343.12(7)(a)1.1. Reckless driving under s. 346.62.
343.12(7)(a)2.2. Operating a motor vehicle while operating privileges are suspended or revoked or while the operator is disqualified under s. 343.44 (1) (a), (b), or (d).
343.12(7)(a)3.3. Second-degree reckless homicide under s. 940.06 if the offense results from the operation of a motor vehicle.
343.12(7)(a)4.4. Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle under s. 940.09 (1).
343.12(7)(a)5.5. Homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle under s. 940.10.
343.12(7)(a)6.6. Injury by intoxicated use of a vehicle under s. 940.25 (1).
343.12(7)(a)7.7. Causing injury by operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug under s. 346.63 (2).
343.12(7)(a)8.8. Causing injury by operating a commercial motor vehicle with a prohibited alcohol concentration under s. 346.63 (6).
343.12(7)(a)9.9. Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant or other drug or with a prohibited alcohol concentration under s. 346.63 (1).
343.12(7)(a)10.10. Operating a commercial motor vehicle with a prohibited alcohol concentration under s. 346.63 (5).
343.12(7)(a)11.11. Operating a motor vehicle while under the legal drinking age with a prohibited alcohol concentration under s. 346.63 (2m).
343.12(7)(a)12.12. Failure to stop and render assistance at the scene of a motor vehicle accident under s. 346.67 (1) (c).
343.12(7)(a)13.13. Fleeing from or attempting to elude a traffic officer under s. 346.04 (3).
343.12(7)(a)14.14. Operating a commercial motor vehicle or being on duty time while having any alcohol concentration, within 4 hours of consuming alcohol or being intoxicated, or while possessing alcohol under s. 346.63 (7) (a) if the applicant has been previously convicted of any offense under s. 346.63 (7) (a) or any local ordinance in conformity with s. 346.63 (7) (a) or any federal law or law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state or law of another jurisdiction that would be a violation of s. 346.63 (7) (a) if the applicant had committed the offense in this state and been convicted of the offense under the laws of this state.
343.12(7)(b)(b) Notwithstanding ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the department may not issue or renew a school bus endorsement if, within 2 years immediately preceding the date of application, the applicant has had his or her operating privilege revoked under s. 343.305 (10) for refusal to submit to chemical testing or has been convicted in another jurisdiction or had his or her operating privilege in another jurisdiction suspended or revoked under any law of that jurisdiction prohibiting refusal of chemical testing that is comparable to s. 343.305.
343.12(7)(c)(c) Notwithstanding ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, the department may not issue or renew a school bus endorsement if, within the time period specified by the department by rule but not less than 5 years immediately preceding the date of application, the applicant has been convicted of a violation of any of the following state laws or any local ordinance in conformity with any of the following state laws or any federal law or law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state or law of another jurisdiction that would be a violation of any of the following state laws if the person had committed the offense in this state and been convicted of the offense under the laws of this state:
343.12(7)(c)1.1. First-degree intentional homicide under s. 940.01.
343.12(7)(c)2.2. First-degree reckless homicide under s. 940.02.
343.12(7)(c)3.3. Felony murder under s. 940.03.
343.12(7)(c)4.4. Second-degree intentional homicide under s. 940.05.
343.12(7)(c)5.5. Assisting suicide under s. 940.12.
343.12(7)(c)6.6. Felony battery under s. 940.19 (2), (4), (5), or (6).
343.12(7)(c)7.7. Sexual exploitation by a therapist under s. 940.22 (2).
343.12(7)(c)8.8. Felony sexual assault under s. 940.225 (1), (2), or (3).
343.12(7)(c)9.9. Abuse of a vulnerable adult under circumstances constituting a felony under s. 940.285 (2).
343.12(7)(c)9j.9j. Physical abuse of an elder person under s. 940.198 (2).
343.12(7)(c)10.10. Abuse of a resident of a penal facility under s. 940.29.
343.12(7)(c)11.11. Abuse or neglect of a patient or resident under circumstances constituting a felony under s. 940.295.
343.12(7)(c)11m.11m. Trafficking under s. 940.302 (2) if s. 940.302 (2) (a) 1. b. applies.