The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB20,1 3Section 1 . DCF 52.59 (9) (a) 2. of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,2,34 DCF 52.59 (9) (a) 2. Staff shall have respite care training designed around the
5specific needs of individuals for which care is provided, such as autism, epilepsy,
6cerebral palsy and mental retardation intellectual disabilities. As part of this
7training, staff who have not already had some experience working with the type of

1individual to be cared for shall have at least 8 hours of supervised experience by
2someone who is knowledgeable in working with the type of individual or more than
38 hours if necessary to ensure the provision of competent care.
AB20,2 4Section 2. DHS 10.13 (3) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,2,105 DHS 10.13 (3) “Adult protective services" means protective services for
6mentally retarded individuals with intellectual disabilities and other
7developmentally disabled persons, for aged infirm persons, for chronically mentally
8ill persons and for persons
developmental disabilities, for individuals with
9infirmities of aging, for individuals with chronic mental illness, and for individuals

10with other like incapacities incurred at any age as defined in s. 55.02, Stats.
AB20,3 11Section 3. DHS 10.13 (16) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,2,1912 DHS 10.13 (16) “Developmental disability" means a disability attributable to
13brain injury, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, Prader-Willi syndrome, mental
intellectual disability, or another neurological condition closely related
15to mental retardation intellectual disability or requiring treatment similar to that
16required for mental retardation intellectual disability, that has continued or can be
17expected to continue indefinitely and constitutes a substantial handicap to the
18afflicted individual. “Developmental disability" does not include senility that is
19primarily caused by the process of aging or the infirmities of aging.
AB20,4 20Section 4. Chapter DHS 15 (title) of the administrative code is amended to
AB20,3,3 22CHAPTER DHS 15

2 IN
AB20,5 4Section 5. DHS 15.01 of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,3,10 5DHS 15.01 Authority and purpose. This chapter is promulgated under the
6authority of s. 50.14 (5) (b), Stats., to establish procedures and other requirements
7necessary for levying and collecting the monthly assessment imposed under s. 50.14
8(2), Stats., on all licensed beds in intermediate care facilities for the mentally
9retarded (ICF-MR)
individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF-IID) and nursing
10homes, except facilities that are located outside the state.
AB20,6 11Section 6. DHS 15.02 (4), (5) and (7) of the administrative code are amended
12to read:
AB20,3,1313 DHS 15.02 (4) “Facility" means an ICF-MR ICF-IID or nursing home.
AB20,3,16 14(5)ICF-MR ICF-IID" or “intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded
15individuals with intellectual disabilities" means a facility or distinct part of a facility
16defined under 42 USC 1396d (d) and regulated under ch. DHS 134.
AB20,3,18 17(7) “Nursing home" has the meaning prescribed under s. 50.01 (3), Stats.,
18except that it does not include an ICF-MR ICF-IID.
AB20,7 19Section 7. DHS 15.04 (2) (c) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,3,2320 DHS 15.04 (2) (c) In a facility having some beds that are licensed as ICF-MR
21ICF-IID beds and some beds that are licensed as nursing home beds, separate
22calculations shall be performed for the ICF-MR ICF-IID beds and for the nursing
23home beds.
AB20,8 24Section 8. DHS 61.022 (5) of the administrative code is amended to read:
1DHS 61.022 (5) “Developmental disability" means a disability attributable to
2mental retardation intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism or another
3neurologic condition closely related to mental retardation intellectual disability or
4requiring treatment similar to that required for mental retardation intellectual
, which has continued or can be expected to continue indefinitely and
6constitutes a substantial handicap to the afflicted individual. Developmental
7disability does not include senility, which is primarily caused by the process of aging
8or the infirmities of aging.
AB20,9 9Section 9. DHS 61.022 (9) of the administrative code is renumbered DHS
1061.022 (7m) and amended to read:
AB20,4,1311 DHS 61.022 (7m)Mental retardation Intellectual disability" means
12subaverage general intellectual functioning which that originates during the
13developmental period and is associated with impairment in adaptive behavior.
AB20,10 14Section 10. DHS 61.022 (10) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,4,1615 DHS 61.022 (10) “Neurologic conditions" means disease states which require
16treatment similar to that required for mental retardation intellectual disabilities.
AB20,11 17Section 11. DHS 61.43 (1) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,4,2018 DHS 61.43 (1) Personnel. There shall be an administrator and staff as
19required under ch. DHS 134, and federal standards regulating intermediate care
20facilities for the mentally retarded individuals with intellectual disabilities.
AB20,12 21Section 12. DHS 61.43 (2) (a) of the administrative code is amended to read:
AB20,4,2422 DHS 61.43 (2) (a) Program requirements shall comply with appropriate
23sections of ch. DHS 134, and federal standards regulating intermediate care
24facilities for the mentally retarded individuals with intellectual disabilities.
AB20,13 25Section 13. DHS 61.70 (1) (b) of the administrative code is amended to read: