NR 162.05(4)(a)(a) Evidence of compliance with sub. (2).
NR 162.05(4)(b)(b) Construction plans and specifications submitted to the department in accordance with chs. NR 108 and 110 that are approvable under ch. 281, Stats. An applicant may be denied funding if the applicant does not provide appropriately complete project plans and specifications to the department prior to or with the application. The applicant shall submit a copy of approvable plans and specifications with the application in addition to the plans and specifications submitted to the department for plan review under chs. NR 108 and 110.
NR 162.05(4)(c)(c) Completion of the required fields in and upload of required documentation to the department’s online application system, including all of the following:
NR 162.05(4)(c)1.1. A clear, concise, and comprehensive project description, including any modifications to the project description previously provided in the online application systems.
NR 162.05(4)(c)2.2. Estimated or actual construction costs.
NR 162.05(4)(c)3.3. Identification of known ineligible costs included within the total budget provided in the online application.
NR 162.05(4)(c)4.4. Information regarding assistance received or expected from another funding source.
NR 162.05 NoteNote: The project description may already be included in the online application as it should transfer over to the application if previously provided with intent to apply or priority evaluation and ranking information. When that transfer of information is successful, the applicant must only provide information regarding any modifications to the project description that is already included in the application rather than providing an additional complete project description.
NR 162.05 NoteNote: Under s. NR 162.04 (2) (om), the CWFP shall not provide any financial assistance for a project if construction costs are not included as part of the project costs to be funded by the CWFP, with the exception of certain situations in which other funding sources are also participating in the financing of the project or the project is the purchase of a package wastewater treatment plant or solely the purchase of equipment in a phase of a multi-phase project.
NR 162.05(4)(d)(d) Items or information for compliance with federal regulations identified by the department in the online application system as required for a complete application; these items may include documentation of compliance with wage rate laws, completed federal forms, and information regarding green project components, cost and effectiveness of the project, or procuring American-made products for use in the project.
NR 162.05(4)(e)(e) A copy of each executed engineering contract and any associated existing contract amendments for planning and design of the project if funds are requested for planning and design in the application project budget.
NR 162.05(4)(f)(f) A copy of each executed engineering contract and any associated contract amendments for construction management if funds are requested for construction management in the application project budget and the contract or amendment is available at the time of application submittal.
NR 162.05(4)(g)(g) A copy of each executed non-engineering professional services contract related to the project and any associated amendments if funds are requested in the application project budget for services included in the contract and the contract or amendment is available at the time of application submittal.
NR 162.05(4)(h)(h) A proposed or an executed intermunicipal agreement for each municipality served by the project when 2 or more municipalities utilize shared or interconnected wastewater treatment works. This paragraph does not apply to a metropolitan sewerage district in which all municipalities being served have been annexed into the sewerage district or to a situation in which the intermunicipal exception established in sub. (5) has been met. This paragraph does apply to biosolids or other treatment facilities when the applicant has ownership in the facility or has purchased capacity in the facility. Prior to receiving financial assistance, the applicant shall ensure that each required intermunicipal agreement does all of the following that are applicable to the project:
NR 162.05(4)(h)1.1. Identify ownership for each individual portion of the wastewater treatment works, including wastewater treatment plants, interceptors, sewage collection systems, lift stations, biosolids facilities, and privately-owned treatment works.
NR 162.05(4)(h)2.2. Establish the term of the intermunicipal agreement unless it is effective in perpetuity. If the intermunicipal agreement is new or being negotiated specifically for the project for which financial assistance is being requested, the term shall be for at least the term of the loan. If there is an existing intermunicipal agreement in place that meets the requirements of this paragraph but expires during the term of the loan, the municipality shall renegotiate or extend the existing agreement prior to the end of its term and maintain the intermunicipal agreement throughout the term of the loan.
NR 162.05(4)(h)3.3. Demonstrate the basis for generating revenue for operation, maintenance, and replacement costs based on actual use or another equitable method, and state the parties that are responsible for paying these charges.
NR 162.05(4)(h)4.4. Indicate the method for generating revenue for capital costs and indicate who is responsible for payment.
NR 162.05(4)(h)5.5. Indicate that the owner of the regional facility shall accept the applicant’s wastewater and identify the boundary from which the applicant’s discharge originates.
NR 162.05(4)(i)(i) Financial information required by DOA to be used in determining the affordability of the proposed project, the financial capability of the municipality, and the adequacy of the pledge of revenues to repay the obligation securing the proposed financial assistance.
NR 162.05(4)(j)(j) A copy of the existing user charge system and sewer use ordinance, and information regarding the proposed user charge system and sewer use ordinance if they are new or if the existing user charge system or sewer use ordinance will be revised for the CWFP project.
NR 162.05(4)(k)(k) Any existing or proposed contracts with users of the wastewater treatment works.
NR 162.05(4)(L)(L) Documentation applicable to U.S. internal revenue service tax information as indicated in the department’s online application system.
NR 162.05(4)(m)(m) A resolution declaring intent to reimburse municipal accounts with financial assistance proceeds that meets the requirements established in U.S. treasury reimbursement regulations 26 CFR 1.150-2.
NR 162.05(4)(n)(n) A copy of the debt instrument of any interim debt to be refinanced with CWFP financial assistance.
NR 162.05(4)(o)(o) A completed design life calculation worksheet if the applicant at the time of application requests or is interested in a loan term that is greater than 20 years. All of the following apply to applicants requesting a loan term greater than 20 years:
NR 162.05(4)(o)1.1. An applicant requesting a loan term greater than 20 years shall pledge system revenues to secure the CWFP loan.
NR 162.05(4)(o)2.2. A loan term greater than 20 years is not available for projects for which the applicant pledges general obligation bonds to secure the loan.
NR 162.05 NoteNote: The design life calculation worksheet is an excel spreadsheet that is available on the department’s website at