AB50,621,146(b) Whenever the proposed operations of an authority would be competitive 7with the operations of a common carrier in existence prior to the time the authority 8commences operations, the authority shall coordinate proposed operations with the 9common carrier to eliminate adverse financial impact for the carrier. This 10coordination may include route overlapping, transfers, transfer points, schedule 11coordination, joint use of facilities, lease of route service, and acquisition of route 12and corollary equipment. If this coordination does not result in mutual agreement, 13the proposals of the authority and the common carrier shall be submitted to the 14department of transportation for arbitration. AB50,621,1715(c) In exercising its powers under sub. (4), an authority shall consider any 16plan of a metropolitan planning organization under 23 USC 134 that covers any 17portion of the authority’s jurisdictional area. AB50,621,2218(6) Authority obligations to employees of mass transportation 19systems. (a) An authority acquiring a comprehensive unified local transportation 20system for the purpose of the authority’s operation of the system shall assume all of 21the employer’s obligations under any contract between the employees and 22management of the system to the extent allowed by law. AB50,622,1023(b) An authority acquiring, constructing, controlling, or operating a
1comprehensive unified local transportation system shall negotiate an agreement 2with the representative of the labor organization that covers the employees affected 3by the acquisition, construction, control, or operation to protect the interests of 4employees affected. This agreement shall include all of the provisions identified in 5s. 59.58 (4) (b) 1. to 8. and may include provisions identified in s. 59.58 (4) (c). An 6affected employee has all the rights and the same status under subch. IV of ch. 111 7that he or she enjoyed immediately before the acquisition, construction, control, or 8operation and may not be required to serve a probationary period if he or she 9attained permanent status before the acquisition, construction, control, or 10operation. AB50,622,1211(c) In all negotiations under this subsection, a senior executive officer of the 12authority shall be a member of the authority’s negotiating body. AB50,622,1713(7) Bonds; generally. (a) An authority may issue bonds, the principal and 14interest on which are payable exclusively from all or a portion of any revenues 15received by the authority. The authority may secure its bonds by a pledge of any 16income or revenues from any operations, rent, aids, grants, subsidies, 17contributions, or other source of moneys whatsoever. AB50,622,1918(b) An authority may issue bonds in such principal amounts as the authority 19deems necessary. AB50,622,2220(c) 1. Neither the members of the board of directors of an authority nor any 21person executing the bonds is personally liable on the bonds by reason of the 22issuance of the bonds. AB50,623,4232. The bonds of an authority are not a debt of the participating political
1subdivisions. Neither the participating political subdivisions nor the state are 2liable for the payment of the bonds. The bonds of any authority shall be payable 3only out of funds or properties of the authority. The bonds of the authority shall 4state the restrictions contained in this paragraph on the face of the bonds. AB50,623,155(8) Issuance of bonds. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be authorized by 6resolution of the board of directors. The bonds may be issued under such a 7resolution or under a trust indenture or other security instrument. The bonds may 8be issued in one or more series and may be in the form of coupon bonds or registered 9bonds under s. 67.09. The bonds shall bear the dates, mature at the times, bear 10interest at the rates, be in the denominations, have the rank or priority, be executed 11in the manner, be payable in the medium of payment and at the places, and be 12subject to the terms of redemption, with or without premium, as the resolution, 13trust indenture, or other security instrument provides. Bonds of an authority are 14issued for an essential public and governmental purpose and are public 15instrumentalities and, together with interest and income, are exempt from taxes. AB50,623,1716(b) The authority may sell the bonds at public or private sales at the price or 17prices determined by the authority. AB50,623,2118(c) If an officer whose signatures appear on any bonds or coupons ceases to be 19an officer of the authority before the delivery of the bonds or coupons, the officer’s 20signature shall, nevertheless, be valid for all purposes as if the officer had remained 21in office until delivery of the bonds or coupons. AB50,623,2322(9) Covenants. An authority may do all of the following in connection with 23the issuance of bonds: AB50,624,1
1(a) Covenant as to the use of any or all of its property, real or personal. AB50,624,32(b) Redeem the bonds, or covenant for the redemption of the bonds, and 3provide the terms and conditions of the redemption. AB50,624,104(c) Covenant as to charge fees, rates, rents, and charges sufficient to meet 5operating and maintenance expenses, renewals, and replacements of any 6transportation system, principal and debt service on bonds creation and 7maintenance of any reserves required by a bond resolution, trust indenture, or 8other security instrument and to provide for any margins or coverages over and 9above debt service on the bonds that the board of directors considers desirable for 10the marketability of the bonds. AB50,624,1511(d) Covenant as to the events of default on the bonds and the terms and 12conditions upon which the bonds shall become or may be declared due before 13maturity, as to the terms and conditions upon which this declaration and its 14consequences may be waived, and as to the consequences of default and the 15remedies of bondholders. AB50,624,1816(e) Covenant as to the mortgage or pledge of, or the grant of a security interest 17in, any real or personal property and all or any part of the revenues of the authority 18to secure the payment of bonds, subject to any agreements with the bondholders. AB50,624,2119(f) Covenant as to the custody, collection, securing, investment, and payment 20of any revenues, assets, moneys, funds, or property with respect to which the 21authority may have any rights or interest. AB50,625,222(g) Covenant as to the purposes to which the proceeds from the sale of any
1bonds may be applied, and as to the pledge of such proceeds to secure the payment 2of the bonds. AB50,625,53(h) Covenant as to limitations on the issuance of any additional bonds, the 4terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured, and the refunding 5of outstanding bonds. AB50,625,76(i) Covenant as to the rank or priority of any bonds with respect to any lien or 7security. AB50,625,118(j) Covenant as to the procedure by which the terms of any contract with or for 9the benefit of the holders of bonds may be amended or abrogated, the amount of 10bonds, the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner in which such 11consent may be given. AB50,625,1412(k) Covenant as to the custody and safekeeping of any of its properties or 13investments, the insurance to be carried on the property or investments, and the 14use and disposition of insurance proceeds. AB50,625,1715(L) Covenant as to the vesting in one or more trustees, within or outside the 16state, of those properties, rights, powers, and duties in trust as the authority 17determines. AB50,625,2018(m) Covenant as to the appointing of, and providing for the duties and 19obligations of, one or more paying agent or other fiduciaries within or outside the 20state. AB50,625,2321(n) Make all other covenants and do any act that may be necessary or 22convenient or desirable in order to secure its bonds or, in the absolute discretion of 23the authority, tend to make the bonds more marketable. AB50,626,4
1(o) Execute all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the 2powers granted under this section or in the performance of covenants or duties, 3which may contain such covenants and provisions as a purchaser of the bonds of the 4authority may reasonably require. AB50,626,165(10) Refunding bonds. An authority may issue refunding bonds for the 6purpose of paying any of its bonds at or prior to maturity or upon acceleration or 7redemption. An authority may issue refunding bonds at such time prior to the 8maturity or redemption of the refunded bonds as the authority deems to be in the 9public interest. The refunding bonds may be issued in sufficient amounts to pay or 10provide the principal of the bonds being refunded, together with any redemption 11premium on the bonds, any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of payment of 12the bonds, the expenses of issue of the refunding bonds, the expenses of redeeming 13the bonds being refunded, and such reserves for debt service or other capital or 14current expenses from the proceeds of such refunding bonds as may be required by 15the resolution, trust indenture, or other security instruments. To the extent 16applicable, refunding bonds are subject to subs. (8) and (9).