Medical Assistance program under subch. IV of ch. 49. SB45,122112Section 1221. 71.05 (1) (j) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,650,141371.05 (1) (j) Tips. Amounts received as cash tips by an employee from the 14customers of the employee’s employer. SB45,122215Section 1222. 71.05 (6) (a) 15. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,650,211671.05 (6) (a) 15. The amount of the credits computed under s. 71.07 (2dm), 17(2dx), (2dy), (3g), (3h), (3n), (3q), (3s), (3t), (3w), (3wm), (3y), (4k), (4n), (5f), (5h), 18(5i), (5j), (5k), (5r), (5rm), (6n), (8m), and (10) and not passed through by a 19partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation that has added 20that amount to the partnership’s, company’s, or tax-option corporation’s income 21under s. 71.21 (4) or 71.34 (1k) (g). SB45,122322Section 1223. 71.05 (6) (a) 30. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,651,32371.05 (6) (a) 30. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2024, any 24amount distributed during the taxable year from a catastrophe savings account, as
1described in s. 224.28, that was not used to pay an expense described in s. 224.28 2(3), except that this subdivision applies only to amounts for which a subtraction was 3made under par. (b) 57. or 58. SB45,12244Section 1224. 71.05 (6) (b) 4. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,651,18571.05 (6) (b) 4. (intro.) Disability For taxable years beginning before January 61, 2025, disability payments other than disability payments that are paid from a 7retirement plan, the payments from which are exempt under subd. 54. and sub. (1) 8(am) and (an), if the individual either is single or is married and files a joint return 9and is under 65 years of age before the close of the taxable year to which the 10subtraction relates, retired on disability, and, when the individual retired, was 11permanently and totally disabled. In this subdivision, “permanently and totally 12disabled” means an individual who is unable to engage in any substantial gainful 13activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment 14that can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last 15for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. An individual shall not be 16considered permanently and totally disabled for purposes of this subdivision unless 17proof is furnished in such form and manner, and at such times, as prescribed by the 18department. The exclusion under this subdivision shall be determined as follows: SB45,122519Section 1225. 71.05 (6) (b) 4m. of the statutes is created to read: