1. “Claimant” means a person certified under s. 73.03 (78).
2. “Eligible expenditures” means amounts paid by the claimant directly
9relating to qualifying activities in this state, excluding any of the following:
b. Expenditures used to claim another credit under this chapter.
c. Amounts paid to a person certified to receive a credit under this subsection
13or s. 71.28 (11) or 71.47 (11).
d. Amounts paid to persons as a result of their participation in profits from
15video game production, such as commissions, royalties, or profit-sharing
e. Amounts paid for capital expenditures, such as buildings and equipment.
f. Amounts paid to purchase a copyright, trademark, or tradename.
g. Amounts paid for management or other administrative activities.
h. Amounts paid for marketing, promotion, or distribution.
i. Amounts paid for food or entertainment.
j. Interest paid on loans or other credit arrangements.
3. “Eligible wages” means wages paid by the claimant directly relating to
24qualifying activities in this state.
14. “Qualifying activities” means developing, producing, or creating a video
2game product or platform.
5. “Video game product or platform” means an electronic game developed for
4commercial distribution and entertainment that involves interaction with a user
5interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. “Video game product or
6platform” does not include any of the following:
a. A product or platform that contains content in violation of s. 944.21.
b. A product or platform designed for political, religious, or educational
c. A product or platform regulated under chs. 562 to 569.
d. A product or platform designed to provide information about one or more
12individuals or businesses, such as marketing and promotional websites or
e. A product or platform designed for social media or interpersonal
15communications, such as podcasting, interactive advertising, journalism, video
16conferencing, wireless telecommunications, text-based channels, chat rooms, or
17broadcast or streamed viewing enhancements.
f. A product or platform designed to stream linear media such as audio, video,
19or pictures.
g. Small-scale electronic games embedded and used exclusively in advertising.
6. “Wages” means wages, as defined in s. 71.63 (6), that are subject to
22withholding under subch. X and for which a statement under s. 71.65 (1) is furnished.
Filing claims. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for
24taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023, a claimant may claim as a credit
25against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 any of the following amounts:
11. An amount equal to 30 percent of the eligible wages paid by the person in the
2taxable year.
2. An amount equal to 30 percent of the eligible expenditures incurred by the
4claimant in the taxable year.
Limitations. 1. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless the
6claimant files an application with the department, at the time and in the manner
7prescribed by the department, and the department approves the application. The
8claimant shall submit a copy of the approved application with the claimant's return.
2. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless the claimant retains
10at the claimant's sole expense a certified public accountant licensed under ch. 442 to
11review and certify to the department the total eligible expenditures incurred and
12total eligible wages paid in the taxable and to conduct the audit required under s.
1373.03 (78) (c). No audit of a claimant required under s. 73.03 (78) (c) may be
14performed by a certified public accountant that is part of an accounting entity that
15is not determined by the department to be independent of the claimant, consistent
16with s. 442.10 and as provided in the code of professional conduct of the American
17Institute of Certified Public Accountants, or its successor organization, or as
18otherwise determined by the department. The certified public accountant shall do
19all of the following:
a. Conduct the audit required under s. 73.03 (78) (c) according to any rules
21promulgated by the department.