SB45,572,131360.565 (1) (title) Services.
SB45,109514Section 1095. 60.565 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,572,171560.565 (1) (b) The town board may contract for or maintain emergency
16medical services for the town. If the town board contracts for emergency medical
17services, it may contract with one or more providers.
SB45,109618Section 1096. 60.565 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,572,201960.565 (2) Funding. (a) The town board may determine and charge a
20reasonable fee for ambulance services provided under sub. (1) (a).
SB45,572,2221(b) The town board may do any of the following for the purpose of funding
22emergency medical services under sub. (1) (b):
SB45,572,23231. Appropriate money.
12. Charge property owners a fee for the cost of emergency medical services
2provided to their property according to a written schedule established by the town
SB45,573,443. Levy taxes on the entire town.
SB45,573,654. Levy taxes on property served by a particular source of emergency medical
6services, to support the source of emergency medical services.
SB45,10977Section 1097. 61.187 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,573,22861.187 (2) (d) If, in accordance with par. (a), the results of the election under
9sub. (1) provide for dissolution, the village clerk shall, within 10 days after the
10election, record the petition and determination of the village board of canvassers in
11the office of the register of deeds of the county or counties in which the village is
12located and file with the secretary of administration certified copies of the petition
13and the determination of inspectors of election. The village clerk shall also record
14in the office of the register of deeds a certificate by the village clerk showing the
15date on which the dissolution takes effect and file with the secretary of
16administration 4 copies one copy of the certificate. These documents shall be
17recorded and indexed by the register of deeds. The index shall include the
18document number of the original documents and, if given on the original
19documents, the volume or reel and the page or image number where the original
20documents are filed or recorded. The secretary of administration shall forward 2
21copies one copy of the certificate to the department of transportation and one to the
22department of revenue.
SB45,109823Section 1098. 61.189 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
161.189 (2) The election shall be noticed and conducted and the result
2canvassed and certified as in the case of regular village elections and the village
3clerk shall immediately file with the secretary of administration 4 copies one copy
4of a certification certifying the fact of holding such election and the result thereof
5and a description of the legal boundaries of such village or proposed city and 4 one
6certified copies copy of a plat scale map thereof; and thereupon a certificate of
7incorporation shall be issued to such city by the secretary of administration. Two
8copies One copy of the certification and plat scale map shall be forwarded by the
9secretary of administration to the department of transportation and one copy to the
10department of revenue. Thereafter such city shall in all things be governed by the
11general city charter law. All debts, obligations and liabilities existing against such
12village at the time of such change shall continue and become like debts, obligations
13and liabilities against such city, and such city may carry out and complete all
14proceedings then pending for the issue of bonds for improvements therein.
SB45,109915Section 1099. 62.90 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 62.90 (8) (b) and
16amended to read:
SB45,575,41762.90 (8) (b) Beginning January 1, 2024, the school board of the 1st class city
18school district that is located in the 1st class city shall ensure that not fewer than 25
19school resource officers are present at schools within the school district during
20normal school hours and that school resource officers are available during before-
21school and after-school care, extracurricular activities, and sporting events as
22needed. In addition, beginning January 1, 2024, the school board of the 1st class
23city school district that is located in the 1st class city shall ensure that the school
24resource officers complete the 40-hour course sponsored by the National Association

1of School Resource Officers. Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, the school board
2of the 1st class city school district that is located in the 1st class city shall consider
3the statistics it receives under s. 118.124 (3) (a) when deciding at which schools to
4place school resource officers required under this subsection.
SB45,575,75(c) 1. The 1st class city school district and the 1st class city shall agree to an
6apportionment of apportion the costs of meeting the requirements of this
7subsection. as follows:
SB45,575,88(a) In this subsection, law:
SB45,575,1391. Law enforcement officer means a person who is employed by the state or
10a political subdivision of the state for the purpose of detecting and preventing crime
11and enforcing laws or ordinances and who is authorized to make arrests for
12violations of the laws or ordinances that the person is employed to enforce, and
SB45,575,17143. School resource officer means a law enforcement officer who is deployed
15in community-oriented policing and assigned by the law enforcement agency, as
16defined in s. 165.83 (1) (b), that employs him or her to work in a full-time capacity in
17collaboration with a school district.
SB45,110018Section 1100. 62.90 (8) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,575,191962.90 (8) (a) 2. School day has the meaning given in s. 115.01 (10).
SB45,110120Section 1101. 62.90 (8) (c) 1. a. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,576,22162.90 (8) (c) 1. a. For the costs of meeting the requirements of this subsection
22on school days, to the 1st class city school district 25 percent of the costs or
23$400,000, whichever is greater, and the remainder to the 1st class city. Beginning

1in the 2026-27 school year, the maximum amount that may be apportioned to the
21st class city school district is $400,000.
SB45,11023Section 1102. 62.90 (8) (c) 1. b. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,576,5462.90 (8) (c) 1. b. For the costs of meeting the requirements of this subsection
5on days other than school days, 100 percent of the costs to the 1st class city.
SB45,11036Section 1103. 62.90 (8) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,576,13762.90 (8) (c) 2. For school years beginning after July 1, 2027, the maximum
8dollar amount apportioned to the 1st class city school district under subd. 1. a. shall
9be increased each year by a percentage equal to the percentage change between the
10U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the month
11of August of the previous year and the U.S. consumer price index for all urban
12consumers, U.S. city average, for the month of August 2025, as determined by the
13federal department of labor.
SB45,110414Section 1104. 66.0101 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: